
Daily editorials from the newspaper

Capitalism Plunging Downwards – Socialist Revolutions Required

ON Monday, President Obama addressed the prospect of the USA going bust saying: ‘So to even entertain the idea of this happening – of...

Geithner-Obama Warn Republicans ‘Don’t Hold Usa To Ransom!’

BOTH US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and President Obama issued warnings to the Republican Party on Monday that, so dire is the world crisis,...

Tax Bonanza for NHS Privateers

The private health companies, that are circling the NHS and salivating at the prospect of making billions of pounds profit out of the sick...

Bring Down The UK-French-US War Lords

BRITISH IMPERIALISM was run out of Basra and Iraq, and is about to be run out of Afghanistan. However, it is still organising new...

Don’t Let Them Close Down Our Hospitals!

THE PLAN to strip Chase Farm Hospital, in Enfield, of its accident and emergency and maternity services is now being implemented with health chiefs...

Master Obama Slaps Down Servant Cameron!

PM CAMERON received an almighty slap in the face on Wednesday when the Obama administration effectively told him to shut up and drop all...

Japan Boosts Its Military Spending!

WHILE the US and the UK have reduced their military spending, under pressure from the greatest ever crisis of the capitalist system, the new...

Euro crisis hits youth hardest – forward with European socialist revolution

THERE is no more pathetic sight than that of European bourgeois politicians and economists manically trying to convince both themselves and the world at...

Benefits slashed while bankers prosper

Today Parliament votes on the Tory coalition bill to place a 1% cap on all benefits and tax credits for the next three years...

Defend the NHS – kick the government out

THE final report into the crisis at Mid-Staffordshire NHS Hospital Trust is due to be published in January after a considerable delay. In fact, the...

Labour has no answer to the problems that the working class and middle class...

MILIBAND’S Labour Party yesterday said that if it was the government it would offer the long-term unemployed a guarantee of a six-month job. This...

Benefits cuts frenzy grips coalition

THE New Year has kicked off with a frenzied attack by both Tory and their LibDem coalition partners on the low paid, unemployed, the...

Obama tries to put a sticking plaster over the gaping wounds of US capitalism

US President Barack Obama has hailed the deal reached with the Republican Party to avert a ‘fiscal cliff’ of huge tax rises and spending...

Scabby TUC says it’s powerless and agrees a consensus with Heseltine

AT THE last TUC Congress its leaders were forced by the anger of delegates to accept and agree a resolution that the TUC was...

From Thatcher to Blair and Cameron – a common determination to smash the Welfare...

THE just-released Thatcher papers confirm that the Tory leader had a very real hatred of the NHS and the Welfare State and, along with...

Imperialist Vultures Gather Over Syria

HAVING failed to overthrow President Assad of Syria by force of arms, the imperialist powers are now turning to Russia, and are seeking the...

US workers bracing themselves for ‘fiscal cliff’

THE US labour movement is now bracing itself for a last minute ‘deal’ on the ‘Fiscal Cliff’ with the Republican Party, in which the...

‘Vile police’ and Tory grandees battle it out!

A PETTY incident – the refusal of Downing Street police officers to allow the Tory chief whip to ride his bicycle through the gates...

Only answer to banking crisis is expropriation!

THE COALITION government’s policy to ‘ring-fence’ the banks is at best a cosmetic attempt to appear to be trying to protect retail banking, and...

Greek bourgeoisie organising pogroms

AS the economic crisis continues to tear Greece apart and drives forward a revolutionary surge amongst workers and youth, so it is driving the...

Another British Retreat From Kabul

PM Cameron has told MPs that 3,800 British troops – almost half of the current force serving in Helmand province – are to be...

Food Prices Rocket, With Energy Price Rises To Come!

UK CPI consumer price inflation remained unchanged at 2.7% in November, according to official data, despite the fact that there were big rises in...

Millions face fuel poverty – Nationalise the energy industry

Yesterday’s report by the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group (FPAG) that 300,000 households will be plunged into fuel poverty by Christmas is not just a scandal...

Time for the trade unions to take action to remove broken coalition

The Sunday Mirror/ComRes survey of 2,002 voters has rattled the cages of the major political parties. It shows that Labour is leading with the support...

Workers of the world unite – provided you speak English

LABOUR Party leader Miliband spoke yesterday on Labour’s ‘One Nation’ approach to cultural diversity and integration insisting that admission to this select body is...

Gove waging war on the teachers!

THE Education Secretary Michael Gove has urged school governors and heads that teachers who work to rule are in breach of contract and should...

Time to expropriate the banks and jail the bankers

THIS week has seen the essence of the banking fraternity emerge after HSBC, Europe’s largest bank, which was rescued by the UK taxpayers in...

An entire nation becomes the ‘enemy within!’

AT ONE TIME the ‘enemy within’ was well defined as being the working class, especially its militant trade unionists and Trotskyists. Now capitalism is in...

World crisis hits eurozone

THE announcement by the unelected Italian prime minister, Mario Monti, that he is quitting the job  sent the Italian economy into a massive crisis...

The Egyptian Revolution Pushes Forward!

THE leading group representing the Egyptian bourgeoisie, around President Mursi, who is known as Mubarak with a beard, has just been massively shocked by...

No Future In Slump-Hit Austerity-Blighted Eu!

UK MANUFACTURING output in October fell at its fastest rate since June, just-released official figures show. Output fell by 1.3%, the Office for National Statistics...

Bankrupt Tories cook the books while TU leaders do nothing

THE dust had barely settled on Tory chancellor George Osborne’s Autumn Statement on the state of the British economy before the gaping holes in...

Osborne decrees huge wage and benefit cuts for the public sector and the poor

CHANCELLOR George Osborne in his Autumn statement was forced to admit failure, that his policies were not working and that he had been forced...

Obama Ready To Step Up Intervention Into Syria

THE just re-elected US President, Barack Obama, yesterday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons against the NATO-supported opposition forces, saying...

Answer Osborne with Councils of Action and a General Strike

In an interview on Sunday the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, made it absolutely clear that as far as the coalition government is concerned there...

Ten Million Households Are Suffering

TEN million households are suffering from the financial and political crisis says Which? as it calls on the coalition government, ahead of its Autumn...

By-elections spell out depth of the coalition crisis

LABOUR has won three by-elections, holding Croydon North, Middlesbrough and Rotherham, while the coalition governing parties were wiped out. The Tories came behind UKIP, their...

Murdoch’s Man, Hunt Savages The NHS With A View To Privatise

Local AFL-CIO leaders and trade unionists from across the United States were in Washington on Tuesday and Wednesday to ask members of Congress to...

No State Control Of The Media

THE Leveson report into media standards has been given to Prime Minister David Cameron ahead of its official publication today. The PM and deputy PM...

British Capitalism Admits Its Bankruptcy

THE final proof that British capitalism is beached on the rocks has arrived. The situation is so grave, and the reputation of UK bankers so...

Capitalism kills

Thousands of Bangladeshi workers erupted onto the streets of the capital Dhaka yesterday in fury at the fire on Saturday at a garment factory...

Mursi follows on from Mubarak as the US’ man in Cairo

PRESIDENT MURSI of Egypt has followed up his successful negotiation of the end of the current round of Israel’s war with Gaza – which...

Output Down As Banking Crisis Deepens

THE CBI bosses organisation said yesterday that UK manufacturers expect to reduce output over the next three months, driving another nail into the coffin...

Money No Object For Privatising Schools

A REPORT published yesterday by the public spending watchdog the National Audit Office reveals the massive amount of money the Tory-led coalition is prepared...

Students Will Fight For A Future

UP to 100,000 students marched through London yesterday to protest against £9,000-a-year tuition fees, and the way that the Tory-LibDem coalition is turning back...