Tag: england
‘RESIST CUTS & PRIVATISATION!’ Decides BMA conference in Edinburgh
DOCTORS at the BMA conference (ARM) yesterday voted for Motion 293 from the London Regional Council ‘to resist cuts and the privatisation of the...
Central Bankers warn of new financial crash
THE Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has broken ranks with the IMF and the World Bank and issued a grim warning to the ruling...
This BMA ARM must decide on action to defend NHS! –...
THE health services in England and Wales and Northern Ireland are in massive crisis. In February, The Francis report on Mid Staffordshire hospital (MSH)...
Coalition To Take The Axe To Council Spending And End...
COUNCILS in England face a 10% cut in funding from central government as part of the coalition’s spending plans for 2015/16. As well, there...
Brazil and Bernanke give banks the shivers!
IT REALLY doesn’t take very much to send the international capitalist money markets into a state of panic, as the US Federal Reserve chairman,...
ACADEMIES EVERYWHERE UNDER LABOUR!– while teaching unions cover-up
ALL SCHOOLS will be academies under a Labour government, the party’s education spokesman, Stephen Twigg said yesterday. Academies, which are privately-run but state-funded, operate...
Over A Million Pensioners Are Now Working
THE petty 5,000 fall in the number of the unemployed (that is the number of workless who are calculated to be looking for...
Coalition Policy Is To Financially Collapse Local Authorities
THE House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has warned that ‘multiple’ local authorities are facing financial collapse due to government spending cuts. The...
LEGAL AID CHANGES ARE UNLAWFUL –finds leading QC Michael Fordham
A legal opinion by a leading QC has found that the Government’s proposed changes to legal aid – for which the consultation closed this...
Nut & Nasuwt To Take Strike Action
The NASUWT and the NUT have now served notice to employers that NUT and NASUWT members in the North West of England are to...
More than 80,000 new homes could be built in Britain each year if just half the total of £22,812m that was spent on housing...
Museums taking strike action
Strikes by workers at museums and galleries across the country today kick off a long weekend of action against government cuts. The Public and Commercial...
Tories plan cap on GP visits!
THE Tories are considering capping visits to GPs, that is limiting the number of times in a year that a patient can see their...
Powerful Copland picket
THERE was a powerful picket on Wembley High Street yesterday morning as 150 teachers and 80 non-teaching staff went on strike at Copland Community...
Tory split looms as King warns on new housing disaster
LORD Howe, who is credited with bringing Thatcher down, now seems to be about to perform the same service for PM David Cameron, with...
54,000 youth DNA tested!
POLICE take a DNA sample from a child every ten minutes in England and Wales, figures obtained by the Howard League for Penal Reform...
Defend the fire service with occupations, strike action and a general...
FIREFIGHTERS at their conference yesterday decided to put a seven-point pensions plan to ministers and seek new talks to try to avoid strike action...
TUC ‘stands ready to assist FBU’ – O’Grady tells FBU...
THE Fire Brigades Union yesterday angrily condemned the government-commissioned Knight Review of the fire service. Ex-Chief Fire Officer Ken Knight recommends privatisation and mergers, suggesting...
Firefighters plan to strike
FIRE Brigades Union reps met yesterday to prepare for a national strike ballot over changes to the firefighters’ pension scheme. The FBU National Conference begins...
Unions Must Act To Defend Hospitals
THERE is a huge crisis in A&E departments in English and Welsh hospitals. Emergency patients brought to A&E departments by ambulance frequently have to...
STOP NHS STAFF CUTS – says Safe Staffing Alliance
SENIOR nurses have issued a warning about unsafe staffing levels on hospital wards in England. The Safe Staffing Alliance, which includes the Royal College of...
‘CALL A GENERAL STRIKE’ – lobby urges TUC General Council
OVER 200 Young Socialists and trade unionists lobbied the General Council of the TUC on Wednesday morning as it assembled to discuss the calling...
30,000 March To Save Stafford Hospital
OVER 30,000 workers, trade unionists and local residents marched through Stafford on Saturday against Coalition plans to ‘downgrade’ Stafford District General Hospital and close...
Unison Leadership Censured Over Pay Retreat
MOTIONS censuring the union’s leadership are being discussed at the Unison Health Care Service Group Annual Conference being held in Glasgow on 22 –...
‘You’re playing with fire’ – IMF tells Chancellor Osborne
INTERNATIONAL Monetary Fund (IMF) chief economist Olivier Blanchard has warned UK Chancellor Osborne that he is ‘playing with fire’ with his fiscal policy. Blanchard also...
NHS Francis Inquiry Slammed
THE Francis inquiry into what happened at Mid-Staffordshire ‘has allowed the government to blame frontline clinicians rather than those in charge.’ This was the...
‘GROSS INJUSTICE’ – PCS slams benefits cap
‘It is a gross injustice that hard-pressed households are being punished for economic problems caused by greedy bankers and politicians by having their benefits...
Major Privatisation Drive In North Of Ireland
UNISON has called on the Public Accounts Committee and the Assembly Health Committee to investigate the startling growth of private medicine funded out of...
WORKERS in England’s Northern region are up to £4,264 worse off per year since the Tory-led coalition came to power. The Northern TUC 10-Point Plan...
Greek seafarers & dockers in 24-hour national strike
GREEK seafarers along with dockers and all other ports workers staged a solid 24-hour national strike last Wednesday against two separate government Bills to...
‘We are a hideously unequal society’ says NUT leader Christine Blower
‘IN a country like ours, how can it be that one in five children lives in poverty? How can it be that one in three...
A YOUGOV survey of 2,008 parents commissioned by the NUT shows that the vast majority are opposed to the government and its privatisation of...
Defend the NHS! defend the Welfare state! Bring down the...
IN his recent budget speech Chancellor Osborne stated his objective is: ‘Building a modern reformed state we can afford.’ The truth of the matter is...
Teachers At War With The Government!
THE two biggest teachers unions have begun their annual conferences, where they will challenge the government over pay, Ofsted inspections and England’s Academies and...
Council Tax imposed on poor!
1.9 MILLION people who pay no Council Tax in the poorest households in England will pay an average of £140 a year tax from...
The crisis is leaving the working class no alternative to...
A FURTHER nail was driven into the coffin of British capitalism this week with the release of figures showing that the income from overseas...
An overwhelming majority of teachers, lecturers and support staff have noticed a change for the worse to their living standards since the 2008 financial...
Bank Of Cyprus Occupied By Angry Workers
FURIOUS CYPRIOT workers took over the streets of Nicosia on Tuesday and occupied the Bank of Cyprus. The occupation took place on the...
‘Stand up and be counted before it’s too late’ – Dr...
‘GPs have been forced into commissioning as the Trojan horse of these reforms. They have been hoodwinked – hook, line, and sinker’, Dr Clare...
Impotent Osborne Lashes Out At The Workers
TORY chancellor George Osborne started his budget speech last Wednesday with a confession that British capitalism is totally impotent in the face of the...
Ambulance crisis! – caused by bed shortages
HOSPITAL bed and staff shortages are causing suffering for patients in the West Midlands as ambulances cannot deliver patents for treatment, the area’s senior...
Osborne to make £11.5bn spending review cuts!
ON a day during which it was announced by German bankers that Cyprus’ banks may never open again, and by the ONS that UK...
Teachers Announce Joint Strike Action!
The two largest teacher unions, the NUT and NASUWT, representing nine out of 10 teachers in England and Wales, are to stage a series...
NHS Pay Cutting Continues!
NHS workers including nurses, paramedics, therapists and midwives face another year of financial hardship following the government decision to impose a one per cent...
GPs–‘conflict of interest!’
MORE than a third of GPs on the boards of the new clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in England have a conflict of interest resulting...