Tag: russia
Following Veto US Pledges To Act Outside The Security Council
RUSSIA and China on Thursday vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that threatened sanctions against Syria and President Bashar al-Assad if he...
Russia & China Use Veto Over Syria
RUSSIA and China yesterday vetoed a UK-US UN Security Council resolution threatening the Syrian government with sanctions and regime change. The vote came a...
US-UK Backed Terrorists Bomb Damascus
SYRIA’S deputy defence minister Assef Shawkat and security Chief General Hisham Ikhtiyar have been killed in a bomb attack on a security building in...
Nationalise The Banks Jail The Bankers
THE capitalist media has been forced, in recent days, to reveal some of the misdoings of the great banks that stand astride the...
Syrian People Stand Fast Against Western-Backed Terrorists
SYRIAN authorities on Monday clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Zyara area in Idleb, state news agency SANA reported. A source at the Province...
Clinton threatens ‘catastrophic assault’ on the Syrian state!
THE ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting in Paris on Friday saw the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, frantically beating the war drums against Syria,...
THE Palestinian leadership agreed on Saturday to call on the UN Security Council for an urgent meeting on Israel’s settlement expansion on Palestinian land. The...
Syrian Armed Gangs Reject Annan Plan
TURKEY scrambled six F-16 fighter jets near its border with Syria yesterday afternoon after Syrian helicopters came close to the border, but...
Hands off Syria – its people must decide its future
THE Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has reiterated that the sole way to resolve Syria’s current crisis is through a ‘national model’. He added: ‘What...
Hands Off Syria – Forward to World Revolution
THE imperialist military alliance, NATO, meets today at the request of Turkey which will be invoking Article 4 of its treaty which covers threats...
Lavrov Calls Cameron A Liar
MOSCOW – In an interview to the Ekho Moskvy radio station as part of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov...
Egyptian Revolution Set To Leap Forward
THE Egyptian revolution moved into a decisive stage yesterday with the announcement by the election committee overseeing the recent final run-off for president that...
We Are Approachng A Moment Of Truth Says Osborne
KARL MARX was able to show that one of the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist system was the conflict between the need of the...
Syrian opposition demands a no-fly zone!
THE announcement that the western and Saudi-Qatari backed ‘opposition’ in Syria is no longer committed to the UN Security Council-backed Annan ceasefire comes as...
Dire warnings for Europe!
BILLIONAIRE financial speculator George Soros warned yesterday that the German economy is going to totter in the Autumn, when the crisis will ‘come to...
Clinton, Hague beat war drums over Syria
YESTERDAY US and UK diplomats were foaming at the mouth over an alleged massacre by the Syrian armed forces of men women and...
Imperialism Risks Armageddon in Gulf
The news this week, that the army and security services have informed government ministers that there is a ‘25% to 50% chance’ that there...
Merkel Angers Greek Parties
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s telephone call to the Greek President Karolos Papoulias last Friday, when she asked for a referendum to be held on...
Crocodile Tears At The Security Council Over Syria!
THE UN Security Council has condemned the truck bomb attacks that killed at least 55 people and wounded almost 400 in the Syrian capital,...
Time To Get Rid Of Capitalism
MAY DAY STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE Editorial Board of the News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the workers of the...
Free Bradley Manning – The Exposer Of Imperialist Secret Diplomacy!
A MILITARY judge is expected to rule shortly on a request to dismiss all charges against the US soldier Bradley Manning, accused of passing...
‘PIRAPAHARAN – the the Embodiment of the Tamils’ Struggle’
THE much anticipated ‘Pirapaharan – Tamizhar Ezhuchchiyin Vadivam’ (Pirapaharan – The Embodiment of The Tamils’ Struggle) written by veteran Tamil Nadu political activist Pazha...
Turkey And Iran Being Driven Into Conflict Over Syria!
A Turkish newspaper discussing the conflict emerging with Syria has urged restraint to avoid confrontation with Iran. Yeni Safak said: ‘Have you realised that Tehran’s...
Hands Off Syria – Smash The Gulf Feudal Regimes
THE Syrian government has informed the UN envoy, Kofi Annan, that it will respect the cease fire agreement that it is a party to,...
Syrian forces seek to begin their withdrawal
FRESH clashes broke out in Syria yesterday as the Syrian army attempted to withdraw its heavy weaponry from around several cities, while the ‘opposition’...
EU rights court sends UK citizens to US ‘supermax’ prisons!
THE European Court of Human Rights has backed the extradition of five men from the UK to the US which intends to put them...
Russian car workers win union recognition
Benteler car workers in Kaluga, Russia, to the south west of Moscow, have won their strike over recognition of their union. On April 2...
Tory Big Brother will be spying on everybody!
THE News International empire’s phone hacking and spying, and the way that it sought to regulate the government and bend the police force to...
Nuclear Terrorists Attend Seoul Summit
A WORLD leaders summit in Seoul on nuclear security has called for closer co-operation to tackle the threat of nuclear terrorism. President Obama warned there...
Break The Blockade Of Gaza!
GAZA is being reduced from a massive prison for the Palestinian people to one in which they are homeless, jobless, and beginning to go...
Workers, Students, Youth Discussing ‘Whither Egypt?’
The Pipeline in Egypt that supplies Israel with gas was bombed last Monday for the 13th time since the overthrow of former president Hosni...
Netanyahu ready to strike Iran, while McCain calls to bomb Syria
ISRAEL, which has several hundred nuclear bombs, has issued a warning that it will not wait much longer before it strikes Iran, which has...
Hold Criminal Governments To Account, Says Cameron
UK Prime Minister David Cameron called for the ‘criminal’ Syrian government to be held to account, and threatened Syria’s people that there would be...
Hague recognises Syrian opposition while Qatar and Saudis supply the...
The ‘Friends of Syria Conference’ in Tunis has seen the representatives of the United States and the UK, Clinton and Hague, laying into Russia...
Palestinian University Workers Into Third Day Of Strike Action
Employees in public universities and colleges in the West Bank and Gaza Strip entered the third day of a strike on Wednesday. Head of the...
THEIR MORALS AND OURS ‘The welfare of the revolution – that...
YET when we look around us now, what is there to see but a world where the epoch-making events of just a year ago...
After one year of the Libyan slaughter – Forward to Damascus...
THE Libyan people are being told that they must celebrate the first anniversary of the ‘revolution’ (in fact, counter-revolution) that has destroyed their country,...
US imperialism is determined to step up its intervention into...
PLANNING for military intervention by the imperialist powers into Syria, to overthrow the regime of president Assad, was stepped up this week with growing...
Furious Hague threatens to recognise the Syrian opposition as the government!
RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is in Syria for talks with President Bashar al-Assad. He was cheered by tens of thousands of pro-Assad...
Israel Planning Iran April Strike
US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta believes there is a ‘strong likelihood’ that Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear installations this spring, the Washington Post said...
Palestinians throw shoes at UN chief Ban!
DOZENS of people threw shoes and stones at UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s convoy as it entered the Gaza Strip on Thursday. Many of those...
UK readying for war in the Gulf
THE West’s escalation of its onslaught on Iran could see Britain sending military reinforcements to the Gulf shortly, following the passage of HMS Argyll...
RUSSIAN Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev spoke on Thursday about the situation surrounding Iran and Syria, and the United States. He said: ‘The US would...
Russia resisting regime change in Syria!
RUSSIA said yesterday that it strongly disagreed with changes to its draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria made by the western imperialist powers. ‘Unfortunately,...
China responds to Obama!
CHINA’S state media have responded to Barak Obama’s Pentagon announcement that the US is turning its back on the North Atlantic, and therefore...