Fierce Clashes In Hebron!
ISRAELI forces opened fired with live ammunition on a protest in Hebron yesterday hitting at least ten Palestinians. The ‘rally of anger’ erupted into fierce...
Refugees left to freeze!
‘EVERY day counts,’ Jean-Claude Junker, President of the European Commission said. ‘Otherwise we will soon see families in cold rivers in the Balkans perish...
McDonnell offers cooperation if Osborne drops Credits Bill
AHEAD of today’s debate in the House of Lords, shadow chancellor John McDonnell said that Labour would ‘co-operate’ in future efforts to review the...
Victory To Sa Students
THOUSANDS of South African students marched to the Union Buildings in the South African capital Pretoria, where they were met by riot police...
‘Uprooting homeless families now the norm in London!’
HOMELESS charity Shelter yesterday condemned the practice of ‘out-of (London)-borough placements’ as ‘unacceptable’. This came as Labour-run Luton Borough Council, Bedfordshire, is considering legal action...
Assad Visits Moscow!
SYRIAN President Bashar Assad visited Moscow on Tuesday to extend thanks to the Russian authorities and people for helping to preserve the unity and...
Hunt ‘misrepresented’ weekend deaths
FIONA GODLEE, editor of The BMJ, has written to Health Secretary Hunt, accusing him of misrepresenting an academic article on deaths of patients admitted...
Fight Steel Sackings
‘THE time for talking is over, we need action’ Paul McBean, the Community union leader exclaimed as Tata Steel announced 1,200 job losses at...
Tories launch war on ‘all extremism’
‘IT is no good simply talking about violent extremism, we need to confront all extremism, we need to recognise that the poison of extremism...
Tax Credit Revolt Threatens Tories!
‘TORY MPs could lose their seats at the next General Election if they support George Osborne’s tax credit cuts,’ said Seema Malhotra MP, Labour’s...
Junior Doctors marching today
THOUSANDS of junior doctors will take to the streets of London today in protest at the imposed changes to their contracts. The rally today in...
Israeli mass murder continues
THE Palestinian Mission in London reported yesterday that ‘In the past year Israeli government forces have further intensified their provocations and attack against Al-Aqsa...
Get ready for industrial action! says BMA
THE BMA has urged junior doctors to update their place of work details by October 23 so that they can take part in...
Widespread winter blackouts! – nine power stations are to close
WITH nine power stations closing, the GMB warned yesterday about government ‘complacency’ and potential ‘widespread power blackouts’. The government’s secret plans, called ‘Operation Black Start’,...
Rcn Warning Over NHS Cash And Nursing Crisis
COMMENTING on Tory Health Secretary Hunt’s plans to cap charges for NHS agency staff, Janet Davies, Chief Executive & General Secretary of the RCN...
General strike in Palestine!
THROUGHOUT Yatta town, south of Jerusalem, a general strike is being observed to mourn the killing of a 15-year-old boy, Hasan Manasra, who was...
Aminata Eviction Stopped!
‘I AM not going to give up, I am going to fight the council until they give me and my family somewhere to live...
JUNIOR doctors have demanded ‘concrete assurances’ from Tory health secretary Jeremy Hunt before ‘considering’ re-entering negotiations. Junior doctors are furious at the Tory government’s attempts...
‘Unsafe for patients’ – Junior doctors confront Hunt
‘DOCTORS working unsocial hours must not have their pay cut,’ was the demand in a letter to Tory health secretary Hunt signed by...
Maternity Services Struggling To Cope!
THE government is responsible for maternity services being overworked, understaffed and struggling to cope, warned the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) yesterday. Maternity unit closures,...
Junior Doctors Strike Ballot Makes Hunt Think Again!
THE THREAT of industrial action by England’s 50,000 junior doctors has forced Tory health secretary Hunt to think again over plans to impose a...
HOME Secretary Theresa May has called for an overhaul in the EU asylum rules saying the bloc must speed up deportation of ‘economic migrants’...
Stop privatising Barnet!
BARNET Unison members were in determined mood yesterday as they began their 24-hour strike against privatisation of all Barnet Council services. The dispute involves social...
MAY’S WAR ON MIGRANTS! – condemned by Institute of Directors
‘WE MUST work to control immigration and put Britian first,’ Tory Home Secretary Theresa May said yesterday, stepping up her war on refugees. The economic...
TPP pushed through!
THE HATED anti-working class, pro-privatisation ‘Trans-Pacific Partnership’ deal was pushed through yesterday, in the teeth of opposition. Leaders from a dozen countries agreed the trade...
Nurses driven out of the profession
NURSES are working in ‘intolerable situations’ and feel ‘unsupported and undervalued’, with many thinking about leaving the profession, according to new RCN research published...
Unite offer to accept the anti-union laws!
UNITE is prepared to accept the Tories’ plans for thresholds for industrial action ballots. The union said in a statement yesterday: ‘The prime minister has...
Cameron boasts unions accept ‘thresholds’ are right!
PM CAMERON told the Andrew Marr Show yesterday that what was interesting about Unite leader McCluskey’s proposals on the new anti-trade union bill...
Medical students support Junior Doctors
MEDICAL students’ leaders yesterday defended final year medical students against threats to their careers if they demonstrate against the government ...
Allies warn Russia to stop bombing ISIS
TURKEY, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have called on Russia to stop its air strikes in Syria,...
Russia Hits Isis Targets
AN ISIS HQ, command point and an ammo depot in Syria were destroyed by Russian military night operations on Wednesday, it was revealed yesterday. Footage...
Junior doctors to march!
JUNIOR Doctors are to hold a mass demonstration in central London on Saturday October 17th against the imposition of new contracts cutting their pay...
Assad requests Russia’s assistance –anti-IS air strikes begin
THE Russian Federation Council has unanimously granted permission to President Putin to use the nation’s military force in Syria, Kremlin chief of...
NO UK SYRIAN INTERVENTION! – says Labour Party conference resolution
THE Labour Party Conference in Brighton yesterday voted for an emergency motion moved by Unite calling for a United Nations Security Council resolution...
Corbyn pledges council house building programme
‘A NEW, very large, very active council housing building programme is what we will launch,’ the new leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn...
Full support for Junior Doctors!
CHAIR of the British Medical Association Dr Mark Porter has declared the BMA’s full support for the junior doctors’ decision to ballot for industrial...
‘Labour will end austerity’ – claims McDonnell
‘AT THE heart of Jeremy’s campaign on which he has received such a huge mandate, was the rejection of austerity politics’, Labour shadow chancellor...
Trade unions must take action to defend the NHS!
MORE than 150 workers and youth attended the conference for strike action to defend Ealing Hospital and the NHS, in Southall yesterday. Moving the resolution,...
Junior Doctors Ballot For Action
JUNIOR doctors across England are to be balloted by the BMA over industrial action in response to the government’s plans to impose a new,...
This Sunday – EALING CONFERENCE – No more cuts and closures!
EALING CONFERENCE GOES AHEAD: On the eve of the West London Council of Action Conference to defend Ealing Hospital, due to take place on...
Junior Doctors ‘Won’t Be Slaves!’
IN just three days last week, 1,644 doctors applied to work abroad, the General Medical Council confirmed yesterday. The surge in applications began last week...
Homeless Youth Given Tickets To Sleep On Night Buses
HOMELESS youth are being given bus tickets and told to sleep on the back of night buses because all the hostels are full. The New...
Ealing Conference On The NHS
EALING CONFERENCE GOES AHEAD: On the eve of the West London Council of Action Conference to defend Ealing Hospital, due to take place on...
Legal challenge to Cameron’s ‘targeted killings!’
A GREEN MP, Caroline Lucas, and a peer, Baroness Jones, are challenging Tory PM Cameron over his policy of ‘targeted killings’ of UK citizens...
Cameron leads EU’s right wing!
TORY PM Cameron yesterday called on European leaders to deport more refugees, describing them as ‘economic migrants’ who, he claimed, don’t have a genuine...