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Home news from around the United Kingdom


BRITISH Steel is seeking a £100m loan from the government in order to meet an EU emission rules attack. Previously, the company could have used...

British Gas Staff Reject Boss’s Obscene Rise

THE Unite and GMB trade unions have called on Ford to come clean over the future of its UK operations. They are warning that its...

School Youth Climate Change Demo

HUNDREDS of school youth staged a strike for climate change in Parliament Square yesterday. Lana Daly came with friends from west London and said: ‘The...

Labour’s warm welcome for May!

THE ONLY MP in the House of Commons to call for Tory PM May to resign yesterday was a Tory. William Cash Tory MP for...

Firefighters role under attack

A PROPOSAL by fire chiefs to expand a firefighter’s role at will and without boundaries has been overwhelming rejected by firefighters by 97%. The proposals...

‘LEAVE NOW’ DEMAND MAY’S MPs – as Tory split widens

DURING the House of Commons Prime Ministers Questions yesterday, both Tory PM May and Labour leader Corbyn avoided the burning issue of the hour,...

3rd day of BEIS strike 100% solid

PCS CATERING workers at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), working for contractor Aramark were in confident mood on the third...

FBU oppose firefighter ‘super cops’

‘WE REMAIN opposed to any attempt to turn firefighters into law enforcement, either in Devon and Somerset, or elsewhere in the country,’ Dave Green,...

STOP SPYING ON WORKERS – demands GMB after Churchill ‘location tracking’

Churchill Security is based in Chorley and employs more than 160 people in the UK, including Cardiff Bay, Cheltenham, Watford, Milton Keynes, Bromley, Abingdon...

Bawa-Garba Victory

DOCTOR Hadiza Bawa-Garba, who was struck off the medical register, has won a further victory and will now be allowed to start working as...

BEIS 3-day strike – ‘We demand Living Wage!’

OUTSOURCED workers, who provide catering and cleaning services in government offices, took the first of three days of strike yesterday demanding the London Living...

LABOUR WILL VOTE TO REVOKE ARTICLE 50 – rather than accept ‘No Deal’

THE LABOUR Party would ‘consider very, very strongly’ voting to revoke Article 50 to block a no-deal Brexit this Friday, Shadow Business Secretary Rebecca...

Palestine Demands A Criminal Investigation

PALESTINE has demanded an immediate international criminal investigation into the Tel Aviv regime’s policy of settlement expansion and expropriation of Palestinian territories. The Palestinian Ministry...

MAY SURRENDERS! READY FOR EU ELECTIONS! – Pledges to carry out indicative ballot

ON FRIDAY, PM May wrote a grovelling surrender letter of complete capitulation to the EU President Donald Tusk, in which she agreed that the...

‘We Need A Pay Rise!’ Shout Striking RMT Cleaners

‘WE need rise of pay! RMT here to stay!’ shouted over 40 striking cleaners outside Arriva Rail’s London head office in Swiss Cottage yesterday...

Decanted families warehoused in office blocks

FAMILIES are being ‘warehoused’ inside an office block in Harlow, Essex after being decanted from their local boroughs, with tenants forced to eat, drink...

‘HALT ALL CUTS AND OUTSOURCING!’ – unions confront Academies Enterprise Trust

SEVEN UNIONS have warned about their dispute with the UK’s largest academy trust over staff cuts, low pay and outsourcing. The unions have now registered...

Fresh Tory council cuts – Vital services axed

THE NEW financial year has kicked in, and with every council budget being cut to the bone the future of leisure centres, council run...

Parliament taking control from government!

‘THE APPROACH to today’s business sets an extremely concerning precedent for our democracy,’ Tory leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom said yesterday,...

Youth demand at least £10 an hour

‘YOUNG workers are missing out on £200 million in minimum wage pay,’ the TUC says, while demanding at least £10 an hour regardless of...

LABOUR READY FOR EU SELL-OUT – as Watson prepares for EU elections

TORY Justice Secretary David Gauke indicated yesterday that besieged PM May will seek to put her Withdrawal Agreement with a permanent Customs Union tagged...

Thousands turn out to save Honda car factory!

SWINDON residents turned out in their thousands on Saturday’s march to save the Honda car factory and stop its closure. There were 6,000 on the...

May Beaten – Corbyn Calls For Election!

PM MAY lost her latest high-stakes gamble in the House of Commons when her EU Withdrawal Bill was defeated by 344-286 MPs despite a...

Campaign saved lives!

‘THIS CAMPAIGN is a life saver!’ Devinder Bhambra told News Line on the mass picket of Ealing Hospital yesterday morning to celebrate the news...

‘Test Grenfell community for toxic contamination!’

A TOXIC cocktail of benzene, hydrogen cyanide (HCN), as well as many known cancer-causing chemicals and fibres have been found in soil taken from...

Tories Forced Back On Ealing & Charing Cross NHS Cuts

The TORY government has been forced to back down over its hated ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’ (SaHF) NHS cuts and closure programme in north...

Eu Must Represent Millions Who Are Opposed To Brexit Says Tusk

THE President of the European Council warned yesterday that anti-Brexit British voters who want to remain in the EU must not be ‘betrayed’. Treating Britain...

Passengers ‘lives at risk’ without guards

A DERAILMENT in Lewisham south London is a case in point about why guards must be kept on the trains, transport union RMT said...

UK still set in law to leave EU on March 29

INDICATIVE votes will take place today, Tory Leader of the House of Commons, Andrea Leadsom confirmed yesterday afternoon, after which the Withdrawal Bill amendment...

Corbyn calls for Customs Union and Single Market

‘IT IS TIME for Parliament to take control,’ Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said yesterday, responding to Tory PM May’s statement to Parliament on the...

Lonmin Agm Picketed!

PROTESTERS picketed South African mining company Lonmin’s AGM in central London yesterday, demanding it pays compensation to the families of mineworkers killed in a...

MAY GOES TO GROUND! – Johnson & Gove are battling for her job

PM MAY was holed up in crisis talks with senior Tories including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove at Chequers yesterday, with rumours that a...

May Preparing Indicative Votes To Try & Smash Brexit

10 DOWNING Street is preparing to allow parliament to vote on seven alternative EU options next week amid their growing fears that PM May...

Youth Services Devastated

ANOTHER round of council cuts is set to devastate services for young people in London, with more than £1 million of cuts planned for...

Shocking midwife staffing crisis

A SHOCKING Heads of Midwifery (HOMS) survey published yesterday by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) reveals that nearly half do not have enough...

Countdown to March 29th

PRIME Minister Theresa May has written to the European Union to ask for a three-month delay to Brexit. The UK is leaving the EU next...

Civil servants stop Ealing Tax Office

TWO HUNDRED civil servants employed at the International House Tax Office in Ealing Broadway west London went on strike yesterday, determined to defend their...

Chronically ill thrown off benefits – because GPs ‘misled’ by DWP

PATIENTS suffering from serious and chronic illnesses have been driven to the brink of homlessness after being declared ‘fit-for-work’ and thrown off their benefits....

Speaker rules out 3rd vote on May’s deal! – UK must leave EU March...

‘WHAT the government cannot legitimately do is to re-submit to the House the same proposition, or substantially the same proposition as that of last...


INTERSERVE was handed £660 million worth of public contracts in the months before facing collapse, GMB Union has revealed. The company is set to go...

Youth are marching against capitalism!

OVER 10,000 school youth from around the South East of England descended on London’s Parliament Square yesterday shouting: ‘Solution not pollution! We want change!’...

Bandit capitalism goes bust

THE UNITE trade union is demanding an urgent meeting with Ernst & Young, Interserve’s administrators, after Friday’s announcement that the company is being forced...

Second referendum amendment defeated

AMENDMENT H calling for a second referendum was resoundingly defeated in parliament last night by 249 votes, with just 85 MPs voting for and...

Bloody Sunday only 1 prosecution

‘WE WILL continue on and hopefully get the rest of the perpetrators to justice, because there are legal means to get them prosecuted and...

‘HE’S SHIFTED DEFICIT ONTO THE POOREST!’ – McDonnell condemns Hammond

TORY chancellor Philip Hammond promised in his Spring Statement to MPs yesterday in Parliament to spend a £26.6bn Brexit war chest to boost the...