Tag: civil servants
Putting The Trade Union Leaders To Shame
SEVEN people were arrested at Prestwick Airport yesterday, after appointing themselves as ‘citizen weapons inspectors’, and forcing themselves onto a US cargo flight to...
CEASEFIRE NOW! – Halt the massacre of the Palestinian and Lebanese...
‘MY TOWN has been demolished. Children are still under rubble. Families are still under rubble,’ said Najid Faqih, from Nabatieh in southern Lebanon, as...
CALL A DAY OF ACTION – to defend the NHS says...
‘A National Day of Action by all trade unions would be a good starting point’, a PCS spokesman told News Line yesterday. He was responding...
Labour Pushes For Pensions War
MORE than half a million civil servants are to be told that they will have to pay a lot more towards their pensions. This is...
ONE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTEEN trade unionists were murdered for defending workers’ rights in 2005, while more than 1,600 were subjected to violent assaults and some 9,000 arrested,...
HALT FAILING NHS POLICIES – doctors’ leader urges Blair
The leader of the UK’s hospital consultants will today call for a halt to the government’s health privatisation policies that have ‘failed to improve...
Defend car jobs! Occupy Vauxhall and Peugeot!
VAUXHALL Chairman Jonathan Browning announced yesterday that the General Motors (GM) subsidiary is to cut about 900 jobs, by the end of August, at...
MADNESS! – RCN condemns destruction of nurse training places
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) yesterday slammed as ‘madness’ the destruction of nurses training places. The RCN was responding to a survey by the...
Milford Hospital Is Set To Close
The Board of Guildford and Waverley Primary Care Trust (PCT) in Surrey held an ‘extraordinary meeting’ yesterday where it decided to close Milford Hospital...
Health Cuts Continue
Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, Somerset, yesterday became the latest to announce cuts in the face of mounting NHS deficits. Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust...
Blair an imperialist from head to foot
YESTERDAY in Australia, Blair, for all he was worth, was pushing the George Bush imperialist line that ‘we’ have a duty to liberate the...
German and British Gate Gourmet workers march through Hounslow
Last weekend saw united action by German and British Gate Gourmet workers against the company’s savage attacks on their jobs, wages and conditions. The weekend...
The blind Chancellor who cannot see the crisis
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown yesterday could not see and would not even hear of a crisis in the British capitalist economy that he has presided...
33 INSURGENTS FREED – in daring raid near Baquba
Iraqi insurgents freed 33 of their comrades in a daring pre-dawn raid on a puppet authority jail north of Baghdad yesterday. At least 18 puppet...
Gate Gourmet Workers – Good Support For March 25 Demo
A DELEGATION of locked-out Gate Gourmet workers visited Hillingdon Direct Works Council Depot yesterday to publicise their march through Hounslow on the 25th of...
‘Unite, Rise Up And Resist The Invaders’
President Saddam Hussein called on Iraqis to ‘unite, rise up and resist the invaders’, at his show trial yesterday. This prompted chief judge Rauf Abdel...
SALE OF JOBS AND CONDITIONS – CWU signs deal with Royal...
Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) leaders have signed a pay for jobs and ‘efficiency’ deal with Royal Mail. They are attempting to sell it to members...
Al Sadr And Muslim Scholars Call For Imediate US Withdrawal
ABD-AL HADI al-Darraji, a leader of the militant Al-Sadr trend in Iraq has revealed that Representatives of Al-Sadr trend and the Association...
‘SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH!’ – Nurses reject Brown’s 2% pay offer
Angry nurses are ready to refuse to do unpaid overtime if they don’t get a pay rise of at least three per cent, the...
Gate Gourmet taking fight into the unions
GATE Gourmet locked-out workers are taking their fight for reinstatement into the trade union movement and visiting Transport and General Workers Union and other...
SADDAM DEFIANT – as witness refuses to testify
The ‘trial’ of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein collapsed into into chaos minutes after it was resumed again yesterday. After boycotting the ‘trial’, Saddam arrived saying...
It’s much later than Brown or Blair think
THE working class electors in the safe Labour seat of Dunfermline and Fyfe ignored the crisis at the top of the Liberal Democrats, so...
STOP TEARING NHS APART! – UNISON tells Blair and Hewitt
UNISON has called on Health Secretary Hewitt to ‘stop tearing the NHS apart’. Speaking ahead of yesterday’s publication of the government’s health White Paper, the...
Huge $8.6bn loss at General Motors
GENERAL Motors (GM) bosses admitted on Thursday that their losses for 2005 were $8.6bn, their largest since 1992 when the board of directors was...
The number of people unemployed worldwide climbed to new heights in 2005, especially among the vast and growing legion of jobless youth, the International...
‘Summary Powers!’
Prime Minister Blair yesterday unveiled his viciously anti-working class ‘Respect Action Plan’ at a press conference. Announcing his ‘ActionPlan’ Blair said: ‘Anti-Social Behaviour law imposed...
AMNESTY CONDEMNS ‘MEMORANDUM’ WITH LEBANON – and the killing of Sudanese...
THE UK government has signed a ‘Memorandum of understanding’ with Lebanon over the treatment of people who may be deported from the UK to...
Blair Defies Labour Over Education Privatisation
LABOUR Prime Minister Blair has ruled out changes to his education reform (privatisation) plans despite a challenge by more than 50 Labour MPs,...
Abbas Accepts Italy’s Offer To Host Peace Talks
President Mahmud Abbas on Friday accepted Italy’s offer to host Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, urged international commitment to the UN-adopted ‘roadmap’ peace plan, the Palestine...
‘WE WANT OUR JOBS BACK!’ – March with locked-out Gate Gourmet...
‘WE have got more and more support for our fight to get our jobs back’, locked out Gate Gourmet worker Palmjit Bains told News...
US Torture Flights – Questions Go Unanswered
LIBERTY has written letters to the Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and to British police chiefs about the US’ ‘extraordinary rendition’ programme and the use...
Full support for the Gate Gourmet sacked workers demonstration
THIS Sunday December 4th the Gate Gourmet sacked workers will be marching through Southall to demand that every one of the 700 locked out...
John McDonnell to speak at Gate Gourmet locked-out workers rally
‘THEY can’t be allowed to do this,’ locked out Gate Gourmet worker Parminder Brar said yesterday after hearing that the TGWU leadership plans to...
MAKE OUR DISPUTE OFFICIAL say Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
A DELEGATION of Gate Gourmet locked out workers is due to meet the TGWU head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, at the union’s head...
ADULT EDUCATION UNDER ATTACK– funding crisis means sackings and course closures,...
Lower than expected college funding poses a severe threat to adult education and those who provide it, warns the latest edition of public sector...
US slaughters Iraqis during the referendum on a constitution
WHILE US President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their quislings in Baghdad were pumping out propaganda about ‘freedom and democracy’,...
NO MORE WAITING – demand Gate Gourmet workers
GATE Gourmet pickets said yesterday they were fed up with waiting. They poured scorn on a Transport and General Workers Union plea to British Airways...
THE Basra office of militant Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has said a former Basra commander of the Al-Sadr movement’s Mahdi Army showed ‘signs of...
A British ‘barbaric act of aggression’ in Basra
THE Labour Government’s Defence Secretary, John Reid, declared yesterday that sending six Warrior tanks to demolish the wall of a prison compound in Basra,...
DEFEND JOBS AND WAGES – Smash Blair’s privatisation drive says CWU...
‘I BELIEVE we can win this,’ Communication Workers Union General Secretary Bill Hayes told a mass rally against privatisation by over 600 postal workers...
Police Use Taser Gun In Midlands Raid
A MAN, claimed by the police to be Yasin Omar, was stunned with a high voltage taser during an armed police raid carried...
PNA appeals for ‘calm’ during Gaza pullout
Amid a flurry of diplomatic visits aimed at securing a smooth Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and military escalation by the Israeli Occupation...
Rice supervises raising Middle East tensions
THE US through its secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who has been in the Middle East for a week, is working hard to raise...
UNISON to call national demonstration on pensions
‘THE threat we made to the government still stands – revoke the order or there will be a strike on pensions,’ UNISON NEC member...
French revolution stuns EU bosses and political leaders
THE 55 per cent vote, by the working class and the rural population of France against the European Constitution, is a body blow to...