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All news items from around the world

Young Socialists marchers received an enthusiastic response in Birmingham last Saturday for their stand against ASBOs and Dispersal Orders

NO TO CITY ACADEMIES! – TUC rejects Blair ‘flagship’ policy

THE TUC yesterday voted unanimously to oppose city academies. The National Union of Teachers President Hilary Bills urged the TUC to step up a campaign...

‘We Want Action To Win’ Say Gourmet Workers

GATE GOURMET strikers were on the picket line at Heathrow Airport yesterday in high spirits, after their successful intervention at the TUC in Brighton...

FULL SUPPORT! – pledge the TUC and trade union leaders

‘NO to redundancies!’ ‘We want our jobs!’ ‘We want justice!’ shouted over 300 locked out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday inside the TUC Congress in...

GATE GOURMET WORKERS DEMAND TUC ACTION – ‘to win all our jobs back’

A LARGE number of sacked Gate Gourmet catering workers from Heathrow were on their way to Brighton to lobby the Trades Union Congress early...

‘WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF TALKS WE WANT ACTION’ say Gate Gourmet locked out...

The Gate Gourmet pickets at Heathrow Airport yesterday had a Transport and General Workers Union shop stewards report back on a meeting held with...

‘TUC MUST ACT’ to win dispute says John McDonnell Labour MP

GATE Gourmet strikers are travelling to the TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday demanding action to win their dispute from the TUC not...
UNISON General Secretary DAVE PRENTIS (centre) with Ambulance workers PHIL BELL, mark belkin, paramedic ANDREA SHIELDS and duty station officer MOHAMMED HALAWI

DEFEND JOBS AND WAGES – Smash Blair’s privatisation drive says CWU rally

‘I BELIEVE we can win this,’ Communication Workers Union General Secretary Bill Hayes told a mass rally against privatisation by over 600 postal workers...

Gate Gourmet has to be central question for TUC Crow tells pickets

THE Gate Gourmet mass picket at Heathrow airport was visited yesterday by RMT general secretary Bob Crow, along with a number of RMT executive...

IMPOSSIBLE! – NUT condemns Kelly plan to close ‘failing’ schools after one year

THE National Union of Teachers (NUT) yesterday accused Education Secretary Ruth Kelly of trying to impose ‘impossible’ targets on state schools that would lead...
Determined locked-out Gate Gourmet workers are lobbying the TUC today demanding action to win their jobs back

‘WE NEED PLAN FOR VICTORY’ say Gate Gourmet strikers

GATE GOURMET strikers were sacked four weeks ago today and were very angry yesterday morning that they have been out so long withtheir union...

Blair To Deport People To Face Torture

CIVIL rights group Liberty yesterday warned that Prime Minister Blair is seeking to cross a ‘fundamental line in the sand’ by sending people to...
Gate Gourmet sacked workers on the picket line, angry at their union leaders who are cringing before the management

‘MAKE TUC ACT TO WIN OUR STRUGGLE’ say Gate Gourmet strikers

AN EMERGENCY resolution on the Gate Gourmet dispute is to be heard at the TUC conference in Brighton next week, TGWU full-time officer, Oliver...
Labour  MP JOHN McDONNELL addressing locked out Gate Gourmet workers calls for both the TUC and the TGWU to take action to win the dispute

AIRPORT MUST COME OUT! – to win the struggle say Gate Gourmet workers

‘TELL the BA workers and every worker on the airport, we need their help again,’ Gate Gourmet striker Mrs P Samara told News Line...
RMT delegation with Gate Gourmet pickets yesterday morning. All agreed that the TUC should take action to win the dispute

Extra Troops Sent To New Orleans

THE New Orleans river front was hit by a massive blast yesterday morning, with fires raging in the area. The blast at a chemical plant...
Friends and family of Paul Coker outside Plumstead police station on Tuesday evening – one month after he died. A minute’s silence was held as a mark of respect

‘FIGHT FOR EVERY JOB!’ say Gate Gourmet pickets

ANGRY Gate Gourmet strikers told News Line yesterday that Transport and General Workers’ Union head of civil aviation, Brendan Gold, had visited them on...

NHS CATASTROPHE – BMA warning over developing crisis

THE chairman of the British Medical Association’s Consultants Committee has written an open letter to Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, warning that the NHS is...

MASSACRE! – US bombers kill 47 near to Syrian Border

FORTY-SEVEN people were massacred in two bombing raids by American warplanes in occupied Iraq early yesterday morning, close to the Syrian border. The air strikes...
The striking Gate Gourmet workers fighting for reinstatement relaxing at the weekend. All except six pickets are being kept on a grass verge by a roundabout near to the factory

‘WE MUST WIN’ – say Gate Gourmet strikers

‘WE’RE coming back!’ Gate Gourmet strikers shouted defiantly at the scab lorries accompanied by video surveillance vans as they drove past the mass picket...


‘THEY are trying to break our unity. We reject this deal,’ Gate Gourmet picket Mrs Gill said yesterday. She was responding to proposals brought forward...

‘SACK SIEGEL FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE HERE!’ say defiant Gate Gourmet strikers

THE Gate Gourmet strikers have poured scorn on company chairman David Siegel’s departure from Britain to America, which was announced on Wednesday. Picket Mr...

GOURMET CRISIS! – Siegel flies back to the USA

THERE WERE no talks yesterday between the TGWU and Gate Gourmet bosses after its chairman David Siegel flew back to the US for crisis...

‘WE ARE ALL GOING BACK TOGETHER’ – Gate Gourmet workers vow ‘no compromise’

THE GATE GOURMET pickets were in a lively mood yesterday, full of determination that they were all going to get their jobs back in...

‘we Need Total Victory!’

‘EACH and every one of you are victims of a cynical sacking. It’s not just an issue for you, our members, it is –...

‘WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PICKET’ – now TGWU must make the strike official

GATE Gourmet strikers, at Heathrow, were jubilant yesterday after the High Court verdict that they had the right to picket the company which sacked...

PROSECUTE THE POLICE DEATH SQUAD – say Jean Charles de Menezes family

A cousin of Jean Charles de Menezes, the young Brazilian electrician murdered by Metropolitan Police CO 19 firearms officers, yesterday demanded those responsible ‘must face...
A group of cheerful and determined pickets on the grass verge near the Gate Gourmet factory on Tuesday morning

‘WE WANT THE TRUTH’ – say Menezes family lawyers

Lawyers for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes yesterday said they wanted the truth, and answers to ‘lies that have been told’ about...

WORKERS DEMAND ACTION – as Woodley refuses to ballot Airport TGWU members

TRANSPORT and General Workers Union general secretary Tony Woodley led a delegation into talks with British Airways chief Rod Eddington at Heathrow Airport yesterday...
A section of the strikers from Gate Gourmet listening to a report from Tony Woodley on Monday afternoon in Southall

AS TALKS BREAK DOWN – Call out the airport say Gate Gourmet pickets

‘Talks have, indeed, broken down as a consequence of Gate Gourmet wanting to selectively re-employ those who had been sacked, even though there is...

STOP THE AIRPORTS! – smash the strikebreaking bosses

YESTERDAY the Gate Gourmet picket lines were buzzing with the latest revelations concerning the way that the bosses had provoked a strike in order...

MAKE THE DISPUTE OFFICIAL!– call out the airport! – Locked out Gate Gourmet work

Locked out workers at British Airways caterer Gate Gourmet demanded their dispute be made official as talks between the company and the Transport and...


FURIOUS locked-out Gate Gourmet workers yesterday slammed Transport and General Workers Union officials for demanding British Airways workers, who came out on strike in...
Picket line outside the Gate Gourmet factory yesterday morning

800 sacked – Given 3 minutes notice at Gate Gourmet

‘Eight hundred workers at the gate gourmet airline catering company have been sacked,’ Tony Woodley told a press conference at the TGWU offices in...

ROYAL FREE BED CUTS! – 100 beds and a number of wards to go

London UNISON health convenor Geoff Martin yesterday slammed plans by the Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust to slash up to 100 beds and close...

TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE – Corbyn slams pre-trial no jury courts

Government plans for secret no-jury ‘pre-trial’ trials before ‘security cleared’ judges are ‘totally unacceptable’ Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn told News Line yesterday. He added: ‘All...
Locked-out Gate Gourmet workers are determined to get all 800 jobs back on their original terms and

FOUR CHARGED WITH TERROR ATTACKS – As Saudi scare sends oil prices sky-high

Four men were yesterday remanded in custody to appear on criminal charges at the Old Bailey on November 14th, in connection with the July...

1,000 CLASH WITH POLICE IN SAMAWA – Iraqis angry over no water or electricity

At least one person was killed and sixty others were wounded yesterday when over 1,000 angry Iraqis clashed with police in Samawa, south of...
A massive picket line of angry workers determined that their boss will not succeed in destroying the

ONSLAUGHT ON BASIC RIGHTS – Human Rights Act to be ammended

Prime Minister Blair yesterday outlined new draconian measures to deport or jail people judged to be ‘glorifying terrorism’. He said ‘intensive meetings across government’ had...

BANKS QUARTER PER CENT RATE CUT – Bosses warn ‘economic climate is worsening’

Yesterday’s Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decision to cut interest rates from 4.75 per cent to 4.5 per cent, provoked worried reactions. The...

14 Marines Killed In Al-Anbar

Fourteen US Marines and their civilian translator were killed by a roadside bomb blast in north-western Iraq early yesterday. The Marines were killed...

£50,000 A Day To Strike Break

Firefighters in Suffolk were angry yesterday as the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces set out to break their strike actions against plans...

BLOOD MONEY! – Police offer £600,000 to Menezes family

The Metropolitan Police confirmed yesterday that Deputy Assistant Commissioner John Yates arrived in Brazil on Sunday for talks with the family of young electrician...

Suffolk Fire Crews Strike Tomorrow

Suffolk Fire Brigades Union Brigade Committee yesterday called for a national demonstration next Thursday, 11 August, in support of tomorrow and this Friday’s strike...

POLICE RAID ON NOTTING HILL – stun grenades used by armed police

Yesterday, police said that two more of the alleged 21 July would-be London bombers were now in custody after a series of armed raids...
An Iraqi resistance fighter ready for action


Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmad Qurei warned Tuesday that, ‘without Jerusalem there will be no peace’ with Israel. ‘Peace starts in Jerusalem and ends there. Peace...

Police Use Taser Gun In Midlands Raid

A MAN, claimed by the police to be Yasin Omar, was stunned with a high voltage taser during an armed police raid carried...