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All news items from around the world

Striking junior doctors and supporters outside London’s North Middlesex Hospital – its A&E is now threatened with closure

1 in 6 A&Es face closure

ONE in six A&Es across the length and breadth of the country are threatened with closure, according to research by the Health Service Journal...
BA mixed fleet cabin crew launch the first day of their six days of strike action at Hatton Cross, Heathrow yesterday morning

‘We won’t accept poverty pay’ say striking mixed fleet cabin crew

‘WE WANT support from the whole airport and wider,’ striking BA mixed fleet cabin crew member and Unite rep Charly Bacon said yesterday. She was...

Shocking Tuc Betrayal Condemned

THE RMT has reacted furiously to the TUC/Southern Rail betrayal of safety and the conductor grade. General Secretary Mick Cash said: ‘This so-called agreement is...
Ambulance workers joined the mass picket of Ealing Hospital yesterday morning to stop the closure of the A&E and demand the maternity and children’s wards be re-opened

‘BRING DOWN TORIES!’ – says Ealing Hospital mass picket

‘IF THEY get rid of 600 beds and so many staff, 8,000 jobs in all – what a disaster! That would be the...
RMT along with the TSSA and the National Pensioners Convention insist outside Parliament ‘We need guards on trains’

Sunday’s Tube strike in London will have ‘massive impact’

RUTHLESS cuts on London Underground made by former mayor Boris Johnson ‘seriously threaten the safety of Londoners’, the RMT said on the eve of...
Tube staff picketing Finsbury Park station during one of their strike actions against staff cuts that endanger public safety

Reverse Tube staffing cuts! – after a fire under London Bridge escalator

THE RMT has re-iterated its call for a reversal to Tube station staffing cuts in the light of a major fire-related incident at London...

5,500 Schools Face Years Of Financial Misery!

THE TORY government has admitted that 5,500 schools face years of financial misery and that they are on the ‘funding floor.’ The Education Select Committee...
Students on the NUS and UCU joint demonstration last November – they oppose the Tory move to charge different fees at each and every university dependent on the ‘quality of education’

Parents remortgage to pay uni fees

PARENTS are being forced to remortgage their homes in order to pay for their sons’ and daughters’ tuition fees. ‘My Home Move’ analysed figures which...

Corbyn-Watson differ over Trump and Brexit

LABOUR Party deputy leader Tom Watson yesterday claimed that right wing shadow ministers who quit Labour’s front bench in a row over the...
Refugee family – trying to keep alive from cold in a flimsy shelter. Photo credit: Panos Papanikolaou

Greek workers battle cuts–while refugees freeze

ALL this week, poor Greek farmers intensified their struggle against the government’s policies of high taxation and pension cuts by setting up dozens of...

Unions recommend Tata deal – despite pension cuts and no job guarantees

UNITE, Community and GMB trade unions yesterday called on Tata steel workers at Port Talbot to vote ‘YES’ when the...

Labour Right Wing To Vote Against Brexit!

LABOUR Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has ordered Labour MPs to back the Bill that allows the government to trigger the Brexit process. The Bill asks...

Appalling Rough Sleeping Rise Says Crisis

ROUGH sleeping is rising at ‘an appalling rate,’ said the homelessness charity Crisis yesterday, as it emerged that more than 4,000 people a night...
BA mixed fleet cabin crew taking strike action against poverty pay

Attempt to bring in strike ban bill defeated

AN ATTEMPT yesterday by the Tories to introduce a bill which would ban the right to strike in critical services, was overwhelmingly defeated...

Ucl Rent Strike

OVER 150 UCL students went on rent strike yesterday against what is one of the most expensive student accommodations in the country. They are...
Southern rail picket line at Victoria Station yesterday morning

Southern guards remain rock solid

‘RMT guards on Southern Rail remain rock solid and absolutely determined in their action in defence of rail safety,’ General Secretary Mick Cash said...

May Silent Over Trident Misfire!

TORY PM Theresa May yesterday refused four times to say if she knew about a Trident nuclear missile misfire just weeks ahead of...
Striking BA Mixed Fleet Cabin Crew on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday morning

Striking cabin crews to meet TUC leaders today!

STRIKING British Airways Mixed Fleet Cabin Crew are travelling up to the TUC headquarters in central London this morning to garner support...
Striking BA cabin crews leaving yesterday’s early morning rally to set up picket lines around Heathrow Airport

McDonnell launches 3-day BA cabin crew strike!

A HUNDRED British Airways mixed fleet cabin crew, members of Unite, attended a rally at the Bedfont Sports centre at Heathrow yesterday morning to...
Mixed fleet cabin crew are starting a three-day strike today against poverty pay. Picture shows picket line at Heathrow on Tuesday January 10th

BA Cabin Crew Out Today

BRITISH Airways mixed fleet cabin crew are striking against poverty pay today in the first day of a 72-hour strike. It follows last week’s two...


‘TO provide certainty,’ Tory PM Theresa May said yesterday, ‘I can confirm today that the government will put the final deal which is agreed...
Nurses and junior doctors march against Hunt’s plans to smash the NHS

Plans to axe thousands of doctors and nurses!

PLANS to axe thousands of nursing, doctor and NHS staff posts under the Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) were revealed yesterday by the Health...
Striking junior doctors say that the NHS is everyone’s fight

‘Crude, expensive and dangerous’ – scrap referral management centres

‘CRUDE, expensive and dangerous’ warned doctors yesterday, describing the privately run ‘Referral Management Centres’. They further warned that the Referral Management Centres act as...


DOCTORS leaders yesterday hit back at PM May’s threat to cut GP funding to surgeries that did not open for longer hours and offer...
Hand off our Horton campaign, one of the many fighting to defend the NHS

‘Women refused admission to Maternity! – Glasgow Health Board apologises

THE GREATER Glasgow health board has apologised after women in labour were refused admission to a maternity unit because of overcrowding. NHS Greater Glasgow and...
ASLEF picket line at London Bridge Station earlier this week

ASLEF OUT TODAY – RMT announces more Tube strikes

WHILE Aslef drivers are striking today against Southern rail’s attempt to impose driver only operation, the RMT union yesterday announced further strike action...
Passenger with hand trapped in train door being dragged along the platform

Safety Case Is Proven!

THIS is the CCTV image – produced in court this week – which shows that Southern railways is wrong when it says driver-only operation...

‘NHS In Crisis – Pm In Denial’ – Corbyn

TORY PM May hit out at the British Red Cross at Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) in the House of Commons yesterday, describing its warnings...
Lively ASLEF picket line at London Bridge Station yesterday morning – Southern rail was brought to a complete standstill

‘Southern Are Bullies!’

‘WE HAVE been forced to go on strike by an intransigent management that has not been prepared to negotiate with us. Southern are bullies,’...
Striking British Airways mixed fleet cabin crew on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday morning

BA Cabin Crew Fighting Poverty Pay!

‘WILLIE, Willie, Willie – Out, Out Out!’ rang out on picket lines around Heathrow Airport in West London yesterday morning, as thousands of British...
TSSA and RMT strikers on the picket line at Kings Cross Station yesterday morning – determined to defend jobs on the Tube

TOTAL SHUTDOWN! – Tube strike solid

‘LONDON is on an almost total shutdown,’ RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said yesterday during the 24-hour tube strike. Pickets were out in force at...

NHS Being Driven Along Road To Ruin Says Gmb

TRADE unions and Labour Party leaders yesterday condemned the government over cuts to the NHS that have put patients at risk. The were responding to...
Doncaster care workers lobbying the Care UK head offices in London during their strike in 2014 – unions warn of a ‘funding black hole’

‘Care disaster of epic proportions’

‘A CARE disaster of epic proportions looms’ as care for the elderly and disabled reaches such a crisis that the future of social care...

Poisonous attack on immigrants

MPs AND peers yesterday launched a poisonous attack on people coming to live in the UK. A new report says that ‘migrants’ should be ‘obliged’...

Private companies are screening GP referrals

PRIVATE companies are acting as a barrier between GPs and the NHS, putting patients’ lives at risk. Millions of pounds are being spent on privately-run...
Teachers, parents and school pupils demonstrate in Bellingham in south east London against vicious education cuts

School funding cuts devastate a generation of children

AS PUPILS return to school after the Christmas break, teachers’ unions warned yesterday that funding cuts are much worse than predicted, hitting working class...
Passengers and rail staff united in their call to renationalise the rail network – fares were hiked up, in some cases by up to 43%

Renationalise the railways –demand passengers after massive fare hikes

‘SOUTHERN Rail is an example of privatisation gone rogue, backed by the Department for Transport. Public ownership of the railways is long overdue,’ NOR4NOR...

Israel to annexe settlement!

ISRAEL’S education minister and leader of the far right, pro-settlement Jewish Home Party, Naftali Bennett, said yesterday morning he would propose a bill by...
FBU demonstration against Fire Service cuts

Fire Service stretched to the limit!

A VERY STRETCHED fire service has been hard at work throughout New Year’s Eve and the early hours of New Year’s Day, the London...
Railworkers defy the bosses and the government and demand renationalisation

Forward To The World October!

New Year’s statement by the News Line Editorial Board THE News Line Editorial Board sends its warmest revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2017...
Junior doctors recently came out to defend the whole of the NHS – they were allowed to fight alone

‘General Practice–is in danger of going under!’

HELEN Stokes-Lampard, chair of the Royal College of GPs Council, the UK’s leading doctor, warned yesterday that General Practice is in danger of...

Syria – nationwide ceasefire proposed

RUSSIA and Turkey have reached an agreement on a proposal for a nationwide ceasefire in Syria from midnight, Turkey’s Anadolu state news agency...
Workers demonstrate outside the Bank of England in 2009 – they are still paying the price for the bankers’ crash

Workers still paying for 2008 crash says GMB

‘SINCE the great crash of 2007/8 the twin features of inflation of 27% and little or no pay rises have taken a heavy toll...
All over the country, NHS staff, their patients and supporters are battling to save the NHS from the Tory government

No NHS Bed Cuts!

CALLS by NHS England chief nursing officer Jane Cummings to cut acute care beds and close District General Hospitals, were roundly condemned by a...
Lively mass Xmas picket of Ealing Hospital yesterday morning demanding that the STP closure plans are thrown out

Throw STP plans out!

‘THROW the STP plans out!’ said Roseline Nwangwu an Ealing Hospital worker yesterday morning. Unite union member Roseline added: ‘If they close Ealing Hospital...