Bring Private Care Homes Back In-House
‘I STRONGLY believe that care homes should be taken back under local council control,’ GMB rep Dianne Wragg said yesterday. Wragg is the lead steward...
Tories Plan Youth Boot Camps
UNEMPLOYED youth are to be conscripted into ‘boot camps’ or face being thrown off benefits and onto the streets, in a ‘vindictive’ new Tory...
Students Angry Over Soaring Rents
STUDENTS are up in arms at the soaring cost of their accommodation on top of £9,000 a year tuition fees and government plans to...
Greek Parliament Votes For Massive Austerity
THE Greek Vouli (parliament) approved on Friday morning by 222 to 64 votes, the new EC-IMF-dictated third austerity bailout accords, proposed by the SYRIZA-ANEL...
Gp Crisis Deepens
GP leaders yesterday warned the government that its plans to recruit 5,000 new GPs and introduce seven-day opening are undeliverable, as new figures show...
Riot Police Beat Kos Migrants
HUNDREDS of migrants have been coralled in scorching temperatures in a makeshift reception centre at a sports stadium on the Greek island of Kos. Hundreds...
EU bankers plunder Greece!
USING fast-track procedures, the Greek government SYRIZA (Coalition of Radical Left) leader Alexis Tsipras is pushing through the Vouli (Greek parliament) today the...
National Gallery indefinite strike
NATIONAL Gallery workers were out in force on the first day of their indefinite strike against privatisation and victimisation yesterday. On the picket line outside...
Colleges Going Bust!
SIXTH Form Colleges ‘cannot survive on starvation rations.’ One third say that they will go bust and shut down by 2020 if the massive...
Big Business To Access Medical Records
PATIENT confidentiality will be violated and open to abuse, Unite union said in response to plans to allow high street pharmacies like Boots,...
Social Care in ruins after £4.6bn cuts over 5 years
THE Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe, has warned that huge cuts in funding in recent years have left the social care...
‘RATE RISE FEAR’ – Bank of England urges caution
‘IT WOULD be foolish to pre-announce’ a date for an interest rate increase, the Bank of England’s deputy governor for monetary policy Ben Broadbent...
3rd Day of Palestinian hunger strike!
OVER 100 Fatah-affiliated prisoners in Israeli jails entered their third day on hunger strike yesterday, prisoner representatives said. The 120 prisoners, all held in Nafha...
Tube Strike 100% Success!
‘WE’RE out because the fight is over jobs, conditions and work/life balance. And although it isn’t primarily about money, we do expect to be...
Tuc Supports Tube Strike!
THE TUC has declared its support for Tube workers who are on strike today over the imposition of night working. Commenting on the strike on...
Tube Strike Action Tonight
ON the eve of tonight’s tube strike action the RMT announced that it is calling for an immediate and indefinite suspension of the Mayor’s...
HOSPITALS have been told by the Tory government’s regulator to only fill job vacancies that are ‘essential’, raising fears amongst midwives, doctors and nurses...
Tory eviction plan for refugees
IN A further Tory attack on the working class, landlords will be expected to evict entire families, if they believe them to be ‘illegal...
Duma Forms Guard To Beat Back Settlers!
RESIDENTS of the Palestinian village of Duma in the occupied West Bank are forming voluntary groups to guard against attacks by Israeli settlers. This is...
Zambian villagers sue mining giant
1,800 Zambian villagers are taking legal action in the High Court in London against UK based mining giant Vedanta Resources Plc and Konkola Copper...
SETTLERS MURDER CHILD! – ‘International Criminal Court must act’–Abbas
‘WE hold the Israeli government fully responsible for the brutal assassination of the toddler Ali Saad Dawabsha,’ PLO official Saeb Erekat said in a...
Athens Court Finds ‘No’ Protesters Guilty
AN Athens court has sentenced three marchers of the 15 July demonstration against austerity. They were accused of throwing petrol bombs at the riot...
‘Popular uprising’ against anti-union laws urges Prentis!
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has called on the labour movement to organise a ‘popular uprising’ against the Trade Union Bill. He delivered his call...
‘Fast Track’ deportations illegal
The Court of Appeal has upheld a ruling declaring the ‘Detained Fast Track’ system for asylum seekers to be unlawful and ‘potentially disastrous’. In...
Ruthless Troika has Syriza in its grip
THE Greek Industry, Environment and Industry Minister Panos Skourletis stated on Tuesday that a general election could be called this autumn once the new...
Inquiry into undercover police spies opens!
THE Public inquiry launched yesterday into the Police Special Demonstration Squad (SDS) ‘will expose both creditable and discreditable conduct, practice and management’, Justice Pitchford...
Barristers strike against legal aid cuts!
‘THOSE who cannot afford to pay for a solicitor, and those who are denied legal aid, are suffering at the hands of the government’,...
194,941 sign ‘Sack Hunt’ petition
PATIENTS and doctors still need answers on seven-day hospital services, Dr Mark Porter, the chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA), said yesterday. This follows...
UK Martial Law plan
A REPORT published in error on National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) website and quickly taken down, has revealed a secret plan for the deployment...
LONMIN SHARES CRASH – as it announces 6,000 job cuts
SHARES in UK mining giant Lonmin plunged after it announced 6,000 jobs cuts in South Africa as part of a scaling back of its...
London Met Job Cuts Battle
UNISON members at London Metropolitan University took strike action yesterday in the latest round of their struggle against job cuts, as the...
British pilots flying US drones
BRITISH pilots have been flying drones from a US base responsible for covert strikes in Yemen and Pakistan, considered by many to violate international...
Putting safety at risk! – Aslef & RMT accuse London Underground
RAIL unions ASLEF and RMT yesterday accused London Underground of putting safety at risk in its determination to push through changes in working practices,...
East London victory! – GP surgeries to remain open
EAST London GPs have won an ‘extraordinary victory’, securing a write-off of hundreds of thousands of pounds of Tory cuts. Seventeen GP surgeries in east...
SACK HUNT! –80,000 sign petition for action
A PETITION to remove Tory Health Secretary Hunt from his post is already heading towards the 100,000 mark. Some 80,000 people have signed a petition...
‘Enforce British values’ – Cameron
TORY Prime Minister Cameron yesterday stepped up his war against ‘extremism in all its forms’ both ‘violent and non-violent’, announcing measures to shut down...
Babar Ahmad finally freed!
‘ELEVEN years of solitary confinement and isolation in ten different prisons has been an experience too profound to sum up in a few words...
Tsipras sacks ”lefts” as prices soar
THE Greek government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is presenting to the Vouli (Greek parliament) another austerity measures Bill. The vote is to be...
Stop Tories’ Syria War Drive!
‘PUBLIC opinion and anti-war mobilisation stopped Cameron’s last push to war on Syria and we need to stop the Tories again,’ a Stop the...
Parliament undermined – after British pilots bomb Syria
BRITISH personnel have already conducted air strikes in Syria, despite the government’s assurance that there would be a vote in Parliament before any such...
‘Dictator’ Hunt!
THE BMA yesterday responded angrily to health secretary Jeremy Hunt’s ‘wholesale attack’ on doctors and the threat to impose seven-day working for consultants...
Athens Clashes!
IN THE early hours of Thursday the Vouli (Greek parliament) voted by 229 to 64 with six abstentions on the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition government’s Bill...
Greece 24hr national strike
GREEK public sector workers launched a 24-hour national strike yesterday against the SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left)- ANEL coalition government’s new austerity accord...
Unite and fight this brutal assault says RMT
‘THIS Tory government is coming after the one group of people – the trade unions – who are able to stand up for ordinary...
Greek Public Sector Strike Today
AT A STORMY packed meeting of some 300 delegates on Monday the Greek Public Workers Confederation ADEDY decided to call a national 24-hour strike...