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‘This is the last May Day to be stolen’ – says...

‘THIS is the last May Day to be stolen. It has been used for electioneering and workers are being fed lies and given promises...

May Day 2014 greetings – BRING DOWN THE TORIES! – Forward...

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working people of the world at a time when the world capitalist...

Come to ATUA Conference! Build a new leadership inside the unions

ON Saturday 10th May, the News Line and the All Trades Union Alliance – the industrial arm of the Workers Revolutionary Party – will...

Unions must strike for a 10% wage rise!

The results of a consultative ballot of 600,000 local government and school members of the Unison union recorded a massive 70% rejection of the...

One Year Since The Rana Plaza Disaster!

TODAY, 24th April 2014, marks the first anniversary of the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, when 1,138 people lost their lives and 2,000...

600,000 Cambodian garment workers taking strike action!

HALF of Cambodia’s garment workers, roughly 600,000, began a nationwide four-day ‘stay at home’ strike yesterday, called by eight trade unions demanding a higher...

Hundreds of thousands of young workers are on zero-hours contracts –...

ZERO-HOUR contracts have risen sharply in recent years, hundreds of thousands of zero-hour contract workers, the majority being young, are on minimum wage whilst...

Deep Public Service Cuts Are Harming Australian Workers!

OUTGOING Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson is right to highlight the impact deep public service cuts are having on the bureaucracy’s ability to do its...

Osborne offers permanent cuts, benefit caps and poverty!

TORY Chancellor Osborne’s class war Budget yesterday had at its centre a Welfare Spending Cap of £119.5bn for 2015-16. The limit on total welfare spending...

HALF A MILLION TAKE TO THE STREETS!– to demand jobs for...

HALF a million people will take to the streets today, Wednesday 19 March, in demand for youth jobs, the National Union of MetalWorkers of...

Wealthiest 5 richer than poorest 20%

THE report by the charity Oxfam entitled ‘A Tale of Two Britains’ puts definite figures on the simple fact known by every worker that...

Ealing Week-Long Strike!

150 workers began a week-long strike at closure-threatened Ealing Hospital in west London yesterday against the privateer Medirest. The porters, catering and domestic workers, all...

‘We’ve just replaced white capitalists with black capitalists’ – NUMSA...

THE working class and the poor have no good story to tell about how their lives have been changed for the better, National Union...

Strike Wave Grips Egypt

EGYPT is gripped by a wave of strikes as the working class continues its revolutonary actions along with the country’s youth that have seen...

TWU urges halt to 5,000 Qantas sackings!

AUSTRALIA’S Transport Workers Union (TWU) National Secretary Tony Sheldon, at talks in Sydney on Thursday afternoon, said he would urge Qantas CEO Alan Joyce...

The class struggle in South Africa and the crisis in...

A STATEMENT by National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) National Office Bearers on Sunday outlined the union’s views ‘on the state of...

Tv Workers Exploited For 16 Hours A Day

WORKERS who are employed in the production of documentaries often are expected to work 14, 15 or 16 hours a day for several days...

Bangladeshi workers suffer from lack of legal rights to organise!

The government must take steps to reform laws so they meet international standards for freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, said A K...

‘Cosatu Is Being Turned Into A Toothless Giant To Please Its...

The statement reads: THE outcome of the Special CEC (Central Executive Committee) of COSATU that was shunned by those affiliates who had formally called...

Ealing Hospital strike action!

MORE than 100 Ealing Hospital porters, domestic, catering and help desk workers took their first day of strike action from 6am-6pm yesterday and are...

Bosnian Workers And Youth Show The Way In The Balkans

THE class war has erupted in Bosnia with a vengeance as youth and workers rise up in action, uniting all religions and nationalities in...


GARMENT factory workers in Bangladesh who try to start trade unions are being intimidated and threatened with murder to stop their efforts to organise,...

Staff are angry over pay ‘hypocrisy’ says Sally Hunt

PICKETS were out in force at universities across the UK during Thursday’s one-day strike by University and College Union (UCU), Unison, Unite and Educational...

Release Shrewsbury 24 papers demand MPs

MPs in the House of Commons on Thursday voted by 120 votes to three to demand that the government releases papers related to Shrewsbury...

Defend state education – defeat academies drive

TEACHERS at Copland School in Wembley, who took part in their fifth one day strike against being forced into academy status yesterday, must be...

‘Take Benefits Street off the air!’

PROTESTERS from across the UK gathered outside the offices of the production company behind Channel 4’s cynical ‘Benefits Street’ at 3pm yesterday, to protest...

Australian Unions Support Korean Rail Workers

THE AUSTRALIAN Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) has rallied with other Australian unions to increase worldwide pressure on the South Korean government to cease its...

‘Stand Together In 2014’ Canadian Workers Are Told By Ufcw!

‘BY STANDING together to campaign and defeat ultra-Conservative politicians and their corporate-only agenda, Canadians can make things better,’ UFCW National President Paul Meinema said...

Coalition in crisis, bring it down

The disarray, confusion and splits within the Tory/LibDem coalition government were brought out sharply over Monday’s announcement by Tory chancellor, George Osborne, that he...

Tenants face mass evictions

TENANTS receiving housing benefit have been issued with eviction notices by the largest ‘buy-to-let’ private landlord in the country. Fergus Wilson, who owns 1,000 properties...

Numsa ‘Declares War On The Lack Of Progress Since Apartheid!’

THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) Special National Congress December 17 to 20, 2013 issued a declaration of war on the...

RMT DEFENDS TUBE WORKERS – and supports justice for Shrewsbury pickets

THE RMT tube union has slammed a plan unveiled by Transport for London which would replace nearly a thousand safety-critical tube station staff jobs...

Workers safety net will be destroyed by cuts says TUC

CHANCELLOR Osborne’s welfare cuts will hit the safety net for workers, warned the TUC last Friday. It was commenting on the Chancellor’s comment at the...

Housing crisis demands revolutionary solution

Yesterday, in a speech delivered in the Hertfordshire town of Stevenage, Labour leader, Ed Miliband, reiterated his pledge that the next Labour government would...

25 Years Since Clapham Crash!

TODAY, Thursday 12 December 2013, will mark 25 years since the Clapham Junction Rail Crash that left 35 people dead and hundreds injured. The accident...

‘Defend the NHS–We need action now!’ – union leaders keeping a...

TWO-HUNDRED marchers – local residents, trade unionists and youth – expressed enormous anger on Saturday as they demonstrated through Enfield in north London against...

March to save Chase Farm today!

YESTERDAY’S 60-strong mass picket to save Chase Farm Hospital drew big support from patients and local residents who all said they would join today’s...

Sri Lankan workers fighting Ansell Lanka Ltd union busters

Australian-based manufacturer of medical gloves and condoms, Ansell, is attacking workers in its supply chain, suspending 800 striking trade union members in Sri Lanka...


The Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC), a national coalition of over 50 charities, has written a letter to the Department for Work and Pensions calling...

Thousands have had their lives blighted by blacklisting

THE TRADE UNIONS led by the TUC held a national Day of Action on Wednesday against the blacklisting companies who have prevented trade unionists...

Prosecute Blacklisters!

Blacklisted construction workers and their supporters, 200 strong, lobbied Parliament yesterday, demanding those who operated and used blacklists in Britain be prosecuted. In 2009 the...

Striking Garment Workers Shot And Killed In Bangladesh!

TWO striking garment workers were shot dead by police in Bangladesh on Monday. Almost 140 Bangladeshi garment factories were shut as thousands of workers took...

Slave Labour & Serious Exploitation In Qatar

QATAR'S construction sector is rife with abuse, with workers employed on multi-million dollar projects suffering serious exploitation in conditions akin to slave labour, Amnesty...

Trade unions must take action to stop Chase Farm closing!

‘SAVE Chase Farm Occupy Now! Whose hospital? Our Hospital!’ More than 200 marchers chanted this slogan as they marched to Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield...

Unions must defend NHS!

‘SAVE Chase Farm Occupy Now! Whose hospital? Our Hospital!’ More than 200 marchers chanted these slogans as they moved onto the Chase Farm Hospital site...