Tag: nhs
‘ON OUR WAY TO VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet workers
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were yesterday campaigning outside the Transport and General Workers Union regional office in Hillingdon, near Heathrow Airport. On Saturday the...
BLAIR IS DESTROYING THE NHS – Part One – The privatisation...
ANYONE who has made a careful reading of Department of Health documents (see footnote) and considered the implication of the legislation can only come...
ISRAEL BLOCKADES GAZA – and steps up assaults in the West...
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) last Saturday condemned as ‘unacceptable’ Israel’s threat to turn the ‘economic siege’ it is imposing on the Gaza Strip...
GREEK GENERAL STRIKE – for workers’ rights against privatisation
A massive strike wave is taking place against the Greek right-wing government this week as workers are staging national strikes, including a general strike...
Over 100,000 workers and youth marched through Dublin last Friday as Ireland was shut down in support of Irish Ferries SIPTU trade union members...
Irish Trade Unions Put The Tuc To Shame
LAST Friday, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions called a 100,000 strong national demonstration in Dublin, with demonstrations in many other Irish cities and...
Crown won’t prosecute police killers
AT a briefing on their investigation into the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell tube station on July 22, the Independent Police...
Crisis Pre-Budget
Britain has had to face ‘the toughest and most challenging year for the economy’ in which it has seen predicted economic growth halved to...
Britain Is Aiding US Torture Machine
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice refused to answer questions yesterday as to whether the United States government operates CIA secret prisons outside of...
‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...
‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...
GMB trade union yesterday said it rejects the Turner report proposal to extend the pension age. Turner recommends extending the retirement age to ‘between 67...
US Torture Flights – Questions Go Unanswered
LIBERTY has written letters to the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and to British police chiefs about the US’ ‘extraordinary rendition’ programme and the use...
Delphi postpones ‘motion for rejection of collective bargaining agreements’
US autoworkers union (UAW) President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President Richard Shoemaker, who directs the union’s General Motors and Delphi departments, yesterday issued...
French Workers Fight To Stop Privatisation
AROUND 100,000 workers employed by the SNCF (French national railway) are taking strike action this week, following Saturday’s mass demonstration of more than 40,000...
Bush loses US Congress votes
THE Senate of the United States Congress, which has a Republican majority, fired a shot across the bows of President George Bush’s administration over...
‘Continue The March To Raise The Palestinian Flag Over Jerusalem’
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas last Friday pledged to continue Yasser Arafat’s struggle to establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, as thousands...
TGWU leaders still pushing ‘compromise agreement’
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers were very angry on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday when letters from the TGWU solicitor advising them...
Capitalist Crisis Is Driving Forward World Revolution
THIS Sunday’s 65th Anniversary rally of the assassination of Leon Trotsky by an agent of the Stalinist bureaucracy in 1940 is taking place at...
TGWU register 735 tribunal cases
THERE was a mass picket of over 200 locked out Gate Gourmet workers at Heathrow airport yesterday. Senior shop steward Mr Dhillon told News...
Government By Police Chiefs
AT his monthly press conference last Monday, the Prime Minister admitted that the source of his proposal, that the police should be allowed to...
Gate Gourmet Workers Confront Woodley And Barber
GATE Gourmet workers lobbied the TUC General Council in central London yesterday. They brought their banner: ‘Justice for the Sacked Gate Gourmet Workers’ and...
Sharon Aims For Zionist ‘Greater Jerusalem’
THE PALESTINE Media Centre reports that ‘The Israeli Knesset on Monday approved a speech by the Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that vindicated his “defense”...
Strong Picket By Gate Gourmet Workers
WELL over 100 locked out Gate Gourmet workers were picketing yesterday near to Heathrow airport. TGWU member Manny Odedra told News Line: ‘The people the...
Hands off Iran – Forward to the state of Palestine
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has voiced his ‘dismay’ over remarks by Iran’s president calling for Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’. Annan...
Amsterdam Horror!
THE European Group for the Rights of Prisoners (EORG) was demanding answers yesterday after at least 11 people were ...
‘Compromise deal collapsing’ say Gate Gourmet workers
HUNDREDS of locked out Gate Gourmet workers went to the TGWU regional office in Hillingdon yesterday to receive their ‘hardship’ payments and to question...
DEFIANT SADDAM – refuses to recognise stooge court
Saddam Hussein yesterday insisted he was the president of Iraq, and refused to recognise the US appointed court, declining to give his name or...
BRING OUT THE AIRPORT – urge Gate Gourmet workers
‘We are calling for the whole airport to come out, not just to support us but to defend themselves,’ Jaswinder Phal told News Line...
BLAIR MUST ANSWER FOR WAR LIES say Military families against war
Rose Gentle, Susan Smith, Peter Brierley and Karla Hewett, whose sons and brother died in the Iraq war, set up a 24-hour Peace Camp...
US slaughters Iraqis during the referendum on a constitution
WHILE US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their quislings in Baghdad were pumping out propaganda about ‘freedom and democracy’,...
‘Gate Gourmet Can’t Get Away With This!’
Yesterday was the beginning of the third month since the more than 700 Gate Gourmet workers were locked out at Heathrow Airport. Speaking on the...
Judges attack ‘unlawful’ terror laws – police demand more repression
YESTERDAY the capitalist state was split over the Blair government’s police state attacks on democratic rights. Two Law Lords attacked Home Office plans,...
FOREIGNERS shot on the border, asylum-seekers detained in metal containers, Roma forcibly evicted from their homes in Athens – these are some of the...
US SUPPORTS ISRAELI ONSLAUGHT as Abbas holds talks with Mubarak
After cancelling a planned October 2 meeting with Israeli premier Ariel Sharon, Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas and his delegation arrived in Cairo on Tuesday...
Police chief Blair must resign says Maria Otone de Menezes
YESTERDAY, the parents of Jean Charles de Menezes retraced the final journey taken by their son, an entirely innocent man who was shot dead...
Fury At Gourmet Sell-Out Deal!
TGWU leader Tony Woodley told the mass meeting of locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday afternoon that the sell out deal he has negotiated...
Brown promises to ‘renew new Labour’
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown, the pretender to the Labour leadership and 10 Downing Street, told the Labour Party conference in Brighton yesterday: ‘Our mission is...
Sharon unleashes bombing raids and assassinations on the Palestinians
THE Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has launched a new war on Palestinians living in territories under Zionist occupation less than three...
‘WE WON’T SIGN AWAY OUR RIGHTS’ says Gate Gourmet shop steward
LOCKED out Gate Gourmet workers received a report back yesterday morning on the picket line at Heathrow Airport from their shop stewards, of a...
A British ‘barbaric act of aggression’ in Basra
THE Labour Government’s Defence Secretary, John Reid, declared yesterday that sending six Warrior tanks to demolish the wall of a prison compound in Basra,...
HIGH ALERT IN BASRA! – tensions after tank attack ‘rescue’
British troops in Iraq were on high alert yesterday for fear of further clashes as tensions continued over the rescue at tank-point of two...
NO ‘COMPROMISE AGREEMENT!’ say Gate Gourmet workers
SHOP Stewards representing the 670 locked out Gate Gourmet workers are meeting Transport and General Workers Union General Secretary Tony Woodley at the union’s...
Grampian Foods Pensions Strike
A pensions strike at Grampian Foods, which supplies meat to Britain’s supermarkets, could soon hit shelf supplies, warned the Transport and General Workers’ Union...
THE Trades Union Congress yesterday voted unanimously to ‘call on the British government to set its own unilateral date for an early and speedy...
DEFEND JOBS AND WAGES – Smash Blair’s privatisation drive says CWU...
‘I BELIEVE we can win this,’ Communication Workers Union General Secretary Bill Hayes told a mass rally against privatisation by over 600 postal workers...