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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Tuc Congress Must Demand All British Troops Out Of Afghanistan!

WITH ten British troops killed in Helmand province so that just hundreds of people could vote – and after five per cent turned out...

The slump deepens as Labour steps up attacks on the poorest

UK Gross Domestic Product fell in the three months from April to June by 0.7% confirming that the slump is deepening and that the...

Defend NHS health care – stop the NHS becoming a business

‘ONE million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report,’ screamed the capitalist press...

Brown, Mitchell and Obama threaten Palestinians with a dirty deal

PALESTINIANS are once again being threatened with a dirty deal after the Netanyahu-Brown meeting in London. After a Brown declaration that Britain is Israel’s ‘true...

Defend Every Job In Gm Europe – Occupy And Nationalise

THE Detroit board of US carmaker General Motors last Friday postponed making a decision on who should acquire its Opel division, including the two...

Putin’s cuts decree will drive forward political revolution!

THE Putin regime has been hit hard by the world capitalist crisis, especially by the fall in oil prices, and the effect that the...

Long Live the Libyan revolution!

YESTERDAY the bourgeois media were demanding to know ‘exactly why this killer was freed’, calling Abdelbaset Ali al Megrahi a...

Taxation Slump Hits Labour!

A WEEK ago the Chairman of the Bank of England, King, suggested that those who said they were seeing the ‘green shoots of recovery’...

Occupy GMM Luton!

THE German government yesterday made its move to try and secure GM Europe for Magna, the Canadian car parts manufacturer that wants to sack...

King wanted to print even more paper money!

WHEN the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided two weeks ago to print £50 billion more for its stimulus programme binge, the City, which was...

Revolution Is The Only Road For Youth

RECORD numbers of young people, 835,000 18-24 year-olds, are not in school, college or work in England, official figures are showing. This is an increase...

UCU Warns Against Student Poll Tax

1381 was the historic year when the peasantry rose up against the imposition of the Poll Tax in a revolt that speeded up the...

End The Dirty War In Afghanistan!

THE deaths of two more British soldiers, blown up by IEDs in Afghanistan, has brought the total number of British troops killed in...

Now Act To Defend The NHS!

THE WITCHHUNT that the Republican Party has organised against President Obama for having the temerity to propose some relatively benign measures to allow...

Gm And Magna Reach Agreement In Principle

GENERAL Motors and Magna and its Russian partner Sberbank (which includes the Gaz carmaker) have reached an agreement in principle over the contract...

King urinates on the green shoots of recovery

‘THE world economy remains in a deep recession and its financial system in a fragile condition,’ said Bank of England governor Mervyn...

No Prosecutions – Let Off For Those Who Destroyed 6500 Mg Rover Jobs

THE Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has said it does not intend to launch a criminal investigation into the collapse of carmaker MG Rover. It was...

It’s a crisis of capitalism not a crisis of food production

ON SUNDAY we were told that in the future we will not be able to get the state pension until the age of 70,...

Work till you drop! – Capitalism’s programme for the elderly

CAPITALISM is truly on the rocks! Unemployment is already heading for three million, of which the majority of the unemployed will be aged between 16...

Unions must mount massive campaign to nationalise Vestas now!

THE Vestas occupation clearly shocked the employer and weakened the Labour government to the point where a mass struggle has to be launched by...

Postal workers call a national strike ballot!

25,000 postal workers are to go on 24-hour strikes this Friday in London, and in many parts of the country on Friday, Saturday and...

Universities in crisis – courses slashed, thousands to be sacked and fees to soar!

UNIVERSITIES are being hit hard by the capitalist crisis with thousands of jobs and courses going, and with students facing a lifting of the...

Barclays gambles on the Brown safety net while Northern Rock’s losses rise

SPECULATIVE casino banking, without risk for the bankers, thanks to the Brown government’s pledge to never let a big bank fail, is the way...

Labour racists seek state dictatorship over immigrants

JUST imagine the furore there would be if British migrants to India were told that they would have to be conversant in Hindi, be...

Dannatt declares war on the UK!

GENERAL Sir Richard Dannatt, in his last speech before retiring as Chief of Staff, did his best to open up a second front at...

Public Sector Alliance needed to defend the Welfare State and all jobs and services!

AS the capitalist crisis deepens, the Brown government’s attacks on the public sector become more frenzied. It is to be privatised or part-privatised. Hundreds...

Afghanistan A Graveyard For The British Army

BRITISH forces in Afghanistan have, just this month, suffered their highest injury rate since they invaded in 2001, new Ministry of Defence figures show. A...

Trade Unions Must Fight For Chagossians’ Right To Return!

SAAD Iqbal Madni, was kidnapped by the CIA while visiting relatives in Indonesia. He was then transited through the British colonial possession of Diego...

Call National Postal Strike! Form A Public Sector Trade Union Alliance!

THIS WEEK hundreds of London delivery offices, and a number of mail centres and other offices and hubs have been taking strike action, after...

Withdraw British troops from Afghanistan now!

BRITAIN’S Foreign Secretary David Miliband told NATO imperialist military chiefs in Brussels yesterday that the strategy in Afghanistan must be geared to ‘an inclusive...

Organise a general strike for the nationalisation of plants facing closure!

ECONOMIC activity declined by 0.8 per cent over the three months to the end of June, a fall of 5.6 per cent in Gross...

Education Bombshell – The University Cuts Begin!

THE University and College Union (UCU) yesterday condemned the decision by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) to reduce funding for university...

South African masses taking action against the ANC government

THE ANC government of South Africa has said that it intends to crack down on the township riots and strikes that are sweeping...

Trade unions must support Vestas occupation and fight for its nationalisation!

THE Vestas wind turbine factory in the Isle of Wight has been occupied by workers who are determined to fight for their jobs, and...

Workers begin to occupy their plants and demand nationalisation!

BRITISH capitalism is on the rocks and has started to break apart! This is the significance of the total outstanding government debt of the...

NHS under attack – DEFEND IT NOW!

THE capitalist crisis and the massive indebtedness of British capitalism, with its national debt closing fast on its GDP of £1.4...

Corus must be nationalised to defend jobs and living standards!

LAST Saturday thousands of steel workers and their families marched in the North-East to stop the closure of the Redcar Corus plant. The closure...

British Army To Brown – ‘Stand And Deliver’

THE armed forces chiefs have entered politics and are to present the government with a shopping list of purchases that it must make, or...

Call national strike action! Form a public sector alliance!

OVER 12,000 postal workers are taking strike action today, with thousands more demonstrating against continuing cuts and the executive dictatorship by Royal Mail, while...

Workers must unite to fight savage cuts and closures!

THE deepening capitalist crisis is creating the conditions for a showdown between Labour and Capital – over who runs this country, and for whose...

Baha Mousa – British Army Torture Inquiry Opens

was kept with other Iraqis under the control of British troops, and with the knowledge of their officers and various intelligence officials. They were systematically...

Stop regeneration, and start the refurbishment and building of council houses

THE Fire Brigades Union has called for a public inquiry into the fatal fire in the Camberwell high rise block which claimed six lives....

Britain’s Third Afghan War Heads For Disaster

NINE UK soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in nine days, making 178 UK troops killed since 2001. The official propaganda line is that...

Capitalist state kept quiet about illegal phone tapping

METROPOLITAN Police Commissioner, Sir Paul Stephenson, has ordered a senior officer to ‘establish the facts’ – concerning the knowledge that the police had –...

Forward to a national strike and a national demonstration on July 17

DAY one of the London CWU’s three-day strike action was a massive success, after the move by the Royal Mail and the government...