Tag: parliament
Rouhani Ready For ‘Serious And Substantive Talks’ With The West
NEW Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has expressed his country’s readiness to engage in ‘serious and substantive talks’ with the West over Iran’s nuclear issue. Rouhani...
CPSU suspends its election campaign
AUSTRALIA'S Community and Public Sector Union leaders voted on Monday to extend the suspension of all CPSU election campaigning. The union called for an urgent...
Greek Civil Servants Fight 15,000 Sackings
GREEK civil servants staged a one-day strike in the Athens area last Friday against the coalition government’s plan to sack some 15,000 ministries workers...
LONG-AWAITED amendments to Bangladesh’s Labour Act passed by the parliament last week fail to protect workers’ rights to freedom of association, falling well short...
Scandal-hit government steps up attack on unions
IN her speech to the annual Tolpuddle Martyr’s rally held last Sunday, TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady lambasted the coalition government over the Transparency...
US SECRETARY of State John Kerry said on Friday that Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will meet in Washington within ‘the next week or so’...
Athens Workers March & Defy Eu-Greek Junta
OVER 1,500 workers, militants, trade-unionists and youth marched through the Athens city centre to the Vouli (Greek parliament) on Thursday evening against the visit...
Greece On The Brink!
THE Greek working class has been pushed right to the brink of revolution this week with the passage of a bill in the Vouli...
50,000 MARCH IN ATHENS! – as part of one-day general strike
SOME 50,000 workers took part in two separated marches through the Athens city centre last Tuesday afternoon as part of the one-day general strike...
Crown Post Office Massive Strike Action
CROWN Post Office workers, all over the country walked out at 12.30pm sharp yesterday, in an effort to persuade the government to halt...
‘Special measures’ against NHS
ELEVEN NHS hospitals are being placed under special measures because of major failings, Health Secretary Hunt announced yesterday. Hunt said the trusts,...
McCluskey praises Miliband while Crow calls for a new Labour Party...
OVER a hundred thousand workers and youth took part in the Durham Miners Gala on Saturday and heard Unite’s McCluskey declare his allegiance...
Portuguese economic and political crisis reaches explosion point!
PORTUGAL’S borrowing costs have jumped to over 7%, meaning that it will shortly have to seek another IMF-EU bailout, by offering even more cuts...
‘We are putting up gallows for you’ – Greek workers tell...
THREE thousand workers staged a militant march through Athens on Thursday, despite temperatures of 40 degrees, demanding the overthrow of the government and an...
CWU proposes ‘not for dividend company’ – instead of organising...
THE CWU leadership is seeking to make a deal with the coalition over the terms and conditions of the privatisation of Royal Mail, when...
CWU is to be recognised for just three more years says...
BUSINESS Secretary Cable announced the government sell-off of Royal Mail through a flotation on the London Stock Exchange yesterday. Cable told parliament the pre-Christmas sale...
Greek Local Government Workers Occupy
SCORES of town halls in the metropolitan Athens-Piraeus area were being occupied by municipal workers on Wednesday morning following a decision by the POE-OTA...
Cable Prepares To Privatise!
DATES for the planned privatisation of Royal Mail before Christmas are expected to be announced in the House of Commons by Business Secretary Cable...
UK grants immunity to Israeli army chief
THE Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) on Tuesday condemned a decision by the United Kingdom to grant immunity to Israel’s army chief while...
‘The Obama administration is afraid of the people’ – Snowden
EDWARD SNOWDEN the former National Security Agency worker who blew the whistle on the US’s spying activities has been denied asylum by a host...
Greek government’s aim – to gag TV workers
ON June 11, the Greek coalition government took the unprecedented decision to close the national TV station in Athens and sack the workforce of...
Desperate Osborne swings the axe as the capitalist crisis deepens
IN HIS Spending Review of yesterday, drawn up at a time when the capitalist crisis is deepening, with inflation rising and the banks warning...
HEZBOLLAH’S deputy leader Shaykh Na’im Qasim said last Wednesday that his group had fought ‘with honour’ in Syria and had helped in the...
Forward to a workers government in Greece
THE workers’ occupation of the Greek State TV and Radio (ERT) has led to the collapse of the Greek tripartite government. Foris Kouvelis, the...
Call a general strike to overthrow Samaras! – demand Greek TV...
TENS of thousands of workers and youth mass day and night in the grounds around the occupied Greek State TV and Radio (ERT) building...
‘Overthrow dictatorship!’ – say Greek workers and soldiers
THE Greek State TV and Radio building in northern Athens has become a revolutionary centre of resistance against the parliamentary junta, imposed on Greece...
Hague, Cameron will join Obama’s war on Syria
PRIME MINISTER Cameron and Foreign Secretary Hague, despite the fact that the Tory cabinet and party are split on the issue, yesterday gave their...
The Spark That Started A Revolution!
OVER a million Greeks stopped work yesterday in a general strike while tens of thousands of Greek workers, unemployed and youth rallied in front...
Greece In Revolution!
TENS of thousands of Greek workers, youth and unemployed took part in a general strike rally yesterday in front of the occupied ERT (Greek...
‘Disabled rights and entitlements snatched away’
DISABLED People Against Cuts (DPAC) organised a lively demonstration near Parliament on Monday, to mark the 25th birthday of the Independent Living Fund, which...
Bedouins rally against Negev expulsions
PALESTINIAN Arab and Bedouin residents in the Negev announced Sunday that they would be rallying against a legislative proposal to be put before the...
Spooks fear revolution
THE Tory foreign secretary, William Hague, appeared on television yesterday morning to give a less than convincing pledge that ‘law abiding citizens’ have ‘nothing...
US-UK spying scandal – Hague to make statement
FOREIGN Secretary Hague yesterday refused to confirm or deny that GCHQ ‘circumvented the law’ to gather data on British citizens, only describing such claims...
Immigrant Children Held In Greek Jails!
ATHENS – Greek state officials delivered shocking reports on the treatment of immigrant children held in jails, at a meeting last Friday of the...
Miliband’s Labour saves Cameron government
ON MONDAY evening, Labour Party leader Miliband completely betrayed the interests of the working class, the youth and the majority of the middle class...
Greek Teachers Fight Conscription!
Over 15,000 teachers and their supporters responded to the call issued by the Executive of the State Secondary Teachers’ Trade Union OLME and staged...
SA: costly private care for privileged – second-rate care for everybody...
THE upcoming International Nurse’s Day in South Africa, on Sunday May 12, will see the life-saving profession hailed as quiet heroines and heroes who...
TORIES PLAY RACE CARD – as Queen’s Speech lashes workers
VICIOUS attacks on workers, especially immigrant workers, were at the centre of the Tory-LibDem Coalition’s Queen’s Speech delivered at the State...
£8.3bn wasted on expanding Academies – says MPs Public Accounts Committee
MPs on the Public Accounts Committee have been shocked by the £8.3 billion wasted on the expansion of privately-run Academy schools at the expense...
25,000 South African teachers march against Education Minister today!
OVER 25,000 striking teachers in the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) are taking to the streets today for a national march to the...
Only a revolution wIll halt the Bahrain grand prix
VERY heavy clashes between masses of anti-government protesters and the Bahraini security forces continued into last night, ahead of tomorrow’s F1 Grand Prix. The...
Major Privatisation Drive In North Of Ireland
UNISON has called on the Public Accounts Committee and the Assembly Health Committee to investigate the startling growth of private medicine funded out of...
Civil Servants Out Solid
Thousands of HM Revenue and Customs members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) took part in a half-day strike yesterday, coinciding with...
Palestinians rally to mark Land Day!
PALESTINIANS rallied across the West Bank and in Gaza on Saturday to commemorate Land Day. March 30 is commemorated every year because of a deadly...
THE Department of Health has published an 80-page response to the Francis report into the failings at Mid Staffs Hospital. This is called ‘Patients...