Tag: england
THE Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign has vowed to continue fighting until they get justice over the police killing of the Brazilian man...
Workers of the world unite in the struggle for socialism!
THE UK authorities issued National Insurance numbers to 713,000 overseas workers in the year to April 2007. The WRP and the News Line are pleased...
THE floods crisis in central and western England continued yesterday with tens of thousands of homes stranded without water and electricity supplies. Up to...
DOCTORS CRISIS – 13,700 face the axe
Patient safety and the future career prospects of many thousands of junior doctors could be further jeopardised within the next two weeks, warned the...
PATIENT CARE AT RISK – from private treatment centres
Senior doctors yesterday renewed a warning that private treatment centres are putting patient care at risk and destabilising the NHS. The British Medical Association (BMA)...
‘TAKE RESPONIBILITY FOR RECOVERY PHASE’ – 6th Buncefield report urges government
The Buncefield Major Incident Investigation Board (MIIB) on Tuesday published its 6th report, covering emergency preparedness for, response to and recovery from a major...
More ‘breadline poor’ after 10 years of Labour governments
The gap between the rich and poor has widened in recent years and is greater than at any time in the past 40 years,...
Reject Plan To Close Hospitals!
Health minister Ara Darzi’s plans ‘are a massive attack on hospital care in London’, warned consultant surgeon Anna Athow yesterday. Darzi is conducting...
NURSES ANGRY! – ready for industrial action
ROYAL College of Nursing members in England will be asked next Monday if they favour a ballot for strike action to force the government...
Chase Farm Will Not Close!
THE North East London Council of Action yesterday held a successful picket against the closure of Chase Farm Hospital A&E, maternity and paediatric departments. Hundreds...
Overseas Trained Teachers Face Unemployment
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) will be lobbying the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DfCSF) on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 to publicise...
NHS JOBLESS GROWS – as Department of health sees no crisis
THREE-QUARTERS of newly-qualified nurses are unable to find jobs because trusts are freezing recruitment, the RCN (Royal College of Nursing) said yesterday. The (RCM) Royal...
‘Last Ditch Talks’ Over NHS Pay
Health unions yesterday warned the government that if it fails to improve on its pay-cutting offer they will proceed with strike ballots. UNISON said: ‘New...
QUIT IRAQ NOW AND BOYCOTT ISRAELI GOODS – decides biennial conference...
THE TGWU conference yesterday passed Composite Motion 29 with just one delegate voting against it. This called ‘for the immediate withdrawal of UK troops from...
‘NO TO TWO TIER PAY & CONDITIONS’ – urges TGWU biennial...
DELEGATES at the TGWU Biennial Delegate Conference in Brighton yesterday gave their full support to Salford Council workers who will be taking more strike...
‘Nationalise Land Rover & Jaguar’ – call at TGWU Conference
THE Transport and General Workers Union Biennial Delegate Conference in Brighton yesterday heard a call for the nationalisation of Jaguar and Land Rover to...
THE British Medical Association (BMA) leadership had a plan for the 2007 Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) in Torquay last week. They wanted to push through...
‘A RECIPE FOR PRIVATISATION’ – BMA rep slams NHS ‘board of...
The BMA leadership was defeated yesterday when the association’s Annual Representative Meeting overwhelmingly carried Motion 65 against the purchaser-provider split in the NHS. This split...
Carey calls to ‘defend Britain’s Christian identity’
IN a call that will be enthusiastically taken up by the BNP, which champions Christian civilisation, the ex-Archbishop of Canterbury, Carey has urged the...
Leadership And Industrial Action Needed To Stop NHS Privatisation
THE British Medical Association’s (BMA) Annual Representative Meeting (ARM), which opens in Torquay today, gathers at a time of unprecedented challenges for the medical...
THE BMA yesterday, on the eve of its Annual Representative Meeting in Torquay, sought to impose Gordon Brown’s plan for an ‘independent board to...
UNISON ‘ready to strike’ while Brown is bringing bosses into his...
‘I SEND this message to Gordon Brown. We are prepared to fight. We are prepared to strike. And we are going to win,’ General...
UNISON delegates determined to organise coordinated industrial action
DELEGATES at the UNISON National Delegate Conference in Brighton on Thursday forced a debate on Friday on coordinated action over soon-to-be prime minister Brown’s...
Labour deputy leader contender Jon Cruddas is leading a private members debate in Westminster Hall at the House of Commons, on, ‘Regularisation of Migrant...
Debt crisis threatening students, home-buyers & public services
COMMENTING on a report from the Student Loan Company (SLC) on Monday, National Union of Students (NUS) President Gemma Tumelty said: ‘Fee loans, along...
DEFEND LECTURERS JOBS – mass picket of Hackney Community College
students are being invited to join striking workers in a mass picket at Hackney Community College in east London today, to stop 25 lecturers...
Dear Sir, I have been trying to expose without success, in the so-called Democratic Western media, the use by the German & British governments...
CIA Using Diego Garcia As A Torture Centre
NO WONDER both the British and US governments are absolutely determined that none of the Chagos Islanders be allowed to return to their...
Free Palestine – End The Occupation
OVER 20,000 youth, trade unionists and solidarity activists marched through central London on Saturday demanding ‘End the occupation – free Palestine!’ on the...
ANGER over the junior doctors training debacle saw hospital consultants on Wednesday demand the ‘immediate resignation’ of NHS Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Liam Donaldson. The...
Fingerprinting At Over 280 Schools
‘Schools should hold off until there is proper guidance,’ NASUWT general secretary Chris Keates told News Line yesterday. The teachers union leader was responding to...
Campaign For A Trade Union Boycott Of Israel Growing Fast
THE Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat al-Jadidah on 2 June praised the decision of the UCU trade union to discuss in every one of...
FINANCIAL CRASH! – bankers warning over ‘risky loans’
Risky loans are leading to a financial crash, leading bankers warned yesterday. William Rhodes, senior vice chairman of Citigroup warned: ‘Lenders all too often, are...
industrial action is inevitable if the government insists on paying the NHS pay award in stages, UNISON warned yesterday. ‘If there is no change of...
THE WAY OUT! – Negotiate with the Resistance, Punish the criminals!
The Brussels Tribunal and the International Anti-Occupation Network have issued the following statement on Iraq entitled ‘The Way Out’: ‘If the US military declare...
UK sanctions torture, police shootings and deaths in custody – Amnesty...
In its Annual Report 2007, covering events of 2006, Amnesty International (AI) is scathing about the UK. It says: ‘The government continued to erode fundamental...
DEFEND ENGLISH CLASSES! – says UCU and students
TEACHERS and students from across London went to Downing Street yesterday, to present a mass petition against the attack on the right to learn...
Unison Leaders Seek To Gag Conference Over How To ‘Save Our...
THE AGENDA for UNISON’s 14th National Delegate Conference in Brighton from 19-22 June only palely reflects the exploding anger and determination of public sector...
‘After Blair, Not Brown But A Workers’ Government And Socialism’
TWO HUNDRED trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference in Bethnal Green, east London, last Sunday. Opening the conference, chairman...
Emergency Clinic Replaced With ‘Information Service’!
OVER 60 health workers, service users and local residents demonstrated against the closure of the Maudsley Hospital Emergency Clinic outside the renowned mental health...
British Medical Association (BMA) leaders yesterday launched what they described as their ‘Green Paper’ for an NHS of ‘core services’ run by an independent...
Defending the NHS means sacking the BMA leadership
THE BMA leadership yesterday came out in favour of NHS rationing. It also supported the NHS having a written constitution, and being run by...
Keep out the Tories – bring down the Blair-Brown government! Forward...
LABOUR was routed in Thursday’s regional and council elections losing by late yesterday afternoon 454 councillors and eight councils in England, while it lost...
LABOUR SAVAGED! – Party pays the price for Blair-Brown policies
LABOUR was savaged by voters in England, Scotland and Wales, in the regional and council elections as the party paid the price for the...
New North Of Ireland Police Powers Opposed By Nuj
The National Union of Journalists in Ireland and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission on Thursday joined together to condemn new powers which threaten...