Tag: civil servants
Unions & party members kept out of Labour leadership election
TWO of the largest trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party, unions that pay millions into its funds, said they were ‘looking to the...
Not Brown But A Workers Government And Socialism
The News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference held in east London on Sunday May 13th unanimously voted to carry into action the following Main...
‘After Blair, Not Brown But A Workers’ Government And Socialism’
TWO HUNDRED trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference in Bethnal Green, east London, last Sunday. Opening the conference, chairman...
BUILD REVOLUTIONARY LEADERSHIP – forward to a workers’ government
TWO HUNDRED trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference in Bethnal Green, east London, yesterday. Moving the main resolution, ‘After...
Brown’s ‘government of all the talents’ is a national government
GORDON Brown yesterday launched his campaign to take over the job of Tony Blair as Labour Prime Minister. He spoke about his ‘new ideas and...
Now send Brown packing – forward to a workers government!
Blair stood down yesterday, driven out of power by the Iraqi insurgency and the British workers’ determination to defend their welfare state. The disorientated...
Reid goes into opposition to a Brown government
IT MUST be a grave crisis indeed when Reid the Home Secretary – who only a week ago was posing as carrying the entire...
UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...
Trade union bureaucrats put two fingers up to May Day
TRUE to form, the voice of the trade union bureaucracy, the Stalinist Morning Star counted tens of thousands of marchers on the TUC’s May...
Marchers Support Gate Gourmet Workers
UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...
ESOL CLASSES ARE A BASIC RIGHT! – call for mass registration...
TWO thousand people took part in three marches that converged on Hackney Town Hall on Saturday, demanding free English language courses for everyone. The marches...
All Out On May 1!
PRIME Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown have declared war on the public services and their staff, with closures, cuts, redundancies and pay...
General Strike On May 1 ‘Public Service Day’
THE PCS civil servants trade union has confirmed that up to 270,000 civil servants will be stopping work on May 1 against the Blair-Brown...
Walk-Out At Unison Health Conference
The UNISON Health Conference in Brighton yesterday gave environment secretary Hilary Benn a heated reception. He was booed and heckled when he tried to defend...
Strike to support nurses and defend the NHS!
THE anger of nurses working in the National Health Service (NHS) at having a pay cut imposed upon them this year, by the government...
Trade unions must break with Blair and Brown to keep the...
THE right wing of the Labour Party was shaken to its core yesterday after Monday’s meeting of the General Council of the Scottish...
Civil Service Out On May 1
Civil servants union PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka has written to Sir Gus O’Donnell Head of the Home Civil Service about the PCS national...
Angry Teachers Vote For Strike Ballot Against Pay Cut
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Harrogate voted unanimously on Saturday for a one-day strike against a pay-cutting two per cent...
Never mind the claimants – use lie detectors on the politicians
WORK and Pensions Minister John Hutton said yesterday that lie detectors will be used to help root out benefit cheats in job centres later...
PCS to strike on May 1st – calls on TUC and...
Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) leaders have named May 1st as a second national strike day by 200,000 civil servants. The PCS is also...
20,000 Civil Servants On Strike Today!
Approximately 20,000 members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) working for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Identity and Passports Service (IPS)...
Union leaders go easy on Brown’s bosses’ budget
CHANCELLOR Brown’s budget yesterday outlined savage attacks on the working class, particularly low paid workers. His decision to abolish the 10 pence tax rate...
BROWN SEES NO CRISIS! – while Cameron demands election
A tense Chancellor Brown yesterday announced a £36bn increase in the sale of public assets (including Student Loans) and a two per cent Corporation...
Consultants in revolt against Blair’s ‘health reforms’
Hospital consultants in the West Midlands are boycotting the new ‘reformed’ system for selecting junior doctors for specialist training. The consultants said they would...
WELFARE ‘SLAP IN THE FACE’ – says CPS civil servants union
Welfare ‘reform’ plans aimed at privatising ‘help’ for the long term unemployed drew an angry response from civil servants’ union PCS yesterday. Union leader Mark Serwotka...
Tens Of Thousands March To Defend NHS
‘WE are going to fight to keep our hospitals, even if it means occupying them to keep them open,’ shouted demonstrators fighting plans to...
Lift The Siege! Break The Blockade!
HAMAS leader Khaled Mishaal held a news conference in Cairo last Friday. He began by saying: ‘We are now in Cairo on the first leg...
STRIKING PCS members in Harrow, north-west London, staged pickets at the Land Registry, the local Jobcentre, Harrow Magistrates and Harrow Crown Court from early...
PRIVATISATION HAS TO STOP – Serwotka & prentis pledge to fight...
‘If the government don’t give us what we want we will take this campaign further,’ PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka pledged to a packed...
Civil Servants Fury Over Job Cuts
OVER 200,000 civil servants from over 200 government departments, agencies and public bodies are taking part in one-day national strike action today. The strike...
200,000 Civil Servants taking strike action
ON Wednesday over 200,000 civil servants and over 200 government departments will be strike bound for the day. Civil servants...
Stop the privatisation of the Public Services
TRADE unionists from across the public sector spoke out on Tuesday, demanding action from the TUC to stop the privatisation of the NHS and...
One Day General Strike On January 31
THE government’s policy of mass sackings of civil servants, of driving down their wages, and of outsourcing and privatisation has driven civil servants to...
TAKE ACTION – to defend the Public Sector
OVER 1,000 trade unionists from all the public services joined a TUC rally at Westminster yesterday, where they demanded that their leaders call action...
CLOSE DOWN GUANTANAMO! – Amnesty week of action
Last Saturday, 16 December, 2006 marked the start of a series of protests across the world with renewed calls on the US government to...
Police illegally held Fairford demonstrators
Civil rights organisation Liberty welcomed yesterday’s Law Lords ruling in favour of anti-war protesters who police stopped from travelling to a protest at RAF...
CHARITIES AND WAGE CUTS! – Civil Service strike likely says PCS...
In his tenth Pre Budget Report yesterday Chancellor Brown spoke about the threat to British capitalism from India and China. He said: ‘Once...
Brown Targets The Working Class For Special Measures
BROWN’S proud boast yesterday in his pre-budget speech was that ‘In no other decade has Britain’s personal wealth – up 60 per cent –...
‘VICTORY IS CLOSE!’ – say locked-out Gate Gourmet workers
‘VICTORY is close now,’ locked-out Gate Gourmet worker Parmjit Bains told a meeting of more than 200 trade unionists and youth on Sunday in...
Union leaders must call action now over NHS pay or resign!
THERE is not the slightest doubt that the Labour government has declared all-out war on all NHS staff with its decision to impose a...
The Korean Government Employees Union (KGEU) has issued an urgent appeal ‘Solidarity needed! 119 of KGEU local offices forcefully closed down!’ A KGEU statement...
British capitalism, backward, parasitic, and ripe for revolution
A REPORT by business research firm Datamonitor says that people in the UK are borrowing on average almost twice that of citizens in other...
Bring Out All The Unions To Defend The NHS!
THE situation could not be clearer. The whole of the trade union movement and the majority of non-trade unionists support the 24-hour strike actions...
‘YOU WON’T BREAK MERSEYSIDE FBU’ – say strikers and supporters
Over 7,000 striking Merseyside firefighters and their supporters marched through Liverpool last Saturday in a show of strength to demonstrate their determination to defeat...
Take mass action on September 21 to stop NHS privatisation
UNISON members working for NHS Logistics will take two 24-hour strikes over the next two weeks to fight the Labour plan to privatise the...