Joint strike action agreed – at the TUC Congress


THE TUC Congress yesterday instructed the TUC General Council to support and coordinate joint strike action against attacks on jobs, pensions, pay and public services.

Composite Motion Nine: Public Services and Their Importance to the Economy warned: ‘All services are already in danger with the increasing threat of privatisation evidenced by the Open Public Services White Paper.’

It added: ‘Congress notes that the combination of public services cuts, wage freezes, benefit cuts, growth in unemployment, changes to the calculation for pensions and other benefits from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to Consumer Price Index (CPI) and unchecked inflation amount to the biggest attack upon living standards in this country since the 1920s.’

The motion states: ‘In order to expand the campaign against the government’s austerity agenda, both in the public and private sectors, Congress supports a national day of action with pensioners organisations, youth and student groups and other local community campaigns.’

It states: ‘Congress instructs the General Council to: Support and Coordinate campaigning and joint union industrial action against attacks on jobs, pensions, pay or public services.’

Mover Jane Carolan of Unison condemned the attack on youth services and the cut in university places, saying: ‘What a time it is to be 17.’

She warned: ‘The Welfare State is no longer a safety net and the NHS is no longer safe.’

She added: ‘Cuts are only part of the agenda, the other part is privatisation.’

She said that with ‘capitalism in action there is no time for caring.’

Seconder Janice Godrich of the PCS union said: ‘We say austerity is not the answer.’

She added: ‘Evidence tells us that cuts make the economy worse.’

She said the aim of the government is to roll back the Welfare State.

She warned: ‘The NHS will no longer be free at the point of need under the government’s plans.

‘Every cut creates a victim. This composite rejects all cuts.’

She called for ‘biggest industrial action since the General Strike’ and ended by urging everyone to ‘resist’ the cuts.

CWU delegate Tony Kearns, speaking in support, said: ‘We shouldn’t be afraid to say as trade unionists that capitalism has failed.’

He added: ‘We have to stand up for public services.’

He reminded delegates: ‘Our conference called for a 24-hour general strike. We don’t accept cuts.’

Terry Hoad, of the UCU union, said: ‘The government wants to introduce changes that will see a lecturer on a £20,000 pension lose £6,000.

‘Our battle has to be for decent pensions that will see people not in poverty but in dignity in their old age.’

FBU delegate Andy Noble said: ‘Our message to Cameron and the government is to stop calling us heroes while making cuts to our jobs, our pensions and trying to privatise the fire service.’

He condemned the sell-off of London’s fire engines to a private company.

He said that ‘AssetCo is in court fighting off bankruptcy’ and said this was a disgrace.