END THE OCCUPATION! VICTORY TO PALESTINE! 120,000 march through central London

The front of Saturday’s 120,000-strong march sets off from outside the Israeli embassy in London
The front of Saturday’s 120,000-strong march sets off from outside the Israeli embassy in London

OVER 120,000 marched and rallied in central London on Saturday against Israel’s onslaught on Gaza as the Palestinian death toll reached over 1,000.

Workers and youth and supporters of the Palestinian cause gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Kensington, west London, before marching towards the Houses of Parliament. Trade union leaders addressed rallies in Kensington High street and Parliament Square.

Carrying Palestinian flags and placards with slogans such as Stop the Killing and Free Palestine, the protesters chanted, ‘Gaza don’t you cry, we will never let you die!’ ‘Free, free Palestine!’ ‘Shame on you Netanyahu!’ ‘Shame on you Obama!’ and ‘Shame on you Cameron!’

A lively Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists delegation won big support for their chants of ‘Occupation no more! Israel is a terror State!’ ‘End the siege on Gaza now!’ ‘Victory to Palestine, smash Zionism!’ ‘Intifada night and day, Zionism you will pay!’ and ‘One state, Palestine!’

Speaking outside the Israeli embassy, John Gray, Vice Chair UNISON Greater London International Committee & NEC member said: ‘The Israeli actions in Gaza are disproportionate and illegal. The UN must act now. The EU must act. The UK government must act.

‘The evidence shows that the actions of the Israeli Defence Force are illegal in international law so why is the international community dragging its feet?

‘The rising death toll of innocent civilians cannot be justified. Israel has a responsibility to respond to the rocket attacks judiciously – it has not done so, and the latest bombing of the UN school is disgraceful and beyond comprehension.

‘UNISON has always supported the policy of a two-state solution. We recognise the right of Palestinians to establish a state in the West Bank and Gaza strip with its capital in Jerusalem. To have a viable Palestinian state Israel must comply with international law and withdraw to the 1967 borders. The illegal settlements continue to dispossess, humiliate and terrorise the people who are the rightful owners of the land that has been occupied. We will continue to campaign against the illegal settlements.

‘Our links with Palestine have been established over many years. As a trade union we support workers in Palestine, in Israel and in the occupied territories to achieve their rights. We do this through delegations, projects and campaigns to support the rights of Palestinians and of Arabs within Israel who are treated as 2nd class citizens.’

He added: ‘We call on both sides to reach a ceasefire. The only viable alternative to the current conflict in the region is a political arrangement: the principles of which are embedded in the long-existing UN resolutions.

‘No more lives must be lost. It is time to call a ceasefire. It is time for international law to be upheld. It is time for the safety, dignity and rights of the people of Gaza to be restored. The horror must end.’

The west London rally was also addressed by NUT official Alex Kenny.

Other speakers condemned the revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager by Zionist settlers and rubbished Israeli claims of self-defence and called for an arms embargo on Israel.

The Parliament Square rally was addressed by TUC vice president Lesley Mercer: ‘We have never stopped our role of supporting people beyond these shores who are in desperation. One child is being killed every hour in Gaza. Hospitals, already short of medical supplies are being bombed.

‘Thousands are displaced and without water. That’s why the TUC is here showing support. How can Israel believe it can bring peace through their strategy? This is the third major military action in the past few years yet they have not achieved their aims.’

News Line spoke to some of the protesters as they gathered in Kensington High Street.

Hooshang Nejrd, an Iranian refugee living in London, said: ‘I’m here to support Palestinians. Israel doesn’t like Hamas and Fatah coming together. It keeps a blockade on Gaza – no food, no medicine. They must open the blockade.

‘The UN Human Rights Council has condemned the Israeli bombing. Israel has military power and American and European support. The media reports the airplane crash in Ukraine. But in Gaza 800 people, including children, have been killed.

‘Israel has the atom bomb, Gaza has only stones and small rockets. They should have bigger rockets.

‘There needs to be a new intifada of all Palestinians. Workers in the West must make more big demonstrations. The trade unions should take action against their governments for supporting Israel.’

London fitness instructor Soumia Rabbouj, originally from Morocco, said: ‘This is my fourth demonstration to support Palestine. And if there are more I will be on them. I’m angry at the killing of children and the women as I have two daughters myself and a two-year-old grandson.

‘I feel the need to be part of the struggle. I cry every single day since this started. It’s awful what Israel is doing. I just want to see the occupation and killing stop. The trade unions must do more – organise big demonstrations and a trade union boycott of Israel. They should take strike action against the Cameron government. Cameron is supporting Israel.’

Houcem Eddine, an Algerian student living in south London, added: ‘I’m angry at what’s happening in Gaza and the West Bank, and the silence of Western governments.

‘If what is happening in Gaza was happening any other part of the world, there would be uproar. There is a serious attack on civilians. Eighty per cent of those killed are civilians, many of them children. I say shame on the UK government for supporting Israel.

‘There hasn’t been any serious action against Israel, they haven’t condemned the attack or anything. Workers should boycott Israel, anything that has to do with the state of Israel.’

Mohammed Shraf, a retired shopkeeper from Clapham, said: ‘I feel very angry at the killing of innocent women and children. They are being killed by Israeli armaments supplied by America and also helped by the British government and the EU.

‘There should be peace, one Palestine where both communities can live in peace and harmony as they did before the Second World War. The problem is Zionism and imperialism. Everybody should boycott Israel – all nations should, until there is peace in the Middle East.’

Rebecca Khan, a young teacher from north London, said: ‘I’m here because of what is happening to our Palestinian brothers and sisters. I’m showing my support for them. It upsets me to see all the innocent civilians dying, especially the women and children.

‘I want the killing to stop. The unions here should take action. They should boycott Israel. The Palestinians should have another Intifada, and workers all round the world should take action.’

George Bateman, studying in Egham, Surrey, told News Line: ‘I learned about the Palestinian conflict at A-level and it’s always been a hot issue for me since. What is happening is a war crime and the international community is ignoring it.

‘It’s all about money and greed. The people with money and influence have the power to stop the destruction but they don’t. The unions should boycott Israel. They should take strike action against the Cameron government over its support for Israel.’

Michael Stanley, a warehouse worker from Guildford, added: ‘What the Israelis are doing – killing kids in hospitals and schools – is disgusting. Imagine the headlines if Russia did it in Kiev. The Israelis are using illegal weapons such as white phosphorus. They used it before in Operation Cast Lead in 2009. There should be an arms embargo on Israel but the Zionists have the backing of America.’

Amelie Govett, a French film marketer living in London, said: ‘I’m here to protest against what is happening in Palestine, the crimes against humanity, the bombing and killing of innocent people.

‘It’s inhumane to do something like that. The Israelis must stop killing people, that’s why I’m here.

‘It’s outrageous that the French government has banned demonstrations for Palestine. The British government’s support for Israel is outrageous, too. The British and the French unions should take action, anyone who has the ability should take action. I support boycotting Israel.’

Hatimo Ismail, a student from Northolt, said ‘I’m upset and angry because of the genocide in Palestine. Too many innocent people are being killed and the media are not covering it properly.

‘It’s not fair, because the people in Palestine don’t have a voice.’

Ahmed Kaz, a waiter from east London, said: ‘I’ve come here to stand with the people of Gaza and to show the world what the terror state of Israel is doing. Israel is taking people’s land by force and killing innocent children. It has to stop the violence against Palestinians. If they don’t stop their killing, Israel is going to provoke another intifada. The UK government should stop supporting Israel.’