Truss And The Bosses Declare War On The Workers While Leading Labourites Seek To Work With Truss!


PM TRUSS, with her new team in place after clearing out the discredited Johnson gang, is now seeking to save British capitalism from its complete and deserved destruction. They are to put billions at the disposal of the oil and gas bosses, and the banks, and impose an oil and gas price cap, costing many billions, that the working class and the poor will be required to pay off in the decades ahead.

Meanwhile throughout the UK, the EU and the USA, millions of workers are experiencing massive price rises in petrol, heating, and food, while world capitalism and its share prices are collapsing.

As the banks push up interest rates higher and higher, the capitalist system is poised on the edge of the precipice awaiting a great crash of the system, that will make the 1930s disaster look tame.

Many workers are now having to consider their political options, as the system crashes, and it becomes obvious that what is required is the expropriation of the capitalists and the nationalisation of the productive forces in a planned socialist economy, where there will be planned production to satisfy the needs of the people, and not to make vast profits for a few profiteers.

It is at this point of political crisis that the Labour reformists come into their own.

They are lining up to support the Tory plan to make the masses pay for the crisis, and even declaring publicly that they desire to work with the government.

Yesterday 11 mayors and political leaders in a special statement urged the new Tory leader to take urgent action on the cost of living catastrophe.

They agree with Truss baling out the bosses and the workers paying the vast costs for years ahead. The oil and gas bosses are now making undreamt of profits.

While the poor and the workers need to see the oil and gas profiteers expropriated, along come a gang of Labour MPs and council leaders to urge Truss to launch a price cap, with the workers to pay the bill for years ahead.

They should in fact be calling for the nationalisation of the oil and gas industries as part of a planned socialist economy and not to make the energy kings rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Among the cross party group urging Truss to take action were the Labour mayors of Greater Manchester. Liverpool City Region, and Bristol – Messrs Andy Burnham, Steve Rotheram and Marvin Rees.

Their statement lauds and supports the Johnson ‘Levelling Up’ agenda stating that: ‘We know from experience that making sure that economic growth is inclusive is the only way the levelling up agenda, on which this government was elected, can withstand the political and economic turbulence ahead.’

This shows that the Labourites are getting ready to put the capitalist nation first and join a National Government to maintain capitalism, by any means that may become necessary.

In fact the TUC leader O’Grady has just cautioned Truss to proceed with her business measures cautiously.

Her message to Truss was not to underestimate the strength of feeling among workers who have endured pay stagnation and real terms pay cuts for years.

‘Working people are at a turning point where they are not prepared to be “mugged off” with low pay any more,’ Frances O’Grady, the TUC general secretary, has said.

She stressed that it was part of the TUC’s core role to facilitate coordination between unions, but that there was no motion for a ‘general strike’ on the conference agenda, as that was not the focus.

On the next six months, O’Grady warned Liz Truss not to underestimate the strength of feeling among workers who have endured pay stagnation and real terms pay cuts for years.

‘I feel encouraged by the determination I see,’ she said. ‘I think there’s a long fuse, but when it goes, it really goes. The government should not underestimate that real determination that I see from working people that things have got to change. I think it’s growing. I think people … there is just that turning point when people know they’ve been mugged off and they’re not prepared to accept it any more. I think that’s what we are seeing now.’

On Monday September 12 the TUC is holding its Congress in Brighton. It is to be lobbied at 8am by the All Trades Unions Alliance and large numbers of workers and youth to demand that the TUC must stop acting as a guard dog for the bosses, but must call a General Strike at once, to bring down the Truss regime and bring in a workers government and a socialist nationalised and planned economy. Make sure you are there!