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Teachers Slam Tory ”exam Factories!’

THE National Union of Teachers (NUT) on Saturday published: ‘Exam Factories? The impact of accountability measures on children and young people.’ This research demonstrates the...

Workers’ rights can only be secured by revolution

YESTERDAY the former ‘hammer’ of the teachers trade unions, Michael Gove, the new Justice Secretary who wants to abolish the Human Rights Act, was...

Hundreds of thousands march against austerity! – WHILE LEADERS LIMIT DEMANDS...

OVER 250,000 people took part in a huge anti-austerity demonstration in London on Saturday, organised by the People’s Assembly. They took part in a rally...

BMA leader to condemn unreal government demands!

ADDRESSING the BMA’s Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) this morning, Dr Mark Porter will reaffirm the BMA’s position on seven-day hospital services – that patients...

Osborne pledges balanced austerity budgets

CHANCELLOR Osborne used his annual address at the Mansion House on Wednesday night to announce that he will be selling off the government’s share...

M&s ‘Guarantee’ Just Seven Hours Of Work At Their Swindon Depot

WORSE then a zero-hour contact, supermarket giant Marks & Spencers will only guarantee their staff at the Swindon distribution depot seven hours of work...

50 people an hour at risk of losing home!

ALARMING new figures from housing charity Shelter have revealed more than 8,300 people in England were put at risk of losing their home every...

NHS ‘safe staffing’ suspended

THE ‘SAFE staffing levels’ for hospitals across the UK have been suspended, sending alarm bells ringing throughout the NHS. This has prompted the Royal College...

Lewisham & London Met Strike Action!

LECTURERS were on strike at Lewisham and Southwark College yesterday over 112 sackings because of the closure of the Southwark site in Camberwell, southeast...

GP surgeries closure crisis

THE Tory government ‘should concentrate on expanding GP numbers rather than promising patients undeliverable services’, Dr Chaand Nagpaul, chair of the British Medical Association...

Labour leadership contenders back Tory cuts

ALL four of the declared candidates for Labour Party leader, Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall and Mary Creagh, have been busy over...

Cameron’s ‘One Nation’ excludes the working class, youth and poor!

THE Queen yesterday outlined that her government ‘will legislate in the interests of everyone in our country. It will adopt a one nation approach’. This...

PFI debts are strangling NHS

LAST Friday, the ‘independent’ health care regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), finally issued its report on healthcare provision at the Barts Healthcare Trust,...

Bank admits undercover EU exit probe

THE Bank of England was yesterday exposed as planning to deceive the public over research it is carrying out into the financial risks of...

Teachers slam Tories free school expansion

‘WE DO not want Free Schools, we want all Free Schools to be taken back under local authority,’ Tom Davies past president of Ealing...

‘UNITED ACTION IN EVERY SENSE’ – call by PCS leader Serwotka

‘WE need to fight like never before,’ Public and Commercial Services (PCS) leader Mark Serwotka told the union annual conference on Wednesday. Tory Government cuts...

‘GP services at breaking point’ – warns BMA

‘GP SERVICES are already at breaking point,’ British Medical Association (BMA) GP Committee chair, Dr Chaand Nagpaul, warned yesterday, demanding that PM Cameron ‘get...

Stop Ealing Maternity closure–Occupy!

‘OCCUPY Ealing Maternity Department to stop its closure on 1st July,’ Ealing Hospital nurse, Claire, a Unison member, told News Line on Monday. A demonstration...

Call for Labour to ‘shake off the unions’

THE election of a Tory government has seen the class war sharpened to explosion point. Already new anti-union laws have been announced that will...

Working class families being driven out of London!

‘FROM CAMERON downward there is policy coming from the top to deliberately drive working class families out of London and kettle them into certain...

Tories driving workers out of London

TWO sets of statistics were issued last Thursday, statistics that prove conclusively what every worker in London and the big cities in England and...

Osborne’s ‘city states’ are part of the break-up of British capitalism

OSBORNE’S plans for English cities to have mayors and combined authorities with powers over housing, health care, transport, planning and policing mean that London,...

Report Alleges Orange Participates In Violations Of Palestinian Rights!

THE global telecom company Orange participates in systematic violations of Palestinian rights, according to an investigation published this week by a coalition of French...

GOVE IS BACK! – along with new anti-union laws

Prime Minister Cameron announced yesterday that Michael Gove is to be Justice Secretary in the new Tory government, replacing Chris Grayling who is now...

Miliband quits and Balls is beaten as bankrupt reformism crumbles!

THE general election saw the Labour Party completely routed in Scotland and humiliated in parts of England – a result that spells the complete...

Failed Labour leaders quit!

APOLOGISING to his party, Labour leader Miliband resigned yesterday mid-day following his party’s wipe-out in Scotland compounded by losses in England. He told supporters: ‘Earlier...

Tory welfare cuts driving up poverty

A NEW study shows poverty in the UK is on the rise due to welfare cuts introduced by the coalition government during the last...

NHS Multi-Billion Support Services Grab

A NEW list of approved suppliers to the NHS has heightened fears of a multi-billion pound land grab by a handful of corporations. Competition for...

Failure And We’Ll Quit Say Cameron And Miliband

PM Cameron, still seeking UKIP support, said yesterday that he will fall on his sword and refuse to lead a government that refuses to...

Housing And Homeless Crisis!

THE UK is in breach of its own UN human rights commitment to provide people with adequate homes, Just Fair, a consortium of leading...

‘NHS Being privatised!’

NEW research produced by the NHS Support Federation shows a dramatic rise in the contracts won by private firms to deliver NHS care. Over the...

British capitalism is breaking apart

THE one clear message that emerged from Cameron’s speech yesterday was that the political representatives of the capitalist class in Britain have given up...

Cameron beats the Nationalist drum

PM Cameron yesterday beat the nationalist drum for all he was worth in an attempt to win back the right wing vote that is...

NHS ‘savings’ from wage cuts!

SAVINGS in the NHS over the past five years have been paid for by the workforce, a pre-election health debate heard yesterday. The packed hustings...

NHS Execs ‘Gravy Train!’

DOCTORS’ and nurses’ representatives yesterday condemned last year’s £35m of massive pay rises for NHS trust chief executives, while NHS staff have suffered pay...

Miliband appeals to Tory and UKIP voters!

FOR many years the Labour Party projected itself as the champion of the working class, hence its very close ties with the trade unions,...

‘English Only Spoken Here’ Says Miliband

IN a speech on immigration in the Wirral, north-west England, on Saturday, Ed Miliband pledged a Labour government would make sure everyone in Britain...

A&E Waiting Times Crisis!

WEEKLY national figures from NHS England yesterday showed it has missed the four-hour A&E waiting time target for the 28th consecutive week. The proportion...

Nicholson warns huge debt crisis facing NHS after May 7

JUST retired NHS chief Sir David Nicholson CBE has left the NHS with a pension pot worth almost £1.9 million, after earning a basic...

‘Staff freeze’ and £22bn of cuts for NHS

THE NHS is facing a ‘substantial financial problem’ which politicians are ignoring in the election campaign, its former head, David Nicholson warned yesterday. Warning of...

The Trade Unions Slam Tory Plans To Ban Strike Action And...

THE TUC on Tuesday rubbished Cameron’s claim of good news in the economy and slammed Tory plans to outlaw strikes. It was commenting on the...

Ludicrous Cameron claims Tories are the workers’ party

CAMERON began his election manifesto speech yesterday morning by insulting the intelligence of the listeners by stating ‘We are the party of working people,...

Labour refuses to commit to stop hospital closures!

‘EALING Hospital A&E and Maternity must not close and it’s a disgrace that the Labour candidate refuses to commit to this,’ Scott Dore, Workers...

Welfare and spending cuts are leading to more food banks!

THE expansion of food banks across the United Kingdom is associated with cuts in spending on local services, welfare benefits and higher unemployment rates,...

Opportunist SNP! –would not vote against NHS privatisation in England

THE SNP would not vote against privatisation in the English health service provided it has no impact on Scottish spending, Scottish Health Secretary Shona...