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Only 4 Kenyan police officers to face prosecution for shooting and...

ONLY four police officers in Kenya so far are to face prosecution for shooting and killing protesters over the last four weeks, amid rising...

Starmer’s Labour Brings Forward Anti-Working Class King’s Speech

THE STARMER Labour government brought forward an anti-working class King’s Speech in Parliament yesterday morning. It announced 40 pieces of legislation, starting with a Budget...

NATO unable to agree multi-year pledge to arm Ukraine

NATO member countries have been unable to reach an agreement on a multi-year pledge to provide military aid to Ukraine, the DPA news agency...

Disarm imperialism through the victory of the world socialist revolution!

LAST week the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published a whole series of blogs on its website warning that the entire US banking...

The NHS requires an extra £38bn annually!

THE NHS requires an additional £38bn annually by the end of the next parliament to address the care backlog and reduce prolonged treatment delays,...

O’connor Calls For Sanctions On Israel To Stop The Genocide

THE IRISH Trade Union Congress Executive Council member and INTO Deputy General Secretary Deirdre O’Connor delivered a speech on behalf of the workers of...

Sunak attacks the sick, the disabled, refugees & youth

LAUNCHING the Tory Party manifesto yesterday, Rishi Sunak attacked the sick and disabled, refugees and youth, boosted wealthy landlords, and banged the war drums...

Wrp General Election Manifesto

ISRAEL’s genocidal war on Gaza, killing over 36,000 Palestinians including over 15,000 children, has had a huge impact throughout the world and has created...

South Bank Uni strike vote expected this week! – no confidence...

Staff at London South Bank University have no confidence in the vice-chancellor and senior leadership team, the University and College Union (UCU) has announced,...

Sharp increase in unemployment as bankers and bosses demand sick and...

YESTERDAY the latest unemployment figures were released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealing that UK unemployment had shot up by  85,000 in...

South African miners strike for 12.5%

Workers from the General Industries Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA) started strike action at the Annesley Andalusite Mine located in Penge, outside Burgersfort...

Socialist revolution only answer to capitalist debt crisis

Labour’s shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves was making her pitch yesterday to the bankers and business bosses that any future Labour government would be a...

British Capitalism’s Bankrupt, Budget Shows It’s Time To Expropriate Bosses!

TORY CHANCELLOR Jeremy Hunt has unveiled the contents of this year’s Budget in the House of Commons. It is the last scheduled Budget before...


TORY Chancellor Hunt delivered his class war Budget in the House of Commons yesterday, announcing that the Household Support Fund will be scrapped on...

Hunt’s budget – a war on jobs and services! budget today!

THE LOCAL Government Association condemned Chancellor Hunt’s attempt to dress up his budget onslaught on public services as a ‘war on woke’ yesterday, pointing...

Sunak, Hunt declare war on the UK working class and the...

THE British ruling class, for all of its threats against the working class, the youth and the masses of Palestine, is on the run! Its...

NEHAWU union condemns Nelson Mandela University for refusing to meet strikers’...

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU)  has condemned the reluctance to meet strikers’ demands, displayed by the management of the Nelson...

Argentinian education workers 24-hour National Strike

On Monday, the Confederation of Education Workers of Argentina (CTERA) held a 24-hour national strike against the far-right President Javier Milei’s policies. The education workers...

Hunt warned by bankers that tax cuts must be funded through...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is preparing to deliver a Spring budget on Wednesday 6th March which he has signalled will concentrate on tax cuts...

TUC must call a general strike to defend the NHS

WITH the latest five days of strike action by junior doctors due to end tomorrow, the British Medical Association (BMA) has already set in...

‘Claps don’t pay the bills!’ – insist striking junior doctors

‘CLAPS don’t pay the bills!’ chanted over 100 junior doctors outside St Thomas’ Hospital in central London opposite the Houses of Parliament yesterday morning,...

Nottingham City goes bust while HSBC makes £24bn!

THE government has appointed commissioners to help run Nottingham City Council after the authority declared itself effectively bankrupt. The Labour-run authority issued a section 114...

Iran calls for emergency meeting over Israel’s planned attack on Rafah

IRAN has called for an emergency meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) amid the dire humanitarian...

British capitalism not in ‘technical recession’. It is diving into a...

YESTERDAY, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) produced figures on the state of the UK economy that showed it had fallen into a ‘technical...

Time For The Working Class To Consign The Bosses To The...

THE US and UK ruling classes are organising Israel to knife the Palestinian people in a desperate attempt to destroy the Palestinian revolution –...

OBR official demands cuts to benefits and war on migrant workers...

WHEN the then Tory prime minister Liz Truss launched her notorious mini-budget in September 2022 that came close to crashing the UK economy, one...

Labour will let bankers’ bonuses soar and make the working class...

LABOUR’S shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves yesterday pledged any future Labour government to be the bankers’ best friend, ready and willing to facilitate awarding massive...

Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards march to demand immediate Gaza ceasefire

HUNDREDS of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters staged rallies across Spain demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, urging the government to break institutional ties and...

Sunak plans to throw the sick and disabled off benefits –...

TORY Prime Minister Rishi Sunak plans to throw the sick and disabled off benefits to fund tax cuts for the rich! He spent the weekend...

South African court bans Johannesburg bus strike

SOUTH Africa bus service Rea Vaya operator, PioTrans, last Thursday secured an interdict banning 179 employees from embarking on an unprotected strike and continuing...

‘Get rid of all privatised companies’ urge the striking Junior Doctors

Junior doctors manned a lively and determined picket outside the Maudsley Hospital in south London yesterday, determined to defend their patients and the NHS. Laith...

All Trade Unions Must Join The Battle To Defend The NHS...

THE battle has now been joined to defend the NHS, which the Tory government is determined to destroy, to return the UK to the...

Bank of England boss says outlook for British capitalism ‘worst I’ve...

ON Monday, the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee issued a report blaming the Bank of England (BoE) for ‘errors’ that had failed to...

Russian forces destroy Ukrainian combat drone training centre!

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian combat drone training centre and three radar stations over the course of Tuesday in the special military operation in...

The TUC must answer Hunt’s declaration of a vicious war on...

TORY Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement has been derided for its claims to represent a way out of the economic crisis strangling British capitalism,...

Hunt turns his fire on the sick the disabled and the...

TORY Chancellor Hunt turned his fire on the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill and the unemployed in his vicious, vindictive anti-working class Autumn...

French workers demand a Gaza ceasefire!

WORKERS and youth throughout France are demonstrating today for a ceasefire in Gaza, following a call by the CGT trade union federation. A union statement...

One million march for Palestine – Forward to a General Strike!

ONE MILLION workers, students and youth marched from Hyde Park Corner in central London to the American Embassy in Nine Elms, south west London...

South African workers march to defend healthcare benefits

National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) members marched to the offices of Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) in Bloemfontein on Monday,...

World capitalism at the ‘tipping point’ of collapse – time to...

A RELIABLE gauge of the panic gripping the capitalist class over the fast developing world crisis of capitalism and its crushing effect on the...

India’s BJP government targeting pro-Palestine protesters

A RELIABLE gauge of the panic gripping the capitalist class over the fast developing world crisis of capitalism and its crushing effect on the...

‘What is needed now is to grow the economy–pickpocketing the public...

‘WHAT is needed now is to grow the economy. That is the only sober and sustainable path to pay down our worrying debt trajectory....

Inflation here to stay and global banking system faces collapse

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday produced its latest report on the state of the world capitalist financial system, in which it warned that...

Only Socialist Revolution can stop imperialist war

ON SUNDAY, newly appointed Tory Defence Secretary Grant Shapps, writing in the Telegraph, announced that the UK would be sending troops to Ukraine ‘to...

Local councils £3.5bn financial hole Tories are demanding savage cuts –...

LOCAL councils have a hole in their finances exceeding £3.5bn collectively for the coming financial year, making it extremely likely they will have to...