Lammy, Labour’s Foreign Secretary, Is Whipping Up War Fever Against Russia!


THE UK’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy, and Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State have both been very busy whipping up a ‘war fever’ against Russia in the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

The two imperialist diplomats are seeking to organise to give the Ukraine the go-ahead from the UK and the USA to use the UK’s Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russian cities, including Moscow and Leningrad.
Ukraine also wants permission to use its newly acquired F-16 fighter jets, US-made and supplied by Denmark and the Netherlands, to attack Russia.
The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky yesterday urged the UK and the US to make a ‘strong decision’ to use the Storm Shadow missiles and F-16 fighter jets to attack Russian cities and start World War Three.
The UK’s Labour Foreign Secretary Lammy said yesterday. It is Putin who has escalated this week with the shipment of ballistic missiles from Iran and we are seeing this new axis, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
‘We urge China not to throw their lot in with this group of renegades.’
Before the meeting, Zelensky said: ‘Let us count on some strong decisions on this.
‘For us it is very important for today. I am counting on my dialogue with President Biden this month.’
It was also announced that Ukraine is to receive £600 million worth of extra support from the UK.
The Daily Telegraph in its editorial yesterday spelt out the following: ‘After two years soaking up attacks on its towns and cities, Ukraine wants to take the fight fully into Russia, having already sent its troops across the border into the Kursk region.
‘But no one should be under any doubt that this could escalate the conflict.
‘Russia’s response so far to Ukraine’s incursions may have been muted but it is unlikely to stay that way.
‘NATO needs to demonstrate a united willingness to confront whatever is about to happen next.’
It is more than obvious that sections of the imperialist powers are queasy about the conflict that the US-UK axis is stoking up with Russia, and their insistence that the Storm Shadow missiles will be used in Ukrainian attacks on Russia at whatever the cost.
The working class of the world must support Russia against the Ukrainian fascist regime and its US and UK sponsors and armourers.
The just-concluded TUC Congress decided to have a ‘Day of Action’ in support of the Palestinian people and their right to have their own state of Palestine. Congress condemned the Israeli onslaught and mass murder of thousands of Palestinians.
If and when the US and UK gives the go-ahead to the Ukrainian fascists to use their newly acquired missiles to assault and attack Russia, then the TUC must take action to stop such an imperialist onslaught with a general strike to bring down the Starmer government and to go forward to a UK workers government and socialism.
The UK working class must make sure that there is no UK aid to the Ukrainian fascists, and that all military aid to the Ukraine is stopped.
The essence of the current situation is that the capitalist system is in its death agony and that it is seeking to drag the working class over the abyss with it into the greatest economic and political crisis in its history, including another world war.
The only way forward for world peace is for the UK’s working class and youth and the working class of the world is to smash capitalism, and go forward to socialism on a worldscale.
This will create the conditions for the workers of Russia and China to remove the ruling Stalinist bureaucracies and to restore rule though workers and peasants Soviets.
This is the only way forward to the victory of the British and World Socialist revolutions to replace backward capitalism and its ‘law of the jungle’ with a socialist worldwide economy whose motto will be ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their need!’
Our message to workers and youth is to join the WRP and the Young Socialists – Forward to the victory of the World Socialist Revolution!