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RECAST RIO TINTO OLYMPIC MEDALS! – demand Canadian steelworkers

Canadian Steelworkers are calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to recast London 2012 gold medals because the supplier ‘disrespects Olympic values of fair...

‘We’ll strike again if need be’ – warn Swindon hospital workers

GMB trade union officers, representing 150 GMB members employed by Carillion at Great Western Hospital in Swindon, expect the company to reach conclusions by...

‘Disgusting plans’ to close Remploy factories

The GMB and Unite, the unions for Remploy workers, held a demonstration in Norwich town centre on Saturday against the government’s plan to shut...

‘A Budget for the City slaps the poor and the unemployed...

GEORGE Osborne’s ‘rich man’s’ budget has failed to address the fundamental economic problems blighting Britain, said the Unite trade union. Unite hit out at...

Royal Mail Pensions Robbery

GOVERNMENT plans to ‘asset-strip’ the £28 billion Royal Mail pension scheme and plough the money into cutting the budget deficit were yesterday condemned by...

Tories Challenge The Unions With Plan To Impose Low Pay

UNIONS have reacted angrily to plans to scrap national pay rates for public sector workers. Chancellor George Osborne is expected to say civil...

‘Carillion Has No Right To Bully And Harass US’

‘We are comrades! We have shown we are not just GMB but all of Swindon together!’ GMB shop steward Paulo Fernandes told a cheering...

Carillion Strikebreaking Condemned!

THE GMB is to make a formal complaint that a Bath employment agency is illegally supplying staff to Swindon hospital during Carillion strike days. GMB...

Carillion at centre of blacklisting scandal

THE GMB has found that the senior Carillion HR manager involved in the Swindon dispute was the same HR manager for Carillion that dealt...

‘KEEP OUR LOCAL SURGERY OPEN’ –demand Camden Road patients

PATIENTS faced with the closure of their local Camden Road GP surgery overcame bureaucratic attempts to bar them from attending an invitation-only meeting with...

Prosecute Vale over mine deaths – demands USW

If anyone needs further proof to Vale’s global social neglect, it comes in a pair of dirty deeds committed by the Brazilian mining company...

Police-MI5 worked to blacklist trade unionists!

It has emerged that the police, MI5 and other security services supplied information to a blacklist compiled for and funded by Carillion and...

Swindon Hospital Workers Strike Against Bullying

FIFTY Swindon striking hospital workers came down to London by coach last Tuesday to lobby the Headquarters of their employer Carillion demanding an end...

Seven unions fighting pensions rip-ofF

SEVEN unions held a joint demonstration outside the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday against the government’s imposed changes in the way they calculate...

‘Strike against bullying’

A coachload of fifty Swindon striking hospital workers yesterday descended on the London Headquarters of Carillion in Euston with shouts of ‘Respect at work! They...

THEIR MORALS AND OURS ‘The welfare of the revolution – that...

YET when we look around us now, what is there to see but a world where the epoch-making events of just a year ago...

CUTS HIT US EDUCATION –while workers battle for union rights

Policy Matters Ohio has released a report showing the impact of the $1.8 billion cuts to local education budgets across Ohio, reports the Ohio...

Youth forced to work for nothing as unemployment set to rocket!

The findings of a survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development confirm what every worker and young person in the country already...

Greek workers and youth on the way to an unprising!

ATHENS – Greek workers and youth are on the road to an uprising! Mass rallies and demonstrations are taking place throughout Greece as part of...

Indiana unions oppose ‘Right to Work for Less’

THE PASSAGE of a ‘Right to Work’ bill, which promotes cheap labour and denies basic representation to workers in the state of Indiana, has...

Illegal and deadly restraints still in use, smash the racist capitalist...

Just 16 months after a man died whilst being restrained by private security guards on board an aircraft, the House of Commons home office...

St Paul’s occupiers determined to fight on – despite eviction attempts

ANTI-CAPITALIST St Paul’s occupiers were defiant and determined to stay despite attempts to evict them through the courts. Ev Emanon from Anonymous UK camped at...

Chase Farm NHS Must Not Close

Drivers honked their horns enthusiastically saluting the picket line outside Chase Farm hospital on day ten of the daily picket fighting to keep the...

Daily Picket Starts At Chase Farm

The daily picket of Chase Farm Hospital to stop its closure kicked off last Monday with an extremely lively mass picket. From the moment the...

RESTORE THE FUEL SUBSIDY – 500 workers and students picket Nigerian...

Last Friday over five hundred Nigerian students and workers picketed their London embassy, furious at the Nigerian government’s removal of a fuel subsidy. The fuel...

Contract and agency workers’ rights routinely violated

An ICEM global union federation report has found that the rights of workers in the cement industries of the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and...

Only Revolution Can Solve The Housing Crisis

THE Tory/LibDem coalition cuts to housing benefit come into effect today with devastating consequences for all unemployed or low paid workers who rely on...

Explosion Injures 61 Shanghai Workers!

A WEEKEND explosion at a Shanghai factory run by Apple supplier Pegatron injured 61 workers, 23 of whom were hospitalised according to the Taiwan-based...

NO DEAL! – says PCS

THE pcs civil servants union yesterday rejected the government’s pensions plan to force public servants to pay more and work longer for less in...

Mass Support In Enfield For Chase Farm Occupation!

UP TO 1,000 workers, trade unionists, local residents and youth electrified Enfield on Saturday afternoon, after hundreds joined the march through the town with...

‘EXTEND UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE’ – or millions of Americans will have no...

Some 200 unemployed workers converged on Capitol Hill, Washington DC, on Thursday to demand that Congress act immediately to extend unemployment insurance to those...

Doctors, nurses, patients support occupation of Chase Farm

LAST Tuesday a mass picket of Chase Farm hospital was organised by the North East London Council of Action. The pickets won support from doctors,...

‘Today’s strike is going to be the spark for something a...

‘The capitalist system is in its death agony. It’s coming to an end, although some people don’t believe it will ever end, but I...


‘TODAY the greatest crisis ever of the capitalist system is driving forward revolution in every country, as the workers of the world decide that...

Greek Workers To Stand Trial

The Athens State Prosecutor ordered that 13 trade unionists, a pensioner and an unemployed worker who were arrested by riot police last Thursday morning...

Independent trades union candidates to stand in Egyptian general election

A court in the governorate of Qalioubiya, north of Cairo, has ruled in favour of independent trade union candidates taking part in the...

Vavi Addresses Russell Tribunal On Palestine

Zwelinzima Vavi, General Secretary of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) made the following address to the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, District...

Warning – Police Are Armed And Dangerous!

THAT the times are really changing was rammed home once again yesterday. People are angrily reacting to the news that 4,000 highly trained police officers...


in a notice to members, the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS) explains why the government’s pensions offer is bad news for all members. The...

STOP BABAR AHMAD EXTRADITION TO USA – 100,000 sign e-petition for...

An e-petition supporting, Babar Ahmad, a young computer worker from Tooting, held for seven years without charge as an alleged terrorism suspect, has reached...

Rajapaksa under fire in Australia

CANBERRA – Sri Lankan-born Australian Arunachalam Jegatheeswaran filed an indictment on war-crime charges against the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Thursday, declaring he...

‘We Will Be Here Indefinitely!’

‘We will be here indefinitely!’ was the defiant message on Tuesday night from the anti-capitalist occupiers who have built up a ‘tent city’ outside...

‘It’s Time To Fight!’

THE Tory-LibDem Coalition plans to abolish the right of workers to claim unfair dismissal and bring in an employers right to sack workers without...

Greek workers refuse to accept austerity plan!

LAST Wednesday and Thursday saw the biggest general strike of all workers, public and private sector, shopkeepers, and transport workers, which brought the whole...

Ex-Visteon workers join Chase Farm mass picket!

EX-VISTEON workers who successfully occupied their factory after being sacked, joined the picket of Chase Farm hospital on Tuesday reinforcing the call for occupation...