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Brown planned troops on the streets after Lehman collapse

IN 2008, the then-Labour prime minister, Gordon Brown, actively considered ordering armed troops onto the streets of Britain as his response to the collapse...

Food Prices Causing Widespread Stress!

ONE-THIRD of the UK population struggles to pay for food, with almost a quarter saying that growing food prices remain one of the main...

Care for the Elderly crisis – capitalist barbarism at work

WHEN workers pass the age at which their labour can be exploited for profit they become a useless burden on society as far as...

‘Indefinite general strike to bring down government-junta’ – Revolutionary Marxist League

THE Greek state secondary teachers’ national strike, which began on Monday, is spreading and deepening attracting other sections of workers. Primary state school teachers declared...

King’s Fund warns NHS being systematically destroyed!

A REPORT from the independent health think-tank, the King’s Fund, has revealed that the NHS is systematically being destroyed through government-imposed financial cuts. The Fund...

Inflation soaring not falling – General Strike now!

MONTHLY figures released yesterday reported that inflation in Britain had fallen from 2.8% in July to 2.7% in August, leading some bourgeois economists to...

Bury bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism

SUNDAY marked the fifth anniversary of the biggest banking collapse in the history of capitalism to date. On 15 September 2008 Lehman Brothers, a massive...

Smash Royal Mail privatisation!

THE arrogant Tories have announced that the sell-off of Royal Mail is to begin in just weeks. The announcement comes days after the ending of...

END THE PAY CAP! – TUC votes unanimously

YESTERDAY’S TUC Congress in Bournemouth voted unanimously for coordinated industrial action to smash the coalition government’s public sector pay cap and for the outlawing...

Renationalise Now!

A SURVEY conducted this week by BBC Radio 5 Live has revealed that more than one third of people in Britain live in fear...

Obama asks Congress to decide on war or peace

IN A MAJOR abdication of Presidential power, Obama has given the US Congress the task of deciding whether there should be a strike on...

Tory Party Turns On Cameron Over Syria

PRIME Minister Cameron said last Thursday night that he would respect the defeat of his ‘strike Syria’ government motion by 285-272 in the House...

Stop the war against Syria – smash austerity at home

THE humiliating climb-down by David Cameron over Syria on Wednesday night exposes for all to see the weakness of British imperialism, the coalition government...

‘ALL-OUT AND UNCONTROLLABLE WAR’ – if West attacks Syria, warns...

A SENIOR Iranian lawmaker has warned the West against a military attack on Syria, saying such aggression will threaten the security of the entire...

Lobby TUC for general strike to bring down coalition

THIS year the Trade Union Congress meets in Bournemouth from the 8th to 11th September under conditions where, if the Tory-led coalition government have...

Labour, the CWU and Royal Mail privatisation

LAST Friday the leadership of the Communications Workers Union (CWU) issued a press release welcoming the news that the day before the Labour Party...

US Fed Reserve threatens 2014 end for QE cash supply

THE US Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, gave the clearest indication this week that the Fed is intent on pursuing a policy of ‘tapering...

Arab bourgeoisie splits over Egyptian military taking power – ERDOGAN COMPARES...

IN the wake of the growing crisis in Egypt, divisions between the Arab rulers are widening as Turkey and Qatar support the Muslim...

Prescott slams Miliband’s failure as Labour opportunists panic

FIRST of all we had Labour ex-Health Secretary Burnham serving notice on Miliband that he had until the spring to challenge the Tory-led coalition...

Capitalist recovery fraud is stoking working class fury

WORKERS and young people will be forgiven if they believe that they are living in some parallel universe that has absolutely no connection with...

Opportunist Burnham launches drive to replace opportunist Miliband!

BURNHAM, who served as Labour’s health secretary under Gordon Brown and enthusiastically pursued polices to privatise the NHS, cut its budget and bankrupt it...

Housing: new crash fears!

THE number of buy-to-let loans, and the amount of lending, are now their highest since the financial crash in the third quarter of 2008,...

Low Interest Rates And Quantitative Easing Forever Pledges Carney

THE new Bank of England governor Carney yesterday in his ‘Inflation Report’ gave big business a sample of his ‘forward guidance’. This amounted to inflation,...

UK £120bn banking shortfall!

THE Bank of England has warned that the biggest banks and building societies operating in Britain face a £120bn shortfall in their finances. In a...

McCluskey surrenders! before a shot is even fired

ADDRESSING a meeting of the Unite Executive Council and Regional Political Committees yesterday, General Secretary Len McCluskey made clear that he intends to surrender...

US workers and youth won’t tolerate racist murders

THE eruption of a mass movement in over 100 US cities condemning the clearing of George Zimmerman for the murder of black teenager Trayvon...

Motor City Goes Bankrupt – Unions Denounce Orr Power Grab!

DETROIT, once the motor car capital of the USA where hundreds of thousands of workers used to flock looking for good jobs in the...

50,000 MARCH IN ATHENS! – as part of one-day general strike

SOME 50,000 workers took part in two separated marches through the Athens city centre last Tuesday afternoon as part of the one-day general strike...

British capitalism bankrupt, backward and stuck at the bottom!

UK unemployment fell by 57,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to May, leaving the unemployed rate stuck at 7.8% in the UK,...

Benefit cap to be lowered by £6,000 say Treasury officials

CHANCELLOR George Osborne, the hammer of the poor, is so determined not to increase the taxes of the rich that he is about to...

McCluskey praises Miliband while Crow calls for a new Labour Party...

OVER a hundred thousand workers and youth took part in the Durham Miners Gala on Saturday and heard Unite’s McCluskey declare his allegiance...

Durham Miners’ Gala must demand a General Strike!

TENS OF thousands of workers and youth are taking part in today’s historic Durham Miners’ Gala at a time when the capitalist system is...

Cable Prepares To Privatise!

DATES for the planned privatisation of Royal Mail before Christmas are expected to be announced in the House of Commons by Business Secretary Cable...

Banks tremble at the thought of the end of...

THE pound fell below $1.49 against the dollar on Friday, close to a three-year low. Sterling traded as low as $1.4858 at one point. The...

Having removed Mursi, the Egyptian masses will march forward to socialism

THE move by the Egyptian military leadership to overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood government of President Mursi represents a decisive development in the Egyptian revolution...

Send ex-Goldman Sachs Carney packing

YESTERDAY the new head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, officially took up the reins from the outgoing Sir Mervyn King. Carney, formerly head...

Greek government’s aim – to gag TV workers

ON June 11, the Greek coalition government took the unprecedented decision to close the national TV station in Athens and sack the workforce of...

Union leaders denounce Osborne’s spending review – but call no action...

CHANCELLOR Osborne’s vicious £11.5 billion Spending Review attacks on pay, public services and benefits, were immediately condemned by trade union and TUC leaders representing...

Balls Agrees With The Tories!

THE Labour shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, engaged in a nauseating charade on Wednesday of verbally attacking his Tory opposite number whilst at the same...

Desperate Osborne swings the axe as the capitalist crisis deepens

IN HIS Spending Review of yesterday, drawn up at a time when the capitalist crisis is deepening, with inflation rising and the banks warning...

Central Bankers warn of new financial crash

THE Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has broken ranks with the IMF and the World Bank and issued a grim warning to the ruling...

This BMA ARM must decide on action to defend NHS! –...

THE health services in England and Wales and Northern Ireland are in massive crisis. In February, The Francis report on Mid Staffordshire hospital (MSH)...

Brazil and Bernanke give banks the shivers!

IT REALLY doesn’t take very much to send the international capitalist money markets into a state of panic, as the US Federal Reserve chairman,...

Brighton Refuse Workers Are Striking Against Massive £4,000 A Head Pay...

OVER 200 striking refuse workers, who have already endured three years of pay freezes, defiantly marched with their supporters through Brighton and Hove on...

Over A Million Pensioners Are Now Working

THE petty 5,000 fall in the number of the unemployed (that is the number of workless who are calculated to be looking for...