Labour leader Starmer supports the monarchy, opposes strikes and pickets, and writes for the Telegraph!


WORKERS WILL be astonished to learn that Labour leader Keir Starmer, on Saturday, just after the council elections wrote a commentary for the Daily Telegraph to announce that Charles III is the answer to the pleas of the British working class for effective leadership.

He wrote: ‘Campaigning across the country in the recent local elections, I have been struck by the renewed sense of purpose and desire people have: to restore their neighbourhood, their town, their country. To get through the challenges that we face and build something new.

‘The omens for our future are good, but we must capture the moment. Charles III is a king for precisely such a time …With him on the throne, Britain is not just in safe hands – but hands that will help to forge a forward looking confident country, building on the legacy left by his parents …

‘So break out the bunting, start the street parties, enjoy the extra day off work. This weekend we come together to toast a new king and the promise of a new beginning.’

Charles III with his £9bn in the bank, should look back in history to see that Parliament under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell solved its crisis by putting Charles I on trial for treason. He was beheaded for being a traitor and an enemy of the people after he opposed the rise of the capitalist system, in favour of remaining a feudal society.

It was a necessary execution and revolution that allowed the development of British capitalism, and brought in the modern world.

Today, capitalism is in its historic crisis, its death agony, its banks have started to crash and millions of people feel that their savings will be lost along with their lives, in a new imperialist war.

The masses and the middle class will be crushed by the crisis, while Charles no doubt will survive it with his ownership of the Duchy of Lancaster ensuring that he survives.

Starmer is looking to Charles to try and keep sections of the middle class loyal to capitalism, to allow the bosses to make savage cuts in working class living standards, so it is the working class and the lower middle class that pay the full bill for the developing crisis, and die in their millions in some new imperialist war.

Starmer continued in his Telegraph statement to declare that people have a desire: ‘To get through the challenges we face and build something new. The omens for our future are good, but we must capture the moment. Charles III is a king for precisely such a time.’

He continued: ‘With him upon the throne, Britain is not just in safe hands – but hands that will help to forge a forward looking, confident country, building on the legacy left by his parents.’

He concludes: ‘This weekend we come together to toast a new king – and the promise of a new beginning.’

The new beginning will see Starmer working with the LibDems to build a new alliance that will use the state to force the working class to pay the bill for the entire crisis of capitalism.

Charles is being worshipped as the key to retaining a hold over sections of the middle class while the class struggle with the working class is being fought out.

The WRP urges the Labour Party to dump Starmer straight away so that he can become an open part of the entourage of Charles III.

The WRP urges the trade unions not to be taken in by the Starmer chatter of what the ‘great king’ will do for them.

Charles III will support the implementation of all of the anti-union laws and see that they are carried out to drive the working class back to the dark ages, so beloved of by the king.

Now is the time for the trade unions to force the General Council of the TUC to call a general strike to bring down the Tories and replace them with a workers government and socialism.

This is the only way forward for the working class and the majority of the middle class.

There must be a recall TUC Congress and a resolution carried naming the date for the general strike. Councils of Action must be formed to run the towns and districts of the country while a Workers Government is being formed.

Capitalism is bankrupted and is finished. It must be replaced by a worldwide socialist economy whose motto will be: ‘From each according to their ability – to each according to their need.’