Zionists are on the march in Jerusalem. The UK trade unions must call a general strike in support of Palestine!


NABIL Abu Rudeineh, the spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas, said yesterday that East Jerusalem, with its Islamic and Christian holy sites, will remain the eternal capital of the State of Palestine, in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and international law.

He was responding to a statement by the Israeli PM without a majority, Naftali Bennett, claiming that ‘Jerusalem will remain a united city that will never be divided again.’

Abu Rudeineh stressed: ‘It is not possible to achieve security and stability in our region, as long as Israel continues its war on our people, their land and their holy sites, and as long as it deals as a state above the law and rejects the resolutions of international legitimacy and the foundations of the peace process.’

He stressed: ‘The only way to achieve stability and lasting peace is through the establishment of their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.’

The presidential spokesman urged ‘the international community, especially the US administration, to shoulder its responsibilities towards what is happening and not to deal with double standards’.

In fact, two of the leaders of the international capitalist community, the USA and the UK, are looking the other way right at the moment when the racist Zionist gangs are planning to march on the Dome of the Rock.

Palestinian resistance groups have unanimously warned the Israeli regime against their ‘flag march’ in occupied al-Quds, saying they will retaliate if the regime goes ahead with the provocative march.

Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said they will retaliate if Israel doesn’t change the planned route of the parade and tries to approach al-Aqsa mosque.

‘The Israeli settlers can avoid a war and escalation if they stop this mad march,’ Bassem Naim, a senior Hamas official, said yesterday.

The head of the Jerusalem (al-Quds) Committee against Judaisation, Nasser Al-Hadmi, stated that the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and the threats of the resistance carry a clear and strong message that the confrontation with the occupying regime will be strong.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Friday that Israel is determined to hold the flag march as scheduled. According to the Israeli premier’s office, Bennett has already called his security services and urged them to intensify their presence in preparation for the march.

‘The march would indeed go ahead as planned,’ to mark Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East al-Quds in 1967. It was originally scheduled to be held on May 10th, but Israel’s right wing groups shelved the controversial parade after police refused to authorise it and Hamas warned of the consequences.

Any such march will meet massive opposition by the Palestinian masses who will not let it pass. The time has now arrived when the powerful US and UK trade unions who have said that they support the Palestinian cause must take action to defend it.

The UK trade unions have threatened to call a general strike in support of Palestine and now is the time when they must call it!

They must halt all trade with Israel including supplies of arms and ammunition.

The unions must organise a 100% boycott of Israel and begin organising a fighting fund to supply Palestinians with the necessary cash to buy the arms and ammunition that they require to defend their country.

The trade unions must organise a 100% boycott of Israel and the TUC’s march to the Houses of Parliament on June 18th must have a lead banner declaring the general strike in support of Palestine.

In fact, the Palestinian and UK workers are fighting in the same trench against the same enemy Zionism and its creator, British imperialism.

Our victory will be their victory and vice versa. The time has come for the British workers to overthrow the UK Tory ruling class to aid both themselves and the Palestinian people!