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As the Tories sanction Russia, UK workers have to pay the...

ENERGY bills are set to rise to an eye-watering £3,000 a year which will undoubtedly plunge millions of families into fuel poverty, where they...

Russia defies imperialism – Time for the world socialist revolution

YESTERDAY, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced that he had ordered the Russian military to carry out a special operation in the Donbass region in...

Putin launches ‘Special Military Operation’ in Donbass

RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin announced a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine’s Donbass region early yesterday morning to ‘defend people there against government forces’, stressing...

No war with Russia – Bring capitalism down with socialist revolutions!

ON TUESDAY Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced sanctions against Russia over the decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognise the Republics of Lugansk...

Iran Denounces Nato Interference In Ukraine

TEHRAN has denounced the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)’s interference in the volatile eastern part of Ukraine, stating that the military alliance’s provocative...

Johnson declares sanctions war on Russia with Starmer’s support

TORY PM Boris Johnson and Labour leader Keir Starmer came together yesterday in their sanctions attack on Russia – the only disagreement being that...

Ukraine’s Zelensky censures Biden administration for creating panic

UKRAINE and Germany have pushed back against assumptions by Washington about Russian intentions to invade the former Soviet state as tensions further escalated after...

‘The biggest war in Europe since 1945’ – predicts PM Boris...

TORY Prime Minister Boris Johnson claimed yesterday that Russia is on the brink of ‘invading’ Ukraine and threatened that what would ensue would be...

US-UK ruling classes are using Ukraine crisis to organise a new...

PM Boris Johnson is now fighting on two fronts. At home, against the Metropolitan Police inquiry into his law-breaking, and the demand that he be...

Smash the plan for war against Russia! End threat of imperialist...

WITH capitalism gripped by a deepening worldwide crisis the British ruling class have pushed themselves forward as the most zealous warmongers doing the bidding...

‘UK at forefront of support for Ukraine!’ – Truss launches new...

‘I AM HERE today to show the United Kingdom’s steadfast support for the Ukraine,’ Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said yesterday at a joint press...

Russian troops return to bases, giving the Ukrainian government the chance...

RUSSIAN troops have completed their training drills in Belarus, very close to neighbouring Ukraine, and will begin returning to their bases, the Ministry of...

Workers must support Russia – the US-UK trade unions must stop...

FOR SOME weeks the UK and US ruling classes have been telling the world that Russia is just waiting to invade the Ukraine, that...

Nationalise all bus networks – demands TUC

The TUC responded on Thursday to cuts to bus routes by privateers set to be implemented across the country calling for all bus networks...

No agreement in talks between UK’s Truss and Russia’s Lavrov –...

THE MEETING between the UK foreign minister and her Russian counterpart yesterday was ‘like the mute talking to the deaf’, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei...

All restrictions to be lifted a month early! – announces Johnson...

‘IT IS MY expectation that we will be able to end the last domestic restrictions, including the legal requirement to self-isolate if you test...

Five Tory advisors quit! Finish Johnson and the Tories off with...

FIVE Tory advisors to Prime Minister Boris Johnson have now resigned. They are leaving the sinking ship while more Tory MPs have handed in...

1,500 Greek Hospital Workers March In Athens

SOME 1,500 hospital workers and doctors, along with delegations from public and private sector trade unions and university students, staged a militant rally and...

Tories Split Over The Johnson–Sunak Decision To Raise National Insurance ...

PM JOHNSON’S decision to bloc with Chancellor Sunak to see that National Insurance Contributions are raised in April by £12.9 billion has widened the...

Johnson Treats Labour With Contempt

‘THE MINISTERIAL Code says that ministers who knowingly mislead Parliament will be expected to offer their resignation,’ Labour leader Keir Starmer said during PMQs...

Starmer & Tory PM Johnson arm-in-arm against Russia!

‘IF PRESIDENT Putin were to choose the path of bloodshed and destruction he must realise it would be both tragic and futile,’ Tory PM...

Anti-Russian war alliance begins to crumble as head of German navy...

GERMANY’S navy chief has resigned from his post after drawing criticism from the German government and Ukraine over his remarks in support of Russian...

Iran, Russia And China Begin Military Drills In Indian Ocean

IRAN, Russia, and China have kicked off joint military drills in the north of the Indian Ocean, with vessels from the three countries hitting...

EU, US and UK rulers are provoking war in the Ukraine!...

BRITISH forces arrived yesterday in Ukraine to ‘train up Ukrainian troops’ while the US has sent in weapons, to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to...

Russia Is Accused Of Setting Up A Provisional Ukrainian Government

US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met for talks in Geneva yesterday. ‘This is a critical moment,’ Blinken said...

Russia rejects Ukraine ‘invasion’ allegations

RUSSIA has ruled out any further talks with the United States and NATO over the situation around Ukraine unless the West responds properly to...

Tory Party Crisis Deepens – Time For The Trade Unions To...

THE TUC trade unions have a duty, and have the power to end the death agony of the Johnson government. Even bankers have remarked...

US inflation rockets up – world sitting on a ‘time bomb’

US INFLATION rate hit 7% last month – the highest since Ronald Reagan was president in 1982 – making it the seventh consecutive month...

IMF warns of impending capitalist crash – world revolution the only...

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday warned that the massive surge in US inflation driving the Central Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) to push up...

‘No concessions’ over NATO expansion – insists Russia’s deputy foreign...

RUSSIA’S deputy foreign minister says Moscow is ‘disappointed’ by signals from Washington and Brussels demanding unilateral concessions from the Russian side ahead of talks...

German minister to visit US as conflict over Ukraine escalates –...

GERMANY’S Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has said she plans to reiterate the value of dialogue with Russia to avoid a conflict over Ukraine when...

PCS & Care4Calais legal challenge against Patel – Border Force prepare...

BORDER staff were preparing yesterday to strike against Tory Home Secretary Priti Patel’s hated ‘pushback’ policy against migrant boats trying to reach the UK. Their...

‘Resistance means freedom and independence’ says Iranian military advisor Rahim...

A TOP military adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has described the Muslim world as a future power that...

World Revolution In 2022!

New Year’s statement by the News Line Editorial Board THE NEWS LINE Editorial Board sends revolutionary greetings for 2022 to all our readers and to...

Deepening capitalist crisis is driving the US-UK axis to war with...

US DEFENCE Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered the US fleet of warships to remain in the Mediterranean Sea, driving up the tensions between the...

ENERGY BILLS SET TO RISE! – economy is heading for a...

UK ENERGY bills are set to rise even higher, with suppliers warning of a ‘nationwide crisis’ and a 2008-style financial crash. Several ‘providers’ including Good...

US approves $125m sale of missiles to Lithuania – Putin slams...

THE US State Department has approved the sale of Javelin anti-tank missiles to Lithuania in a $125 million deal amid escalating tensions between Russia...

Putin draws a line and issues a warning over imperialist war...

RUSSIAN president Vladimir Putin slammed the Western powers in his annual end-of-year press conference yesterday, telling the assembled journalists that Russia was cheated by...

Omicron strain batters USA as President Biden seeks to divert US...

THE Omicron strain of the Coronavirus now accounts for more than 73% of new US cases of Covid-19, up from 13% just a week...

Inflation rips through Europe as working class rises up over wages

EMPLOYEES at the European Central Bank (ECB) are the latest to join workers across Europe in demanding wage increases to meet the spiralling inflation...

Assange to be Extradited!

THE HIGH Court ruled yesterday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited from the UK to the US, where he faces a sentence...

High Court rules in favour of extradition of Assange to the...

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange’s threat of extradition to the US became even more imminent yesterday as the High Court ruled in favour of the...

Amazon workers in USA win second vote for union

AMAZON warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama, USA are getting a second vote on unionising, after a National Labour Relations Board (NLRB) official ruled in...

US-UK Beat War Drums Over The Ukraine – Workers Must Get...

THE United States, and its NATO allies, with the UK in the lead, and the right wing Ukrainian regime out in front are daily...

Putin warns – Russia will take action if NATO expands its...

PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia will act if the US-led NATO military alliance crosses its red lines in Ukraine. Speaking at an investment...