
Daily editorials from the newspaper

Greek Government Starts A Pogrom!

GREECE is currently having its books and the success of its austerity measures examined by the EU Troika, made up of the representatives...

Mark Duggan was assassinated by the police says his mother

A DAY OF REMEMBRANCE was held yesterday to mark a year since the death of Mark Duggan, who was shot dead by the...

Obama, Cameron Sign Up For War In Syria

US President Barack Obama has signed a covert, secret order authorising the CIA and other US state agencies to support the Syrian counter-revolutionaries, the...

World Crisis Of Capitalism Is Driving A World Revolution For Socialism

THIS week the ‘big guns’ of the capitalist world banking system will each be holding their regular monthly meetings with only one question on...

‘The Next Global Shock Will Be Like An Earthquake!’

EUROZONE manufacturing activity has hit a three-year low at the same time as the banking crisis is reaching explosion point. Greece has run out...

Romney condemned by Solidarity and the Palestinians!

REPUBLICAN presidential nominee Romney won endorsement from former Polish president and former Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, only to see the Solidarity...

Crunch Time For The Eurozone

August is traditionally the month when politicians, bankers and bureaucrats across Europe take an extended break away from the chaos of the economic meltdown...

British workers require socialism not circuses!

FOR the second day running the bourgeois media have been dominated by the Olympic opening extravaganza organised brilliantly by Danny Boyle, who used and...

Troika poised to show Greece the door

GREEK PM Antonis Samaras is meeting the organisation of Greece’s international creditors, the Troika (IMF, EU, ECB), to try to persuade it to give...

Renationalise Energy Companies And Abolish Tuition Fees!

AT A time of a desperate economic crisis of capitalism, when millions of families fear that they will not be able to pay their...

New Syria War Planned Using Old ‘Wmd’ Lies!

THE war drums are beating with increasing intensity for armed intervention by imperialism into Syria to  effect the smashing up of the Assad regime, the...

Eu Meltdown

CREDIT ratings agency Moody’s yesterday reflected the rapidly developing EU meltdown by doing the unthinkable – warning the EU’s strongman, Germany, that...

Right To Strike Under Attack

The announcement by the Tory media, culture and sport secretary, Jeremy Hunt, that cabinet ministers are actively discussing the introduction of Ronald Reagan style...

Demented capitalism is producing mass murderers

NORWAY is commemorating one year since 77 mainly young people who were members of the Young Socialists, and engaged in a summer school, were...

Contradictions of UK capitalism sharpening to explosion point!

TORY PM Cameron has declared, in the last few days, that he will be pushing through austerity measures until the end of the next...

Austerity Forever Pledges Cameron

IN an interview given to the Daily Telegraph, the Tory prime minister, David Cameron, declared that ‘austerity’ will be forever as far as he...

Coalition putting over-65s to work!

UNEMPLOYMENT has fallen by 65,000 in the three months to May, while the number of newly unemployed in receipt of the JobSeekers Allowance, for...

Nationalise The Banks Jail The Bankers

THE capitalist media has been forced, in recent days, to reveal some of the misdoings of the great banks that stand astride the...

Re-nationalise the Railways

Yesterday’s announcement that the Tory-led coalition government’s much heralded investment in the railways is to be financed solely through fare increases is a catastrophe...

Sack the government not doctors and nurses

A REPORT leaked this weekend spells out exactly how the Tory-led coalition means to destroy completely the National Health Service and is preparing to...

Intensifying crisis can only be resolved by world socialist revolution!

SO FAR twelve global banks have been publicly linked to the Libor rate-rigging scandal, and face as much as $22 billion in combined regulatory...

Occupy to stop NHS closures! Bring down Coalition to defend the NHS!

THE Tory Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, announced yesterday that, following the legal period required for consultation, he was implementing the threat made last month...

Spanish workers on the road to revolution

SPANISH PM Mariano Rajoy has just announced a 3% VAT rise from 18%-21%, and a series of austerity measures that will cut the Spanish...

As Coalition stumbles – bring it down!

THE Coalition regime is in big trouble after it faced defeat in the House of Commons last night over its measure to reorganise the...

Nationalise the Banks!

As the scandal engulfing the banks accelerates daily, so the attempts by both Labour and coalition party leaders to pretend they can stop future crises...

Clinton threatens ‘catastrophic assault’ on the Syrian state!

THE ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting in Paris on Friday saw the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, frantically beating the war drums against Syria,...

Lagarde issues world crisis warning

CHRISTINE Lagarde, the chief of the IMF, warned the bosses and the bankers yesterday, in a speech in Japan, that the crisis is a...

Children starve in Britain while bankers reap billions

IN the same week that the capitalist banking system was exposed as a centre of criminal venality, lying and cheating in order to secure...

Barclays Vice Chair On NHS Commissioning Board

YESTERDAY the Secretary of State for Health told the House of Commons that the government will be taking a step back from the...

Dont Talk To Israeli Leaders Say Palestinian Youth

OVER the past two days, Palestine National Authority security forces have been using force to try to prevent peaceful demonstrations of Palestinian youth opposing...

Bank rate rigging ‘Everyone was at it’

The crisis resulting from the bank rate rigging scandal that has engulfed Barclays took a dramatic turn over the weekend with the revelation that...

Euro Crisis Intensifies!

GERMANY’S Chancellor, Angela Merkel, says she is satisfied with the EU deal to help finance the debt-laden eurozone banks without the sovereign state, in...

Hands off Syria – its people must decide its future

THE Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has reiterated that the sole way to resolve Syria’s current crisis is through a ‘national model’. He added: ‘What...

Jail the Bankers – Nationalise the Banks

WHEN it comes to fraud and stealing vast amounts of money the banks make your average burglar or spiv look like the rank amateurs...

Tory police state plans alive and well!

PLANS for more secret court hearings, in the Justice and Security Bill, will create a ‘statutory straitjacket’ for judges, Martin Chamberlain, one of the...

NHS being bankrupted, to keep crisis-ridden capitalism going!

THE message from the government over the proposed dissolving of the South London Healthcare Trust and the closure of its major hospitals is...

Hands Off Syria – Forward to World Revolution

THE imperialist military alliance, NATO, meets today at the request of Turkey which will be invoking Article 4 of its treaty which covers threats...

Cameron Declares War On The Youth!

THE PM has said that people under the age of 25 are to lose their right to housing benefit, as part of moves to...

Nationalise The Banking System To Put An End To Capitalism

THE credit ratings agency Moody’s has downgraded 15 global banks and financial institutions. The UK banks downgraded were Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays, HSBC and...

Egyptian Revolution Set To Leap Forward

THE Egyptian revolution moved into a decisive stage yesterday with the announcement by the election committee overseeing the recent final run-off  for president that...

Full Support For The Doctors’ Strike

EVERY TRADE UNION and all trade unionists must support today’s 24 hour strike action by the BMA doctors’ trade union, and must be demanding...

NHS Already Being Cut And Closed

THAT the Health and Social Care Act is all about privatising the NHS and handing it over to the private sector via the new...

World crisis of capitalism dominates

The world crisis of capitalism is asserting itself with a vengeance, defying every attempt by governments and the world financial system to bring it...

Murdoch admirer Gove loves liberty and freedom

IT HAS emerged that Leveson, whose current inquiry was brought into being by Prime Minister Cameron, complained to the UK’s top civil servant after...

King Fiddling While Rome Burns!

THE GOVERNOR of the Bank of England, King, spoke to the gathered ranks of big business on Thursday evening at his Mansion House feast,...