‘WE WILL CONTINUE TO STAY HERE FOR OUR PEOPLE’ –Thousands of Tamils blockade Parliament

Monday afternoon’s sit-in blockade of Parliament by thousands of Tamils
Monday afternoon’s sit-in blockade of Parliament by thousands of Tamils

‘Gordon Brown is supporting Rajapakse and his genocide and murder of the Tamil people’, Loganathan said outside the Houses of Parliament on Monday, where thousands of Tamils were sitting in the road, blocking traffic.

Thousands of Tamils have been demonstrating continully, day and night, for 36 days.

Five young students have been taken to hospital having been on hunger strike to highlight the plight of the Tamil people and win a ceasefire.

Tamil doctors intervened last night to insist the youth were taken to hospital.

The mass sit-in blockade of Parliament Square came because of reports of 3,800 killings of civilians in the last 24 hours in the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka, carried out by the Sri Lankan Army on President Rajapakse’s orders.

Whole families from the very young to the very old, and many women, have come down to Parliament to implore British MPs, Cabinet Ministers and Gordon Brown to intervene to stop the bloodletting. But they say they have received only platitudes.

Police began attacking the sit-in blockade at around 2.00pm after bringing up convoys of vans. Tamil women and their children bravely stood their ground as the police man-handled them, and terrorised the children to get them to move off the roads.

They refused, and were punched, pushed and shoved out of the way. It was alleged that one woman had her leg broken .

The Tamils say they are determined that the gruesome extermination of their families and the Tamil people will stop, and they will continue to occupy the area to get the British government to act, to pressurise Brown to intervene with Rajapakse and broker a ceasefire.

Loganathan continued: ‘The Sri Lankan government is spending millions on propaganda to cover up their crimes.

‘But the United Nations took satellite photographs last week, so the UN are aware of the problem, but they are also hiding it.

‘The Sri Lankan Army are using every weapon, phosphorus bombs and chemical gassing, every day.

‘They are setting up concentration camps, young boys and girls are being separated from their parents. Where are they taking them?

‘The US and Britain and the EU powers earn big profits from Sri Lanka and they are giving the Sri Lankan government many loans and many chances to kill Tamils.

‘We have been calling for a boycott of Sri Lankan goods and have organised a protest outside Marks and Spencers because they are making millions from the clothing trade in Sri Lanka.

‘That is why we are demonstrating, we have to continue to stop the genocide. In the last days 4,000 people have died and 5,000 more have been injured.

‘Gordon Brown can stop the war and (UN general secretary) Ban Ki-moon can stop the war but they are supporting Rajapakse.’

Pavani SriKanda said: ‘I am disgusted with the police attacking women and children. We are peaceful, we only want to stop the genocide, the killing of thousands of Tamils.

‘We have been protesting peacefully here outside Parliament for 36 days.

‘We have talked to David Miliband and he has done nothing.

‘They might man-handle our women, but they won’t get away with it. We are going to stay.

‘The Sri Lankan Army want to finish their genocide but they will not succeed. In every country all over the world the Tamils are demonstrating.’

Somitha from the British Tamil Students said: ‘We have all come to defend our people, the Tamils.

‘Only yesterday 3,000 people died at home and more have been injured.

‘The English media and the BBC say only 150 have died, and in the Metro they say only 400 have died.

‘So they are telling only one side of the story.

‘The world is always being told that the Tigers are terrorists. The Sri Lankan Army are the terrorists, the media are twisting things round.

‘The police are roughing people up trying to move us on, but we are inviting more Tamils to come.

‘We are going to stay in the road.

‘The world powers know what is going on in Sri Lanka. They must be supporting Rajapakse.’

Jasotharan said: ‘The police are trying to push us back into Parliament Square but we won’t go, because so many Tamils are being murdered in Sri Lanka.

‘We have to occupy the roads because no one will listen to us otherwise. We will continue to stay here for our people.’