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Workers And Students Must Organise General Strikes To Smash Tories &...

NEARLY three dozen Palestinian civilians, including women and children, have already been murdered by Israeli military forces bombing various neighbourhoods in Rafah in the...

Emergency demonstration in support of Palestine held in Whitehall opposite Downing...

AN EMERGENCY demonstration in support of Palestine against the Israeli military operation in Rafah was held in Whitehall opposite Downing Street on Tuesday night. More...

United Autoworkers Union strike authorisation vote this week!

The UAW (United Autoworkers Union) which represents over 48,000 graduate student workers in the University of California system, will hold a strike authorisation vote...

‘We’re here to stop the genocide!’ say UCL occupiers

AROUND 50 students have occupied the entrance on the forecourt of University College London (UCL) since last Friday in protest at Israeli genocide in...

South African NUM has threatened mass strikes over planned sackings!

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in South Africa has threatened mass strikes against the mining sector over planned sackings. Several mining companies have issued...

Hundreds of New York City police invade Columbia University campus

HUNDREDS of New York City police officers entered the Columbia University campus on Tuesday evening, taking many people into custody, in the latest escalation...

Student uprising spreads from US to UK and Europe – It...

THE explosive eruption of students in America against the genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza, with the full support of the capitalist...

Students begin occupying UK universities in support of Palestinian Revolution!

PRO-Palestinian students have occupied several university campuses in the UK, to protest against the Israeli war on Gaza. Students in Leeds, Newcastle, Bristol, Sheffield, Manchester,...

‘General strike for Palestine!’ – urges London May Day march

OVER 5,000 workers, trade unionists and youth marched from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on May Day yesterday. ‘General strike for Palestine’, chanted the Workers...

US Riot Police Storm The Universities – Time For Workers Everywhere...

HUNDREDS of police officers in riot gear have arrested pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University, after the university authorities requested that they ‘clear all individuals’...

UK complicity in Sudan war

Statement issued on Monday from the London for Sudan community organisation: National Call for Action: UK Complicity and Lack of Media Attention Protest for Sudan LONDON...

Bangladesh workers rally for safety at work! – millions facing deadly...

Remembering dead and injured workers on Sunday April 28, food and agricultural unions in Bangladesh demonstrated demanding protection of workers’ health and safety as...

The Workers Of The World do Support Palestine – Now...

TENS of thousands marched through central London on Saturday reiterating their calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for the UK to stop arming...

‘UK must stop funding the Israeli terrorist state’ – Hyde Park...

The first speaker at the rally in Hyde Park was Lujain Abdullah from the Palestinian Forum in Britain, who said: ‘It’s the 29th week...

200,000 March For Victory To Palestine

A HUGE 200,000-strong march of workers, students and youth went from Parliament Square to Hyde Park on Saturday, the 13th National demonstration for Palestine...

Follow the lead of US workers and youth! Force the TUC...

FROM Los Angeles to New York, Austin to Boston, Chicago to Atlanta, American students and faculty members at major US universities have risen up...


THE Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on the 200th day of the Israeli genocide in Gaza on Tuesday the Israeli military is planning...

Students across the US rise up against genocidal war in Gaza...

STUDENTS across America have risen up against the barbaric genocidal war being waged by Israel in Gaza and in support of Palestine in a...

University of Maryland students denounce Gaza genocide & demonstrate for Palestine!

STUDENTS at the University of Maryland on Wednesday joined ongoing pro-Palestine campus protests across the US demanding their school cease doing business with military...

Pro-Palestine protests & occupations erupting across the USA

PRO-PALESTINE protests and occupations are sweeping universities across America, with students and lecturers demanding an end to US arms to Israel. The demonstrations, which started...


THE EU and the UN called for an official probe into mass graves at hospitals in Gaza, where hundreds of bodies have been discovered,...

International inquiry finds no basis for Israeli claims against UNRWA that...

IN JANUARY, the Israeli regime unleashed a propaganda campaign against UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East,...

TUC must call a general strike to bring down the Tories...

FACED with an £18 billion debt mountain, the privatised Thames Water company yesterday set out its survival plans that involve increasing bills to £627...

Gaza Freedom Flotilla to set sail!

A FLOTILLA of ships, carrying some 5,000 tons of food, drinking water, and medical aid, is expected to depart from Turkey in the coming...

Venezuelan President Maduro denounces US for not lifting economic sanctions!

Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan President, on Monday night denounced the United States which he stated has not complied with an agreement to lift economic sanctions...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

AFRICA BOILING! • Nigerian unions fight 300% energy price hike •...

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has warned the government against the proposed 300 per cent hike in the electricity tariff. On Monday, the NLC cautioned...

New sanctions on Russia are a signal for Ukraine not to...

NEW sanctions against Russia are a US signal to Ukraine not to negotiate an end to the war, Russia says. By introducing new sanctions against...

From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free!

First speaker at the rally in Parliament Square was Louise Regan, the chair of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who said: ‘Since October, Palestinians have...

‘From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free!’

MORE than 80,000 workers, students and youth marched through central London from Russell Square to Parliament Square on Saturday, chanting: ‘From the River to...

Israeli police storm funeral tent of Palestinian prisoner hero Walid Daqqa!

ISRAELI police stormed the funeral tent of Palestinian hero, writer and prisoner Walid Daqqa in the West Bank city of Baqa al-Gharbiya in Occupied...


THE International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague held preliminary hearings on Monday on the case filed on 1st March by Nicaragua against...

COSATU & CWU march in support of striking SABC & SAPO...

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and its affiliate, the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU) marched to the Treasury’s Head Office in Tshwane...

General Strike For Palestine!

YESTERDAY, on Al- Quds Day, thousands of people took to the streets of London in a powerful march orchestrated by the Justice for Palestine...

US trying to destabilise Venezuela before July election!

VLADIMIR Padrino López, the Venezuelan Defence Minister, has denounced what he has called a new US-backed attempt to destabilise the country before the Presidential...

General strike to bring down Tories to end arming Israeli genocide

YESTERDAY, Israeli troops pulled out of Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, after two weeks of brutal attacks that left behind a...

‘Every government, including the UK, must be made to boycott Israel’...

IN TRAFALGAR Square, the chairwoman introduced the 11th national demonstration for Freedom and Justice for Palestine on Saturday 30 March, as of special significance...

200,000 on London March for Palestine!

A HUGE rally of over 200,000 people marched from Russell Square to Trafalgar Square in London on Saturday 30th March, Palestinian Land Day, to...

Hague judges order Israel to guarantee the food supplies for Palestinians...

In a landmark ruling at The Hague, judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have unanimously ordered Israel to take immediate and effective...

UK and US trade unions must take general strike action to...

PALESTINIAN trade unions have issued a call on US labour to take concrete action against Israel’s genocidal attempt to smash the Palestinian people. In a...

US pro-Palestinian protesters rock Biden’s campaign and condemn him for...

PRO-PALESTINIAN protesters have disrupted president Joe Biden’s campaign speech in North Carolina by chanting slogans and protesting against his support for the crimes of...

Senegal’s Diomaye Faye wins the Presidency 2 weeks after release from...

Senegal’s 44-year-old opposition leader Bassirou Diomaye Faye was named the country’s next president on Tuesday morning, after winning the country’s presidential election on Sunday...

3,000 Boston University workers begin indefinite strike for pay, healthcare and...

The SEIU union that represents over 3,000 Boston University (BU) graduate student workers started an indefinite strike on Monday. The decision came a week after...

‘We live in a moment where everything is at stake’ –...

‘WE LIVE in a moment which feels like everything is at stake,’ Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) National President Mark Hancock told convention...

Imperialist powers are preparing for war with Russia by sending in...

ELEVEN people have been detained after an attack by Islamists at a Moscow concert hall that killed 137, the head of Russia’s Federal Security...