Patel: More Police Powers – Despite Sarah Everard’s Murder!

Black Lives Matter protestors in 2020, kettled by police in Whitehall. Home Secretary Patel has had demonstrators in her sights since the Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion protests of 2020

‘WE HAVE delivered more powers to the police, including stop and search,’ Tory Home Secretary Priti Patel told the Tory conference in Manchester yesterday.

This is despite the murder of Sarah Everard by a Met Police officer!

She continued: ‘We are nearly half way through to recruiting nearly 20,000 additional police officers, and this summer we launched our new Beating Crime Plan to cut murder, serious violence, and neighbourhood crime, including anti-social behaviour.

‘Under my watch we have seen some of the biggest law enforcement raids in our country’s history,’ she said.

On the police murder of Sarah Everard and ‘who will police the police’ her answer remains the police.

She said: ‘This month our country’s first ever dedicated national police officer for reducing and preventing crimes against women and girls will get to work providing national direction to the police.

‘She is Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth, accountable to you through me.’

Patel said: ‘I will not tolerate the so-called “Eco-warriors” trampling over our way of life.

‘Their actions over recent weeks have amounted to some of the most self-defeating environmental protests that this country has ever seen.

‘The freedom to protest is a fundamental right … but … it must be within the law.

‘Measures already going through Parliament will ensure that these criminals can be brought to justice for the disruption that they are causing.

‘But we are going to go further to close down the legal loopholes exploited by these offenders.

‘So today I can announce we will also increase the maximum penalties for disrupting of motorways, criminal interference of key infrastructures, such as roads, railways and our free press, and give the police and the courts new powers to deliver so that they can deal with the small minorities of offenders intent on travelling around the country causing disruption and misery to our communities.’

She declared: ‘We have finally ended free movement. Delivered on our new points-based immigration system, welcoming people to our country based on the skills that they have to offer and not on the colour of their passports …

‘What is happening in the Channel with small boats is unsafe, unfair and unacceptable.

‘From the vast camps outside Calais, mainly of male economic immigrants, to the shocking images of people crammed into flimsy boats crossing the Channel, exploited by people smugglers … This cannot continue.

‘Which is why we are going after the criminals behind this perilous trade in people smuggling.’

She added: ‘Britain’s asylum system might have worked 20-years-ago but not now. The system is collapsing. Our new laws will speed up the removal of people who have no right to be in our country.’

She went on: ‘The current maximum penalty for entering the country illegally is six months, we are increasing that to four years. The current maximum sentence for people smugglers right now is 14-years, we are changing that to life.’

She concluded: ‘Border force, the police, the National Crime Agency, maritime experts and, yes, the military will deliver operational solutions including new sea tactics to turn back the boats.’