Police provocateurs at large
GREEN party MP Caroline Lucas has called for a parliamentary inquiry into the case of an undercover police officer and his possible involvement in...
Greece must be sacrificed – Osborne dons his butcher’s apron!
CHANCELLOR Osborne was in the mood for sacrifices on Tuesday and as is his way, the way of the British bourgeoisie, these sacrifices were...
Balls Stands Up For Rescuing Capitalism
GMB leader Paul Kenny has told delegates to the GMB conference that the GMB wants a greater say in Labour’s policy making process. The truth,...
Political crisis in Europe
The political crisis for the European bourgeoisie deepened yesterday following the results of exit polls at the end of the first round of voting...
We Are Approachng A Moment Of Truth Says Osborne
KARL MARX was able to show that one of the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist system was the conflict between the need of the...
US-Israel Organising Cyber Warfare
THE New York Times has revealed that the United States and Israel were behind the Stuxnet virus cyber-warfare attack on Iran and its nuclear...
Panic reigns supreme under bankrupt capitalism
THE sense of panic and of impending doom is running wild amongst the international banks and the world bourgeoisie as they are forced to...
The Jubilee turns sour as capitalism crashes
THE Jubilee ‘celebrations’ have turned out to be a petty, momentary diversion for sections of the middle class, away from the real drama...
Syrian opposition demands a no-fly zone!
THE announcement that the western and Saudi-Qatari backed ‘opposition’ in Syria is no longer committed to the UN Security Council-backed Annan ceasefire comes as...
NHS privateer investigated for ‘unsafe’ GP Service
Serco, the country’s top privateer in the NHS and other public services, is under investigation over allegations that it ran an ‘unsafe’ GP out-of-hours...
US Getting Ready For War With China!
SPEAKING at the International Institute for Strategic Studies conference in Singapore last Friday, US Secretary of Defence, Leon Panetta, made it clear that the...
Out with Hunt, out with the rotten coalition!
LABOUR is to demand a parliamentary vote over Culture Secretary Hunt’s breaching of the ministerial code, by refusing to take responsibility for the actions...
Eurozone is unsustainable!
THE head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, has pronounced the Eurozone to be ‘unsustainable’ in its present form, while the EU...
Massive doctors vote for strike action over pensions!
THE BMA LEADERSHIP has now called a 24-hour day of action on Thursday 21 June, during which only emergency or urgent care will be...
Revolution coming to North America!
THE continuing Egyptian revolution – in particular the determined occupations of Tahrir Square and the fearless struggle of Egypt’s workers for their rights...
Lloyd’s pulls the plug on Europe
NOT just Greece but the Eurozone and, by extension, the whole of Europe is a financial basket case that is heading inexorably towards a...
Clinton, Hague beat war drums over Syria
YESTERDAY US and UK diplomats were foaming at the mouth over an alleged massacre by the Syrian armed forces of men women and...
Cynical US Slaps Pakistan’s Wrist Over Bin Laden ‘Treason’
SADDAM Hussein and Colonel Gadaffi led Arab nationalist, secular regimes in Iraq and Libya, and were both opposed to Al Qaeda on principle and...
Imperialism Risks Armageddon in Gulf
The news this week, that the army and security services have informed government ministers that there is a ‘25% to 50% chance’ that there...
IMF Declares UK Economy going bust
The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, issued the gravest warning yet on the state of the UK economy on Tuesday,...
Coalition Plans To Smash Workers’ Rights
THE REPORT outlining government proposals to smash up any rights workers have to secure employment and legal protection from unfair dismissal finally saw the...
Eurozone Crisis Spirals Out Of Control
THE EUROZONE crisis was finally, officially recognised as the time bomb that will bring down the entire capitalist banking system at last weekend’s meeting...
UN Admits Al-Qaeda Bombing Damascus!
THE UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has admitted that Al-Qaeda is behind two deadly suicide car bomb attacks in Syria last week. Fifty-five people were...
The Queen’s Dinner Party For Despots!
THE KINGS of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Swaziland were at a dinner for despots yesterday as part of the celebration of the Queen’s Diamond...
Cameron to ‘Keep capitalism safe’ with more savage attacks on workers!
ON Wednesday, King, the governor of the Bank of England, said of the developing crisis in the eurozone that his Monetary Policy Committee believes...
British capitalism and its state – poisonous, rotting and ripe for revolution!
THE CRISIS of the British capitalist state has been highlighted by the News International scandals which will do for the British ruling class what...
British Capitalism Gets The Shakes Over Eu Crisis!
UK Chancellor George Osborne lashed out at Germany’s ‘Iron Chancellor’ Merkel before the meeting of EU finance ministers in Brussels yesterday. He attacked Merkel...
German election crisis for Merkel
The economic and political crisis in the Eurozone countries is now firmly expressing itself in Germany, the dominant capitalist nation in Europe and the...
Trade Union Leaders Are Pulling Their Punches!
IT is a disgrace that the trade union leaders who led the May 10th pensions strike, when 400,000 trade union members stopped work, refused...
Crocodile Tears At The Security Council Over Syria!
THE UN Security Council has condemned the truck bomb attacks that killed at least 55 people and wounded almost 400 in the Syrian capital,...
The Spectre Of Revolution Stalks Europe Says Farage
IT was Karl Marx who in 1848, two months before the February revolution erupted in France, began the Communist Manifesto with the words ‘A...
Queen’s speech intensifies coalition attacks on jobs pensions and basic rights!
THE Queen’s speech spelt out that her Tory-LibDem government is to step up its war against public sector pensions, continue to place the...
Left Asked To Form Greek Government
FOLLOWING the failure to form a government by the leader of the Greek Tories, Antonis Samaras, the leader of the Coalition of...
French and Greek workers reject austerity
The elections in France and Greece on Sunday demonstrated conclusively that Europe stands on the brink of a seismic revolutionary upheaval that will sweep...
Tories Are Down – Now They Must Be Put Out!
THE Tories are down but they are not out! The trade unions must mobilise for action at once to deliver a knock-out blow to...
Workers Reject Tories And Lib-Dems, Now Take Action To Get The Coalition Out!
THE Tories and the LibDems were whipped around the country in the council elections, with Labour retaking Liverpool and numerous cities and towns, as...
Mervyn King The Bankrupt Representative 0F A Bankrupt Social System!
ON Wednesday night, the outgoing governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, delivered a speech that amounted to little more than an extensive...
Vote For Livingstone! Get The Tories Out!
NEWS LINE urges all of its readers and supporters to vote for Ken Livingstone in the London Mayoral elections today, and to vote Labour...
No Performance-Related Pay In The Classroom!
THE House of Commons Education Select Committee yesterday tried to deliver a blow against the national pay agreements established by the teaching trade unions....
NHS to become part of leisure industry!
It’s now official – NHS hospitals under the Tory-dominated coalition government are set to become little more than a franchise of the leisure and...
24.4% (5.64m) of Spanish workers are unemployed!
THE number of unemployed people in Spain reached 5,639,500 at the end of March, with the unemployment rate hitting 24.4%, with youth unemployment at...
Free Bradley Manning – The Exposer Of Imperialist Secret Diplomacy!
A MILITARY judge is expected to rule shortly on a request to dismiss all charges against the US soldier Bradley Manning, accused of passing...
Time To Throw The Rotten Coalition Out!
IT was put to Rupert Murdoch, at the Leveson Inquiry yesterday, that Thatcher could not have done without him and that he could not...
Revolution On The March In The Eu!
THE working class pushing forward against the EU’s austerity programmes has thrust the Eurozone into crisis, and created the conditions for the collapse of...
Revolutionary crisis in France
The first round of voting in the French presidential election, held last Sunday, produced an unprecedented defeat for the incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy and his...