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Lobby the TUC on 27 April to demand they take action...

THE lobby of the TUC general council meeting tomorrow is crucial for the fight, not just in defence of the junior doctors, but to...

‘We fully support the junior doctors strike!’ say 2,500 doctors in...

MORE than 2,500 consultants, GPs and senior doctors have delivered a letter to Downing Street saying this week’s all-out strike by junior doctors will...


THE British Medical Association (BMA) is warning that the future of the medical workforce is at risk. This comes as a new survey of medical...

‘We have a duty to support junior doctors!’

‘WE have a duty to stand up for our junior doctors. We cannot allow them to be bullied in such a way,’ Ian Hodson,...

Tories, stepping up their war on junior doctors, are putting patients...

THE British Medical Association (BMA) on Tuesday wrote a letter to Health Secretary Hunt making a ‘clear offer’ to cancel the junior...


THE BMA wrote to Tory health secretary Hunt yesterday with a clear offer: lift the imposition of the new contract and junior doctors will...

GPs demand 15 minutes per patient!

GPs DEMAND a minimum of fifteen minutes to spend with each patient, rather than the current ten, which they rightly say is not enough...

Junior Doctors Are Defending The NHS – They Must Not Fight...

AS the April 26th-27th strike action of the junior doctors approaches, the chorus of reproaches from the likes of Dame Sally Davies, Sir Bruce...

Tories throw down gauntlet to junior doctors

THE Tories have ruled out any fresh talks with the junior doctors and in doing so have thrown down the gauntlet for a fight...

‘Whose NHS? Our NHS! 150 junior doctors rally in Hackney

‘WHOSE NHS? Our NHS!’ chanted over 150 junior doctors from east London hospitals at a lunchtime strike rally outside Hackney Town Hall on Thursday. One...

Demand the TUC bring down the Tories

ON Thursday Tory health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech proclaiming that as far as the government is concerned ‘the matter is closed’: he...

‘No option but to escalate!’ says Doctor Malawana

THOUSANDS of junior doctors joined more than 140 picket lines across England yesterday to protest against the imposition of a new contract. Junior doctors took...

‘We are fighting for the NHS! Everyone must come out and...

‘SUPPORT junior doctors! Save the NHS! Let’s stop this unfair, untested and unsafe contract from being imposed. This contract is bad for patient...

Junior doctors confident of victory!

A GOOD picket of junior doctors turned out at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital at 8am. They were in good spirits despite the wind...


ALMOST nine out of ten GP (general practitioner) practices struggle to find locum cover, as the doctor shortage worsens across England. A new BMA (British...

48hr junior doctors strike begins today

JUNIOR doctors will walk out on their fourth strike at 8am this morning and form picket lines outside every hospital in the country, as...

Junior doctors imposed contract – Second legal challenge

THE government has been hit with a second legal challenge over its imposition of the new contract for junior doctors which forces them to...

Legal challenge to Tory contract imposition

THE BMA has launched a judicial review, challenging the lawfulness of the Tories’ decision to impose a new contract on the junior doctors. Junior doctors...

Teachers Demand Strike Action To Stop Forced Academisation!

OVER 5,000 angry teachers marched in London on Wednesday night against the government’s plan to force state schools to become academies. Teachers chanted ‘Nicky Morgan...

Tories refuse to negotiate – opt for a fight to the...

YESTERDAY the BMA junior doctors’ leader Dr Johann Malawana said, referring to the forthcoming strike actions: ‘No junior doctor wants to take this action,...

Junior doctors escalate struggle – after Tories refuse to talk

The BMA yesterday confirmed an escalation of the junior doctors industrial action scheduled for April. This follows the continued refusal by the government to step...

Bma & Teachers Unions Lead Condemnation Of The Tory Budget

TEACHERS’ unions and the BMA led the condemnation of Tory Chancellor Osborne’s Budget on Wednesday, in which he announced the forced academisation of every...

Junior doctors mass march through east London

THOUSANDS of junior doctors marched through the City of London from Whitechapel to St Paul’s on Thursday evening in a show of force and...

JUNIOR DOCTORS’ ANGER REMAINS HIGH – ‘trade unions need to follow...

‘THE strike is going extremely well. Pickets have been well-attended and junior doctors remain united in their struggle against contract imposition.’ Speaking on the second...

Junior doctors determined to beat the Tories!

TENS OF THOUSANDS of junior doctors struck yesterday and many told News Line just how determined they were to stop the imposed contracts and...

Junior Doctors Are Determined To Defeat The Tories

TENS of thousands of junior doctors struck yesterday and made it very clear that they are not a protest movement, and that their first...

Junior doctors 48hr strike today

‘OTHER trade unions should take action to support us and defend the NHS and I really hope we are all going to come together...

300 GP surgeries are facing closure

ALMOST 300 GP practices are facing closure, a new BMA survey released today has warned. The crisis in general practice is set to worsen according...

Three new junior doctors strikes

JUNIOR doctors in England have confirmed three further strike dates. In a BMA ballot of junior doctors last November, 98 per cent of those who...

‘Escalate strike action! End the imposition’ says Junior Doctors Committee

‘THE Junior Doctors Committee has made clear the decision that further industrial action is inevitable and that we will consider escalating any action to...

Imposed junior doctors contract hits cancer patients

470 CANCER doctors have signed a joint statement warning Health Secretary Hunt that the new imposed junior doctors contract ‘will lead to worse outcomes...

Junior doctors must call new strike and the BMA and TUC...

THE BMA warned yesterday that ‘Politically driven mismanagement is undermining patient care in England. It was responding to a report from the King’s Fund...

Visa Rules Will Drive Doctors Out Of NHS!

THE BMA has warned that the Tory government’s recommendations on new visa rules from the Migrations Advisory Committee could lead to UK-trained doctors leaving...

1 In 5 Surgeries Face Closure

ONE in five GP surgeries in London is threatened with closure within three years because of lack of staff, funding and pay, the Local...

Death rate rising rapidly – savage Tory cuts to blame!

MASSIVE Tory cuts are undermining the NHS and threatening the lives of many thousands. There is already an investigation taking place after  whistleblower Sarah Hayes, a...

‘HUNT MUST GO!’ – ‘No confidence’ petition reaches 284,244

A PETITION calling for a vote of no confidence in Tory Health Minister Jeremy Hunt reached 284,244 signatures by yesterday afternoon, after his decision...

NHS Executives back away from imposition – Unions must take strike...

HEALTH Secretary Hunt’s contract imposition has already begun to hit the rocks with 10 of the 20 NHS executives who signed the Dalton letter...

TUC must call general strike in support of the junior doctors!

‘JUNIOR doctors cannot and will not accept a contract that is bad for the future of patient care, the profession and the NHS as...

Junior Doctors Will Not Accept Imposition!

‘JUNIOR doctors cannot and will not accept a contract that is bad for the future of patient care, the profession and the NHS as...

Junior doctors’ strike escalates

‘WE ARE not striking for cash, we are not striking for our personal careers, we are striking for the long-term sustainability of the NHS...

‘Strike until we win!’ – Junior Doctors strike solid

THOUSANDS of junior doctors, NHS workers, trade unionists and supporters took to picket lines across the country yesterday, as the junior doctors took their...

All Out With Junior Doctors

‘WE NEED other unions who are being attacked by this government to take action,’ BMA junior doctors committee member Aislinn Macklin-Doherty told News...

Junior doctors are fighting for the NHS – demand the TUC...

TODAY’S strike by junior doctors must be supported by the entire trade union movement and the working class. What is at stake in this dispute...

7,000 Junior Doctors march on Downing St

‘BY attacking the junior doctors they’ve poached the wrong bear, we really believe in the NHS and an attack on us is an attack...

Hunt attacks the BMA

FOLLOWING Saturday’s brilliant march on Downing Street by more than 7,000 junior doctors (see pages 6 & 7), and ahead of Wednesday’s 24-hour strike,...