Austria mobilising troops and armour at the Brenner Pass against refugees from Italy!


AUSTRIA is ready to deploy troops and armour at the Brenner Pass – the border crossing with Italy – if the influx of refugees to Italy continues to grow.

Defence Minister Hans Peter Doskozil, announcing the measures, said four Pandur armoured personnel carriers have been sent to the Tyrol region and 750 troops are on standby.

Doskozil said a military deployment at the Brenner Pass would be ‘indispensable if the influx into Italy across the Mediterranean does not diminish.’

The Eastern European EU states have already declared that they will not take a single refugee and have all built huge fences on their borders.

Meanwhile in Italy, both the working class and the fascist right wing have taken to the streets – the former to support the rights of refugees, the latter to call to boot them out of Italy. The Italian government has even warned that it will soon close its ports and impound aid agencies’ rescue ships.

Nearly 85,000 refugees arrived in Italy in the first half of this year. The UN refugee agency UNHCR says that is about 20% more than in the first half of 2016. More than 2,000 died trying to reach Italy.

Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker – the would-be European Commission dictator who, on June 9th, announced a European army saying: ‘The protection of Europe can no longer be outsourced,’ – yesterday condemned the European Parliament as being ‘ridiculous, totally ridiculous’, saying that a turn-out of 30 MEPs proved that the parliament was ‘not serious’.

Parliament President Antonio Tajani accused him of wanting an open dictatorship, stating: ‘You can criticise the parliament, but it’s not the Commission’s job to control the parliament, it’s the parliament that has to control the Commission.’

The ‘parliament’ had been due to debate the EU’s intention to relocate 160,000 refugees from Italy and Greece. Juncker declared: ‘I will never again attend a meeting of this kind.’

While Juncker rants in Brussels, in France the poseur Macron, the new Bonaparte – more Napoleon III, and definitely not the original military genius – has been unveiling his plans to reduce the number of MPs, all the better to ape Margaret Thatcher’s mission in the UK, which was to take on the trade unions and drive them back so that they could never rise again.

Her drive for a dictatorship over the working class ended in tears when millions marched against her Poll Tax, leading to the Tory 1922 Committee evicting her from 10 Downing Street.

Macron, who was elected on a turnout of 42%, has feet of clay – the grandeur and the fake resolve are not even skin deep since the French working class will make another great revolution rather than give up its gains.

The EU is in a big crisis, a terminal crisis of its own making. Many still remember the ‘great speeches’ that the UK’s Cameron and France’s Sarkozy made in Benghazi – after they had organised the murder of Colonel Gadaffi and the seizure of power by the Islamists – welcoming the new order and the new rulers to power and declaring that France and the UK were with them all the way.

Libyan Islamists were then despatched in thousands to Syria to overthrow President Assad and destroy the Syrian republic.

In fact, the Islamists economically destroyed Libya and Syria. Libya provided jobs for millions of Africans, who are now being forced to cross the Med in makeshift boats to try to avoid starvation and destitution at home.

Millions of Syrians have been forced out of Syria by the Sarkozy-Cameron plot to overthrow Assad, which destroyed the country without overthrowing Assad.

The refugee crisis is one of the EU bankers’ and bosses’ making. They are reaping the results of the failure of their attempts at regime change in Libya and Syria.

There is only one way out of this crisis. The workers of the EU must join with the workers of the UK to overthrow the European Union of the bankers and bosses and replace it with the Socialist United States of Europe.

This will help to rebuild Libya, Syria and Iraq and create the conditions where millions are no longer forced to risk their lives crossing the Med, and in fact introducing a really, and unforced, free movement of peoples!