PROTESTERS SET UP SECOND CAMP IN CITY – ‘This movement is growing’

Crowds at the camp outside St Paul’s, set up in the wake of the Occupy Wall Street movement
Crowds at the camp outside St Paul’s, set up in the wake of the Occupy Wall Street movement

Occupy London protesters against the banks voted on Saturday to continue their camp outside St Paul’s Cathedral and expanded their protest to another camp in Finsbury Square, Moorgate.

This was their response to reports that St Paul’s had closed to visitors on the recommendation of ‘independent’ health and safety advisors.

Several of the participants spoke to News Line on Sunday.

Leila said: ‘It’s very clear that the reported health and safety advice is a lie.

‘We have abided by everything St Paul’s has asked us to do.

‘There’s a fire exit and all entrances and exits are clear.

‘There’s a clear path for visitors.

‘We need to have a better dialogue with St Paul’s as to the very specifics of their health and safety reasons for asking us to move on as well.

‘There’s no need to close the cathedral to visitors.

‘It’s been open all week with no problems.

‘We’re waiting to see tomorrow when the authorities take us to court.’

Andy Forse added: ‘There’s been some awareness of a court order being made by the church authorities.

‘Our general assembly will be discussing contingency plans for what we should do if an eviction is imminent.

‘Everybody is in fantastic spirits.

‘We’ve set up a second site, an expansion, at Finsbury Square.

‘We’ve been here a week now and have had a lot of practical issues that took up a lot of time.

‘We are now focusing more on developing a political manifesto of specific points we want to see addressed at a national level.

‘Personally, I’d want to see government and powerful institutions acting in the interest of the majority of the population, not a minority of financial institutions.’

Ross said: ‘I’m a full time activist and travel around western Europe

‘In the last week I visited nearly all the occupations in the UK.

‘I’m here today to bring messages of support and to share these on the internet after I travel further south through France.

‘I want to see change that comes from the 99 per cent and this is the 99 per cent.

‘We need to unite through consensus.’

Hassan Zend-Del told News Line: ‘I’ve been here from the beginning.

‘I would describe myself as a person who is fed up with the whole system of capitalism.

‘I’m here with those people who want a free and equal society.

‘I want equality everywhere, in all aspects of society.

‘On the ground, this occupation is growing globally and locally in the UK.

‘In other towns, this movement is growing.

‘The trade unions should back this movement and become involved in it as part of their action.

‘The trades unions are coming out on strike on November 30th over pensions.

‘They shouldn’t rely on one day, they should extend their action because the government and ruling systems don’t really back off with one day.’

The protesters and their supporters held a short assembly at the steps of St Paul’s.

Chair Tina Louise told the crowd: ‘This is a political camp.

‘We do need to make changes in the system of government.’

Richard declared: ‘The Daily Express say we have closed St Paul’s – not true.’

Another speaker added: ‘The media is part of the problem.’

Tanya Paton read out an open letter addressed to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s.

It says: ‘We are grateful to the Reverend Canon, Dr Giles Fraser, Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral, for reassuring us that our activities are not harming the Cathedral’s commercial concerns – that has never been our intention.

‘Our intention was to highlight the iniquities of the global economic crisis, in a peaceful manner, especially as the Cathedral has been so hospitable.

‘We have endeavoured to clarify perceived health and safety concerns and continue to place those as a priority for the health and safety of everyone, both inside and outside of this historic Cathedral.

‘Unfortunately, despite our requests of the Cathedral, they have not yet provided us with details and information as to how we are perceived to be threatening health and safety.

‘We once again urge the Cathedral to bring to our attention, immediately, the particular details of the health and safety issues to address them.

‘Our concern is if there are health and safety issues (which we in any event refute), by the Church failing to tell of them they are exacerbating any perceived dangers.

‘Due to the urgency of the situation you have raised, we would appreciate your immediate response so that we can deal with those concerns.’

Sixteen-year-old George Pritchard from south London was visiting the St Paul’s camp with his father.

George told News Line: ‘I agree completely with everything that is going on here.

‘It should have happened before.

‘This corrupt capitalism has been going on a long time.

‘I’m just glad we are finally doing something about it.

‘I want to see a fairer world.’

Aaron Hetber was visiting with his young daughter and son.

He said: ‘We’ve come down from Stevenage to have a look and educate the children.

‘I wanted to see the people on the ground, see what they’re saying.

‘I think there needs to be a root and branch reform of the money system in total, not just regulating banks or taxing the rich, it’s deeper than that.

‘I work for local government. The trade unions should take mass action.

‘I’d been for bringing the government down, they don’t have a mandate for the cuts and privatisation anyway.’

Subia Kurian, a student from the University of West London, said: ‘I came here to see what is happening here.

‘I support what the people here are doing.

‘Capitalism is no good. Money goes only to some people at the top.

‘University fees are quite high.

‘Life is hard here. It’s difficult to get a job.’

In the new camp at Finsbury Square people were painting banners.

One was for UK Uncut, highlighting £6bn cuts each year while £25bn of tax is avoided by the big corporations.

Another banner being made was of the slogan ‘Hartnett resign now.’

Hartnett is the boss of HM Revenue and Customs, protesters said.

Meanwhile, in America the Occupy Wall Street movment has condemend the escalation of police attacks and arrests and is calling on unions to join a mass demonstration on November 5.

Under the heading ‘An Opportunity for Action’, it has publised an ‘Open Letter’.

This states: ‘We, the undersigned Wall Street protesters and union members, think the response to Occupy Wall Street (OWS) has shown that broad layers of working people are ready to support a movement that stands up to the ongoing attempt to solve the economic crisis on the backs of working-class and poor people.

‘Union solidarity has contributed a growing momentum of protest that we should build on and not let fade away.

‘To that end, we have endorsed the motion shown below that calls on the NYC Central Labour Council and other union organisations to build for a march of hundreds of thousands on Saturday, November 5, with the following slogans and demands:

‘Working People Shouldn’t Pay for a Crisis That They Didn’t Make!

‘No to Layoffs, Budget and Service Cuts!

‘Create Jobs, Build Infrastructure with a Federal Programme of Public Works!

‘Stop Police Harassment of the Wall Street Occupation!’

The protesters add on their website: ‘We will be leafleting the next CLC delegates meeting. . .

‘We hope to draw attention to the opportunity for and need for broader action, and to provide an opportunity and focus for those in and outside the unions to agitate for the unions and other organisations to commit themselves to broader action.’