Tag: wrp
500,000 March For Action To Bring Down The Coalition!
500,000 angry workers, trade unionists and youth marched in London, Glasgow and Belfast against the Tory-LibDem Coalition government and its cuts and privatisation programme...
Now Organise The General Strike!
SATURDAY’S mass marches in London, Glasgow and Belfast were marches to bring down the coalition, regardless of the intentions of their TUC organisers who...
Call general strike! Bring down coalition! Forward to workers government!
TODAY’S march called by the TUC must not be just another mass demonstration against the drive by this coalition to bail out the banks...
World Crisis Of Capitalism Requires World Revolution
CAPITALISM is a worldwide system dominating the whole planet, in which there is no national solution to the problems brought about by the latest...
Greece For Sale – Lock Stock And Barrel!
AT the end of August the EU-imposed Greek prime minister, Antonis Sameras, announced to a disbelieving populace that the £9.3 billion cuts imposed on...
Coalition plan to beat the poorest to aid the richest
SO FAR trillions of pounds have been spent by the state, using taxpayers’ money, to rescue, prop up and save bankrupt banks and...
Examine practicalities of a general strike by organising it now!
THE TUC Congress was dominated by the growing mass anger of the working class at the Tory-led coalition policy of wage freezing and massive...
Murdoch’s Poodle Hunt Gets Health Privatisation Job
HEALTH Secretary Andrew Lansley has been demoted to the role of Leader of the House of Commons. This is after his health goose was cooked...
Disgusting Libdems Squeal Betrayal!
THE LibDems, who sealed the coalition by stabbing millions of youth in the back by agreeing to tuition fees of up to £9,000 a...
SAVAGE ‘austerity’ cuts to prop up bankrupt capitalism and its banks are being met with a revolutionary response from workers and youth throughout Europe. In...
Renationalise Energy Companies And Abolish Tuition Fees!
AT A time of a desperate economic crisis of capitalism, when millions of families fear that they will not be able to pay their...
Right To Strike Under Attack
The announcement by the Tory media, culture and sport secretary, Jeremy Hunt, that cabinet ministers are actively discussing the introduction of Ronald Reagan style...
Contradictions of UK capitalism sharpening to explosion point!
TORY PM Cameron has declared, in the last few days, that he will be pushing through austerity measures until the end of the next...
Austerity Forever Pledges Cameron
IN an interview given to the Daily Telegraph, the Tory prime minister, David Cameron, declared that ‘austerity’ will be forever as far as he...
‘We need to push them to repeal Health Act!’
THERE was a lively fringe meeting on the first evening of the BMA Conference in Bournemouth on Monday, organised by the All Trades Unions...
Cameron Declares War On The Youth!
THE PM has said that people under the age of 25 are to lose their right to housing benefit, as part of moves to...
LEON TROTSKY’S ‘WHITHER FRANCE?’ TODAY – Part 4: For workers power...
IN Once Again, Whither France? (March 1935) Leon Trotsky discussed the call for a general strike. He wrote: ‘The general strike, as every Marxist knows,...
Tories Are Down – Now They Must Be Put Out!
THE Tories are down but they are not out! The trade unions must mobilise for action at once to deliver a knock-out blow to...
Workers Reject Tories And Lib-Dems, Now Take Action To Get...
THE Tories and the LibDems were whipped around the country in the council elections, with Labour retaking Liverpool and numerous cities and towns, as...
Wrp May Day Rally Salutes Palestinian Hunger Strikers And World...
‘A socialist revolution in this country will open up the whole of the world,’ Frank Sweeney, the General Secretary of the Workers Revolutionary Party,...
500,000 WILL STRIKE ON MAY 10 – says Serwotka
Half a million workers will be taking strike action on May 10th, PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka told the mass rally at the end...
Time To Get Rid Of Capitalism
MAY DAY STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE Editorial Board of the News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the workers of the...
Time To Throw The Rotten Coalition Out!
IT was put to Rupert Murdoch, at the Leveson Inquiry yesterday, that Thatcher could not have done without him and that he could not...
After Bradford – No Change In Labour Policies
LABOUR Party leader Miliband said on Thursday that both national and local factors were to blame for the party’s massive defeat at the hands...
Letter to News Line: SHREWSBURY – a lesson for the working...
THE article in the News Line last Wednesday brought back not just memories of my personal involvement in the campaign led by the Young...
30th anniversary of Malvinas war – reject imperialist war hysteria
Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas (Falklands) war, a war involving a tiny island with a population in 1982 of less than...
Workers want the Tories out but don’t want Miliband and Balls...
THIS IS the message that is coming out of the Bradford West by-election where Respect candidate George Galloway was ‘unexpectedly’, out of the blue,...
THEIR MORALS AND OURS ‘The welfare of the revolution – that...
YET when we look around us now, what is there to see but a world where the epoch-making events of just a year ago...
Argentina Warns UK Against Militarising The South Atlantic
ARGENTINA is to raise the UK militarisation of the Malvinas Islands (Falklands) at the United Nations. President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner...
You must accept capitalism and its cuts orders Johnson
YESTERDAY, Alan Johnson, the ex-CWU postal workers leader, warned the trade unions that they must accept the capitalist crisis, and as slaves of capital...
Labour Hits Out At Welfare State!
LABOUR'S Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, Liam Byrne yesterday attacked the Welfare State and those claiming benefits. Byrne’s piece, printed in the Guardian...
Trade Union Bureaucracy Resumes Its Full Support For Pension Busting!
ON December 20th the major local government trade unions, after coming under massive attack from their local government members, suspended their support, agreed on...
Build the Fourth International – the world party of the socialist...
ON Thursday, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, issued the starkest warning yet that the debt crisis gripping the eurozone...
Chuck out the coalition to deal with growing mass unemployment
UK unemployment has increased to 2.64m, a rise of 128,000 in the three months to October, the highest level since 1994, with 1,027,000 youth...
Bourgeoisie Trembles At The Approaching Catastrophe!
THE governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, made it clear this week that the banking system faces total collapse due to ‘systemic...
Millions strike against Coalition
huge marches and demonstrations were held in towns and cities all over the UK yesterday. More than two million nurses, other health workers, teachers,...
‘TODAY the greatest crisis ever of the capitalist system is driving forward revolution in every country, as the workers of the world decide that...
Turn The November 30Th Strike Into An Indefinite General Strike
THERE can be only one demand for next week’s one-day strike by public sector workers and that must be for the TUC to call...
One million youth unemployed – Capitalism has got to go!
THE three months to September to 2.62 million, as youth unemployment rose above a million. Yet not one trade union leader called for action...
Britannia sinking beneath the waves of the capitalist crisis!
THE bourgeois media is currently working overtime publicising the ‘bad news’ about the British capitalist economy. Everybody now knows that youth unemployment (the 16-24 age...
Cameron’s ‘Chain Gangs’ For The Unemployed
THE PCS civil servants trade union yesterday rightly condemned the coalition government’s plans to force the long-term unemployed, and unemployed youth, to do manual...
Cameron and Miliband united in defending EU bosses and bankers
THE Tory-led coalition was rocked on Monday night when over 80 Tory backbench MPs, leftovers from the days of empire, voted for a...
Conference Votes For Chase Farm Occupation!
A NORTH East London Council of Action conference of over 150 workers, pensioners and youth on Saturday voted unanimously for an occupation of...
MOVING the Public Services composite motion at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool on Monday, Unison General Secretary, Dave Prentis said: ‘Conference, today we...
Spectre of revolution haunting TUC leaders!
THE real essence of the capitalist crisis penetrated into the heart of the Trades Union Congress yesterday, as delegates assembled for their annual conference...