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Pound drops and inflation rises as recession grows

THE pound fell to an exchange rate of $1.77 yesterday, its lowest level for two-and-a-half years. In June sterling was trading at $2, but...

Britain hardest hit by world capitalist crisis

YESTERDAY’S reports on the state of the economy reveal more about the catastrophe gripping British capitalism, part of the world crisis. • The Bank of...

Bankers gripped by fear are relying on ‘hope’!

THE new Deputy Governor of the Bank of England (BoE), Charles Bean said yesterday that when the so-called ‘credit crunch’ began last August central...

Trade union action to beat ‘stagflation’

TODAY 800,000 local council workers, members of the UNISON and UNITE trade unions, begin a two-day strike against a government-imposed wage cut, an offer...

Labour marshalling its strikebreakers

THE capitalist state has had to admit that its war on two fronts means that it cannot rely on the British army for strike...

Tesco Volunteers For The Cobra Strike- Breaking Committee

THE fact that the Civil Contingencies Committee (COBRA) is in session over the implications of the fuel crisis, and more specifically, that the crisis...

‘WE WILL RETURN TO DIEGO GARCIA’ – Chagos Islanders picket the...

over 150 Chagos Islanders, British trade unionists and youth held a mass picket outside the House of Lords on Monday. The picket was called to...

‘WE MUST RETURN TO DIEGO GARCIA’ say Chagos islanders

‘We will return to our islands,’ chanted over 150 Chagos islanders, British trade unionists and youth outside the House of Lords yesterday. The mass picket...

News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference – Forward To A Workers...

‘IT is very clear that the collapse of the capitalist system has collapsed New Labour, that is the modern Labour Party’, News...

Chagossians must have the right to return – the US base...

A BIG delegation of the 2,000 Chagossians who are living in Crawley, plus delegations from the FBU, GMB and POA trade unions will be...

Henley New Labour Disaster – Less Votes Than The Bnp!

LABOUR’s fifth place at Henley, shamefully behind the fascist BNP, will go down in history as an example of a party being thrust into...

Forward to the Zimbabwe socialist revolution!

THE resolution of the United Nations Security Council condemning violence in Zimbabwe, carried with both China and Russia voting for the motion, ...

Defend jobs, wages and rights – bring down Brown government

PRIME Minister Brown’s alliance with the right-wing Democratic Unionist Party has paid off with the passage by nine votes of his amendment to the...

Come to the News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance conference

ON Saturday June 29, the News Line daily newspaper will be having a joint conference with the All Trades Unions Alliance, the body that...

Build The Revolutionary Leadership Amongst Youth And Workers Worldwide

THE development of the world capitalist crisis is now affecting every section of the working class and the poor in every part of the...

Police ‘Yobs’ Bait Home Secretary

THE very well paid police force – loaded up with housing and other benefits, on Wednesday bit the hand that has been feeding...

Act To Stop The Privatisation Of Royal Mail!

ROYAL MAIL bosses, Chairman Allan Leighton and Chief Executive Adam Crozier, are calling on the Labour government to give the go-ahead for them to...

Bank of England to ‘crucify the consumer’

NOT ONLY has the world crisis of capitalism now been accepted as the reality by even the most sceptical of the bourgeoisie, its different...

BOYCOTT ISRAEL – say Nakba marchers

‘Free, free Palestine!’ shouted up to 15,000 marchers, as they made their way through central London yesterday to a rally in Trafalgar Square to...

Working class turns on the Blair-Brown gang

LABOUR suffered a net loss of 331 seats in local elections in England and Wales on 1 May. It also lost out to Tory...

Brown’s Policies Are Helping The Tories To Return

BROWN’S ‘bad night for Labour’ was the direct result of a self-inflicted wound – Brown’s Thatcherite policies – that cost Labour up to...

CAPITALISM HAS TO GO! – say May Day marchers

‘Capitalism has had its day, it’s historically bankrupt. Now’s the time to bring it down and go forward to socialism.’ Workers Revolutionary Party General Secretary...

FORWARD TO SOCIALISM – say May Day marchers

Four thousand workers and youth marched for socialism through central London on May Day yesterday. Led by the May Day Organising Committee banner there were...

Answer World Crisis With The World Revolution

MAY DAY MANIFESTO By the News Line Editorial Board THE NEWS LINE editorial Board sends its May Day greetings for the year 2008 to the workers...

Brown Answers Nato Call

A BATTALION of 600 British troops will be sent to Kosovo, Defence Secretary Des Browne announced yesterday, after NATO requested extra soldiers...

What Should Be Done About Gordon Brown

DAVID Miliband yesterday urged the Labour Party to rally behind Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is facing mounting opposition in the working class because...

Organise a general strike! Bring down Brown government! Go...

THE leaders of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), the University and College Union (UCU) and the...

After April 24: Defeat pay cuts with an extended general strike!

TENS of thousands of teachers, college lecturers and civil servants are striking today against government-imposed pay cuts. As a result of the action by the...

The BoE and Brown gamble with workers wages jobs, homes...

THE Bank of England yesterday launched its government-backed scheme to allow the major banks to swap their dodgy mortgages for UK Treasury Bonds, in...

Replace Bankrupt Capitalism With World Socialism!

THERE is not the slightest doubt that capitalism worldwide is in its greatest crisis ever. The US-UK failed attempt to occupy Iraq and...

Indefinite united strike action needed by public sector workers

MEMBERS of the 270,000-strong National Union of Teachers (NUT), Britain’s largest teaching union are to take strike action on April 24 over pay. They...

Labour is selling off school playing fields

SCHOOLS Secretary Ed Balls and his predecessor Alan Johnson have given the go-head to the sell-off of 19 school playing fields over the past...

Stop The Whole Public Sect0R On April 24

THE NUT conference has made it perfectly clear that teachers have had enough of the wage cutting and privatisation policies of the Brown government....

Capitalism’s crisis– Socialist revolution, the only solution!

THE OFFICIAL annual rate of inflation leapt in February, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). Figures published yesterday showed that the Consumer Prices...

Labour’Shuts Out Black And Asian Masses

THE ‘biggest shake-up of the immigration system in 45 years’ got underway yesterday, according to the Brown government. The ‘shake-up’ is that the British ruling...

Trade unions must act to defend workers’ standard of living

THE Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King has proclaimed that the crisis of capitalism means huge ongoing cuts in the standard of...

Take strike action to defend wages and jobs

RAPIDLY rising food, gas, electricity and petrol prices pushed up the cost of living in January, even according to the government’s rigged inflation rate...

Now is the time to build the Workers Revolutionary Party

THE deeper the crisis of the capitalist system gets, the more desperate the measures that it takes to sustain the bosses and bankers’ system,...

Bilge From The Bishop!

THE Bishop of Rochester, Dr Nazir-Ali, yesterday sounded like he borrowed a script from the British National Party when he warned that Islamic extremism...

Build The Wrp In 2008!

THE TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, in his New Year’s message said that his two fears for 2008 were the dangers of a banking...

Brown insists on wage cuts for workers & billions for bankers

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown justified pay cuts for workers in the public services and the billions handed over by the Treasury to the bankrupt...


THIS is the period of world revolution. That was the message delivered to the News Line Anniversary Rally attended by 200 youth and workers in...


‘We’re getting ready for revolution in Britain as part of the world socialist revolution.’ That was the message delivered by workers revolutionary Party General Secretary,...


The News Line Anniversary Rally takes place on Sunday December 2nd from 2-6pm at Skeel Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary university, Mile End, London E1 For...

News Line Anniversary Rally: Sunday December 2

The News Line Anniversary Rally takes place on Sunday December 2nd from 2-6pm at Skeel Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary university, Mile End, London E1 Nearest...