Starmer promises the working class ‘pain’ – workers will respond with a socialist revolution!


PM STARMER told an invited audience yesterday morning in the Downing Street Rose Garden: ‘I promised this government would serve people like you.’

He told his audience that wealth creation ‘is the number one priority of this Labour government.

‘That’s why, in our first few weeks, we’ve set up a National Wealth Fund – because we want every person and every community to benefit.’

He added: ‘We’ve ended the national strikes that have crippled our country for years. Because I defy anyone to tell me that you can grow the economy… when people can’t get to work – because the transport system is broken.

‘Or can’t return to work – because they’re stuck on an NHS waiting list.’

He boasted: ‘We’ve done more in seven weeks than the last government did in seven years. And these are just the first steps towards the change that people voted for.’

He then issued his warning about ‘The change I’m determined to deliver.’

He continued: ‘When there is a deep rot deep in the heart of a structure, you can’t just cover it up. You can’t tinker or rely on quick fixes. You have to overhaul the entire thing. Tackle it at root.’

He added: ‘But I have to be honest with you. Things are worse than we ever imagined. In the first few weeks, we discovered a 22 billion pound black hole in the public finances. ‘And before anyone says oh this is just performative…

‘The OBR did not know about it . . . and they didn’t know – because the last government hid it.’

Condemning Tory recklessness he added: ‘We borrowed almost 5 billion pounds more than the OBR expected in the last three months alone. That’s not performative – that’s fact.’

He slammed ‘People displaying swastika tattoos. Shouting racist slurs on our streets. Nazi salutes at the cenotaph’ … he continued: ‘ I will not tolerate a break down in law and order under any circumstances. And I will not listen to those who exploit grieving families, and disrespect communities. But these riots didn’t happen in a vacuum.

‘They exposed the state of our country. Revealed a deeply unhealthy society.’

He added: ‘But dealing with the riots this summer was much harder. In 2011, I didn’t doubt the courts could do what they needed to do. This time – to be honest with you – I genuinely didn’t know. Every day – literally every day – we had to check the precise number of prison places we had and where those places were…To make sure we could arrest, charge and prosecute people quickly.’

The crisis, as far as he is concerned, is not that people cannot afford to feed themselves and their families but that ‘that there are not enough police and prison cells’ to lock workers and youth up in.

The PM complained about the ‘softness’ of the state saying people thought: ‘Oh, they’ll never arrest me. And if they do, I won’t be prosecuted. And if I am, I won’t get much of a sentence.’

The problem is that ‘they saw the cracks in our society after 14 years of failure – and they exploited it. Not just an economic black hole. A societal black hole. And that is why we have to take action and do things differently.

‘Part of that is being honest with people – about the choices we face. And how tough this will be.’

Starmer wants to jail workers and youth and then to throw away the key. He is a genuine counter-revolutionary and a danger to the working class and the youth.

He is not an optimist, stating: ‘Frankly – things will get worse before they get better. I didn’t want to release prisoners early.’ He added: ‘We wouldn’t have been able to respond to the riots as we did.’

Clearly, for Starmer, what is wrong with society is that the working class and the youth have too much power and there is no telling where it will end ‘if we don’t take tough action across the board, we won’t be able to fix the foundations of the country as we need.’

He added: ‘I won’t shy away from making unpopular decisions now… if it’s the right thing for the country in the long term.’

The PM and Labour Party leader wants a police state to put and keep the working class in its place. The working class will not accept any of this rubbish. It creates the wealth and then is robbed of it by the ruling class of bosses and bankers and by sections of the middle class.

The way forward out of the developing economic catastrophe is for the trade unions at the TUC Congress on Monday September 9th to call a general strike to bring down the Starmer government and to bring in a Workers Government and socialism!