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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Scrap the regional fire control centres!

THE House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee report on the government’s plan, to replace 46 Fire Control centres with nine new...

Capitalist State Prefers Brown Over Cameron

LABOUR Prime Minister Brown is the choice of the capitalist state should there be a hung parliament on May 7, even if the...

Growing fears over another bank crash

THERE were renewed calls yesterday by Barack Obama, Gordon Brown and other political leaders of major capitalist countries for international cooperation to tackle the...

Resistance has Obama on the run in the Middle East

UNITED States President Barack Obama made his first trip to Afghanistan on Sunday since he took office 14 months ago. The visit was aimed...

Merkel-Sarkozy deal will fail to stem euro crisis

THE media were out in force at the end of last week to hear German Chancellor Angela Merkel reveal details of a bail-out package...

Defeat BA’s union busting! All out in support of the cabin crew!

ON THE eve of the four-day strike by British Airways cabin crew, which begins today, the company’s Chief Executive Willie Walsh stepped up his...

Behind Brown’s pre-election Budget

THE Budget, presented by Chancellor Alistair Darling last Wednesday, was clearly part of Brown’s re-election campaign. In three months time, after the general election,...

Netanyahu in secret talks with Obama

ISRAELI Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and United States President Barack Obama held two sessions of secret talks at the White House yesterday, lasting a...

Workers strikes hit the Sarkozy regime

FIRST of all the French electorate gave the right wing Sarkozy regime a bloody nose, and now yesterday’s general strike by the public sector...

Karzai dashes to bring Taleban into the government

WHILE hundreds of Afghan civilians are being killed in General Petraeus’ Afghan surge, and British and US casualties escalate upwards despite the ‘victories’ being...

Well done BA cabin crew – Now Unite must use its full strength on...

AT Gatwick and at Heathrow on Sunday morning pickets got tremendous support from passing motorists, coaches and lorries, and fellow airport workers. The lines of...

This Is A War That Has To Be Won!

UNITE co-leader Tony Woodley stated yesterday that it was not possible to get an agreement with BA and cancel the BA cabin crew...

The working class has the power – now is the time to use it!

BRITISH Airways’ chief executive Walsh and Unite union joint leader Tony Woodley yesterday met at the TUC headquarters. The talks are now back on and...

Axe the privateers – Defend NHS beds

THE BMA yesterday condemned the Reform report, ‘Fewer Hospitals, more competition’, stating in response to the Reform privatisation manifesto that ‘bed...

Forward to the Third Intifada

THE US SPECIAL envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, who negotiated the basis of the power sharing agreement in the north of Ireland,...

Support BA workers! Forward to a general strike!

LABOUR PM Gordon Brown yesterday condemned the BA cabin crew members of Unite for the seven days of strike action due to take place...

Labour strikebreakers back BA’s anti-union drive

British Airways cabin crew will go on strike for three days from 20 March and for four days from 27 March. The Unite union has...

Don’t let BA’s cabin crew fight alone – call a general strike

British Airways cabin crew will go on strike for three days from 20 March and for four days from 27 March. The Unite union confirmed...

RMT ready to stop Network Rail

THE RMT railworkers trade union has confirmed that members on Network Rail maintenance have voted by 77% for strike action in response...

Brown warns ‘bumps in the road ahead’

THE Prime Minister Gordon Brown has presided over a capitalist state rescue of the bankrupt banking system, which has seen the deployment of up...

Down With The US ‘Proximity Talks’

US VICE-PRESIDENT Joe Biden is in Israel where he has declared that the just agreed ‘proximity talks’, which will see US envoy George Mitchell...

CWU leaders agree surrender terms!

AFTER calling off last winter’s national strike by their members in Royal Mail without the members’ agreement – and without their members’ demands to...

BA struggle coming to a head

EXTENSIVE talks have been taking place over the last seven weeks under the Chairmanship of TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber between Unite and BA,...

270,000 civil servants to strike!

UP to 270,000 civil and public servants from across the UK are set to launch a month of industrial action, with a 48 hour...

Free Joe Glenton! End criminal occupation!

DEMONSTRATIONS will be staged in eight different countries today, from Britain and the United States to Poland and Italy, demanding the release of British...

More redundancies required at Vauxhall UK plants

UNDER the cover of a Voluntary Separation Programme GM is seeking to push through more redundancies at GM Vauxhall including a number at Ellesmere...

Greece headed for revolution!

THE situation for Greek capitalism has become so serious that Deputy Prime Minister Theodoros Pangalos has demanded that Germany returns the Greek gold that...

200,000 Local Authority Workers Face The Axe

AS the regime of savage cuts gets under way, in the run-up to the general election, it is no surprise that the local government...

Working Class Doesn’t Want The Tories

TO the shock and horror of the Tory Party, the latest YouGov poll shows that its lead over Labour has fallen to just two...

MI5 deceived parliament – the judges decide

‘ONLY a full public inquiry will answer the public’s concerns about what has been done in our name,’ said the Reprieve organisation yesterday, following...

British capitalism’s crisis of rule

THE inability of the Tories to pull ahead in the opinion polls, proves that 13 years of Labour rule has not been enough to...

Privatisation drive created Mid-Staffs NHS carnage

RELATIVES of some of the 400 plus patients who died at the Mid-Staffs NHS Trust were unanimous yesterday about the official, just published report,...

King admits no recovery in sight

THE Bank of England governor, Mervyn King got ready for a somersault in economic policy yesterday, when he told the Treasury Select Committee that...

US and UK cannot win Afghan hearts and minds!

THE massacres of the Afghan civilian population by air and missile attacks continue, proving that imperialist armies are in the business of mass murder,...

BA Strike Ballot Result Today

TODAY Unite is announcing the result of its second strike ballot in three months for 13,000 BA cabin crew, which is expected to show...

Youth jailed for protesting against Israeli atrocities

IN DECEMBER 2008, hundreds of thousands of workers and youth marched to the Israeli embassy, in a number of demonstrations, denouncing the Israeli onslaught...

Russian Military Chief Warns Don’t Attack Iran

AN Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday that the Iranian government hopes that the International Atomic Energy Agency will produce an unbiased report on...

Unemployment Crisis Deepening

TOTAL unemployment stood at 2.46 million for the three months to December, down 3,000 on the figure for the previous three months. However, long-term...

Inflation Letting Rip As Darling Fiddles

CONSUMER Prices Index (CPI) inflation has been driven up to 3.5 per cent in January by, amongst other factors, VAT returning to 17.5...

Clinton Beats The War Drums

SPEAKING to students at a Qatar university during a tour of the Gulf region designed to whip up anti-Iran feeling, US Secretary of State...

Workers Must Take Action To Put An End To Capitalism

THE TIME is here when workers must respond to the growing chorus from the professional servants of the bourgeoisie for savage, and even more...

MI5 and labour witch-hunters attack torture exposers

HOME Secretary Johnson and MI5 director general, Evans, yesterday launched a hysterical witch-hunt against the exposers of the fact that both MI5 and the...

Eu Leaders Make War Against Greek Workers

‘Down with the junta of the bankers! Kick out the swindlers of Brussels.’ These were the slogans being shouted by Greek workers and youth...

Labour supports and covers up for torturers

THE Court of Appeal yesterday forced the British Labour government and its Foreign Secretary, Miliband to publish seven paragraphs concerning the torture of a...

GM-Opel-Vauxhall crisis deepening

NICK REILLY, the GM executive who closed down Vauxhall Motors in 2002, unveiled, yesterday in Frankfurt, the GM plan for Opel...