Cameron and Miliband united in defending EU bosses and bankers


THE Tory-led coalition was rocked on Monday night when over 80 Tory backbench MPs, leftovers from the days of empire, voted for a referendum on the European Union!

It is a well known fact that the vast majority of the British people are opposed to being ruled by the unelected European Commission and the unelected European Central Bank.

The right wing Tory rebels are also opposed to rule from Brussels. With British imperialism not what it was, they would rather become the 51st state of the USA.

The motion was defeated by 483 votes to 111, after all Tory, LibDem and Labour MPs were instructed to oppose it.

In total, 81 Tories are known to have defied the whips, while others abstained.

A defeat for the coalition on this burning issue, at a time when the EU and its Eurozone are breaking apart, and a workers revolution is developing in Greece, would have shaken the coalition to the core.

The day was saved for Cameron when, as expected, Labour Party MPs, with a few honourable exceptions, obeyed the Miliband whips and voted along with the Cameron-Osborne-Hague clique – the would-be butchers of the Welfare State.

The Tory-led coalition is at war with the Welfare State and the working class and the youth of this country.

It is determined to make them pay for the economic catastrophe of the capitalist system, to keep the bankers, bosses and capitalism alive.

Not only that, driven by the growing world capitalist crisis, Cameron, Hague and Osborne as well as making war on the working class at home, are seeking to recolonise countries like Libya, after terrorising and killing tens of thousands of civilians, to try to save UK capitalism by returning to international piracy.

It is the duty of the trade unions, and should be the duty of a Labour Party, to attack this imperialist anti-working class coalition at every turn, to weaken it and bring it down as rapidly as possible.

The question of the hour for the working class is organising the struggle to defend the NHS and the Welfare State by bringing down British capitalism and the EU and replacing both with the Socialist United States of Europe.

Instead, Miliband is competing with Cameron to try and show the bankers and bosses that Labour is an even better defender of their interests than are the split and divided Tories.

The position has now been reached in Greece where public sector workers, at the end of the week, end up owing the government and the European banks money.

This situation has now brought Greece to the brink of civil war and revolution.

Britain is being driven along the same revolutionary road as Greece by the ever deepening crisis of capitalism, and the growing, evermore draconian attacks on the working class.

The UK is literally being driven back more than 50 years by this reactionary coalition.

This was proven yesterday when the Institute for Fiscal Studies stated that total public spending on education in the UK will fall by over 13% in real terms between 2010-11 and 2014-15.

It added: ‘This represents the largest cut in education spending over any four-year period since at least the 1950s.

‘The cuts will be deepest for capital spending and higher education, followed by 16-19 education and early years provision.’

Public spending on education in the UK is falling at the fastest rate since the 1950s, at the same time as plans are being laid to deprive pensioners of their homes, slash and burn the benefit system, and slash the value of wages and pensions.

The trade unions must break with Labour reformism, which is now the chief prop for Cameron, Hague and Osborne, and the revolutionary leadership of the WRP must be rapidly built up to lead the British socialist revolution to overthrow British capitalism and imperialism. There is no other way.