Tag: hospital
Tuc Launches March 3 Day Of Action
DOCTORS, nurses, hospital cleaners, midwives and radiographers will be amongst the thousands of NHS staff marking a national day of action on March 3...
International aid agency Oxfam said on Wednesday that conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are close to melt-down. It called on members of the EU,...
Abolish PFI and contract cleaners to stop NHS bugs deaths
THE number of deaths linked to the hospital bug Clostridium difficile has outstripped those due to MRSA. Deaths involving Clostridium difficile rose by 69 per...
‘PRIVATE companies are raking in millions of pounds, leaving a black hole in NHS finances,’ UNISON – Britain’s largest health workers’ union – has...
‘Worst Kind Of Penny-Pinching’
‘It’s penny-pinching of the worst kind,’ a UNISON spokeswoman told News Line yesterday. She was commenting on the removal of every other light bulb...
Nurses Work For Free!
‘Nurses should not work for free,’ insisted Dr Peter Carter, General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing yesterday. He was commenting on newly qualified...
Forest Gate report justifies police-state tactics
THE official Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) published its report yesterday into complaints against the Metropolitan Police over its huge police raid in Forest...
‘Murder With Impunity In Puerto Quetzal’
An ITF/ITUC mission has just returned from Guatemala where it investigated the murder of trade union leader Pedro Zamora and the use of terror...
UNIONS BACK ISLANDERS’ STRUGGLE – hundreds march through Crawley
MORE than 400 Chagos Islanders and their supporters marched through Crawley town centre on Saturday, shouting: ‘We will return to Diego Garcia – it’s...
MATERNITY ‘REFORMS’ CRISIS – as Ministers oppose policy
The crisis over government plans to axe A&Es and maternity units deepened yesterday as it emerged that at least a dozen Labour ministers are...
Revisionists in alliance with Tory right-winger Ian Duncan Smith
AT a time when the crisis of the Labour government is reaching the point of explosion, the WRP and the Young Socialists are calling...
2,000 MARCH TO SAVE WHIPPS CROSS – marchers support calls for...
Over 2,000 workers and youth last Saturday marched through Leyton and Walthamstow, north east London, against the closure of Whipps Cross Hospital. The march was...
STRIKING PCS members in Harrow, north-west London, staged pickets at the Land Registry, the local Jobcentre, Harrow Magistrates and Harrow Crown Court from early...
No Cash For Operations – While £900 Million Pfi Scheme Collapses
EX-LABOUR MP Alice Mahon is considering taking the NHS to the High Court after the service refused to allow her access to a drug...
‘WE absolutely call for pfi to be abandoned, it is a failed system which is costing the nhs billions,’ a UNISON spokeswoman told ...
Occupy Chase Farm!
HEALTH chiefs on the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy Board, yesterday denied that the decision has already been taken to shut the A&E...
‘SAVE THE MAUDSLEY!’ – demand hundreds of angry demonstrators at Peckham...
OVER 200 local residents, hospital workers, pensioners, community workers, trade unionists and others opposed to the closure of the Maudsley Hospital Emergency Clinic staged...
Stop the privatisation of the Public Services
TRADE unionists from across the public sector spoke out on Tuesday, demanding action from the TUC to stop the privatisation of the NHS and...
A NEW report from Cardiff University’s Centre for Occupational and Health Psychology has added to the portrait of a maritime industry where fatigue...
One Day General Strike On January 31
THE government’s policy of mass sackings of civil servants, of driving down their wages, and of outsourcing and privatisation has driven civil servants to...
£23bn PROFIT FROM NHS – being made by PFI companies
Banks and developers will make £23 billion in profits and interest over the next 30 years by building NHS hospitals under the government’s Private...
COUNCIL OF ACTION LAUNCHED – to stop hospital closures!
TRADE unionists, youth and local NHS campaigners voted unanimously at a meeting on Thursday night ‘to establish the North East London Council of Action’. The...
The secrecy surrounding Labour’s favoured Independent (private) Sector Treatment Centres (ISTCs) has been slammed by the government’s own watchdog. Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker...
NHS privatisation can seriously damage your health!
NOBODY knows the number of botched or mismanaged operations being carried out by the private Independent Sector Treatment Centres (ISTCs) businesses, funded by the...
FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART TWO
Commenting on the government’s NHS ‘reforms’, Professor Ham, a former Director of Strategy at the Department of Health said: ‘The foundations have been laid...
FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART ONE
THE ‘re-configuration’ of 60 District General Hospitals (DGHs) means a huge reduction in National Health Service (NHS) hospital capacity. This will result in the loss...
STOP NHS CLOSURES – say lobbying NHS hospital groups
HEALTH workers and campaigners descended on Parliament from many parts of the country yesterday, to defend their hospitals. ‘My hospital is under threat. It’s a...
BUILD COUNCILS OF ACTION! – Save Chase Farm Hospital meeting urged
A packed 400-strong Save Chase Farm meeting in Enfield last Saturday heard calls for Councils of Action to organise occupations to stop the closure...
Fight Threat To Chase Farm Hospital
THE Chief Executive of Enfield, Barnet and Haringey Clinical Strategy Project Board, Ms Johnson, has made it clear the Board intends to press ahead...
‘WE HAVE one year to save the National Health Service (NHS). An awful lot of Trusts are in a dire financial state.’ This was a...
Free social care and care homes for the elderly
THE just-published ‘State of Social Care’ report from the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) was greeted as ‘a damning indictment of a...
Stoke-On-Trent NHS Beds Crisis
University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust is urging people to avoid using the Accident and Emergency department at weekends because of the pressure...
Saddam Lynching Anger Silences Blair
ONE WEEK after the execution of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, Prime Minister Blair has again refused to comment on the lynching. He said yesterday, trying...
Take action to defeat Labour’s plan to smash the NHS
THE leaking of Department of Health (DoH) documents, including ‘Pay and Workforce Strategy for 2008-11’, reveals the Labour government’s plan to slash NHS...
NO PAY CUTS FOR NURSES! – while BMA insists we need...
Public sector union, UNISON said yesterday it will ‘strongly resist any attempt to cut nurses’ pay whether by moving to regional pay or by...
Labour Cabinet Minister Fears For Her Seat
THE Labour government’s policy to cut, close, reconfigure, and privatise the NHS has caught up with a number of senior government ministers, including leading...
DEVON NHS PCT CRISIS! – all 5,000 employers offered offered voluntary...
All five thousand Devon Primary Care Trust (PCT) employees across the county have been sent a letter offering voluntary redundancy as a cost-cutting measure....
THE International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) posted a statement on its website following the December...
Bush Boosts Troop Levels
US President George Bush yesterday announced a permanent increase in the size of the US Army and US Marines. He made it clear that the...
Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, on Tuesday, called on Palestinians to ‘remain united’ in a common cause after days of clashes between Haniya’s Hamas...
PATIENT CARE AT RISK! – BMA slams ‘rushed-through reforms’
‘Rushed through reforms’ to doctors’ training will see ‘risks to patient care’, warns the British Medical Association. The BMA said that under the government’s ‘Modernising...
Hamas-Fatah agree to immediate ceasefire
ISLAMIC Jihad official Da’ud Shihab in a press conference in Gaza on Sunday, held by the Higher Follow-Up Committee of the National and Islamic...
‘whipps X Will Not Close!’
OVER 70 hospital staff, patients, supporters and trade unionists held a rally outside the threatened Whipps Cross District General Hospital in Walthamstow, north London...
Plan Action To Keep Hospitals Open –Bma Urged
The British Medical Association (BMA) Central Consultants and Specialists Committee (CCSC) is meeting today at BMA House, Tavistock Place, London. One of the resolutions before...
No Action Over NHS Spiralling Deficits
The Labour government has decided to put on hold a decision to scrap the ‘double whammy’ NHS accounting rules that are forcing hospital trusts...