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The Gap Between The Richest Americans And The Rest Is Growing...

THE gap between the richest Americans and the rest of the nation has widened after the recession, highlighting the worsening income inequality in the...

Manchester SU supports YS March

‘MANCHESTER University Students Union (SU) supports the march because we support the fight for better opportunities for today’s youth,’ said Charlie Cook, the SU...

Manchester workers greet march!

‘Victory to Palestine!’ rang out through the streets of Central Manchester on Day 15 of the Young Socialists March for Jobs to the TUC...

Tory Party On The Rocks!

THE Survation poll for the Mail on Sunday shows that UKIP, with turncoat Tory MP Carswell as their candidate, will win the October Clacton...

Splits and crisis dominate Europe

LAST weekend the French government collapsed as the splits within the cabinet turned into open warfare between President Holland and his finance minister, Arnaud...

Australian Unions Support Sri Lanka Workers

AUSTRALIAN unions AMWU, CFMEU and TCFUA held a rally outside of Ansell’s Australian headquarters on Thursday, following the denial of entry visas to a...

Bangladesh garment workers battling for their rights!

NEARLY two years after a preventable fire killed 112 garment workers in Bangladesh, the owner of the Tazreen Fashion factory is out of jail,...

‘STOP ARMING ISRAEL–LIFT THE SIEGE!’ – 2,000 workers and youth demand...

‘STOP arming Israel!’ ‘Free, free Palestine!’ ‘Lift the siege!’ ‘Boycott!’ shouted over 2,000 workers and youth at a lobby of Downing Street on Saturday. A...

Northampton youth want jobs & free education

YOUTH from Northampton joined the Young Socialists March for Jobs as they made their way through the town centre yesterday morning on their way...

March gets big support for defence of NHS

ON day three of the Young Socialists’ London to Liverpool March for Jobs, the 20 miles from Luton to Bedford received big support ‘en...

Libya Disintegrates As Unknown Planes Bomb Tripoli

NATIONAL Libyan TV on Monday carried an on-screen ticker reading: ‘The Al-Qa’qa and Al-Sawa’iq militias have targeted Jami’ al-Arusi in Hay al Andalus with...

89 Young People Took Their Own Lives In Prison From April...

THE Howard League for Penal Reform has responded to the Prison and Probation Ombudsman’s learning lessons bulletin on young adult prisoners who died by...

Three Numsa Shop Stewards Killed In Targeted Shooting

THREE NUMSA shop steward leaders were gunned down late on Wednesday 6 August 2014 in the KwaZulu-Natal province. A National Union of Metalworkers of South...

NUMSA to challenge NEASA lock-out!

THE National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) says it has ‘every intention’ of mounting a court challenge to the lock-out by the...

UN condemns school slaughter!

ISRAEL killed at least 19 Palestinians sheltering in a school in Gaza’s biggest refugee camp early on Wednesday morning, despite repeated warnings that thousands...

END THE OCCUPATION! VICTORY TO PALESTINE! 120,000 march through central London

OVER 120,000 marched and rallied in central London on Saturday against Israel’s onslaught on Gaza as the Palestinian death toll reached over 1,000. Workers and...


‘FREE, free Palestine! Israel is a terror state!’ chanted over 3,000 protesters at a rally and vigil outside the Israeli embassy on Tuesday evening. The...

NUMSA STRIKE ENTERS FOURTH WEEK – bosses warn capitalist order under...

THE powerful strike by 220,000 NUMSA members, workers in South Africa’s steel and engineering sectors, entered its fourth week on Monday. NUMSA members in...

Cameron & Obama threaten Russia and support Israel’s attack on Gaza

CAMERON was in threatening mode on Monday in his statement to the House of Commons. He said that President Putin must use his influence to...

The US And The Eu Are The Gangsters

WE are currently witnessing the greatest eruption of vilification against Russia and its leadership since the Fulton speech by Winston Churchill on March...

‘TRADE UNIONS MUST BOYCOTT ISRAEL!’ – 100,000 march to the Israeli...

‘FREE, Free Palestine! Gaza, Gaza we will never let you go! From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!’ chanted angry protesters...

Sacked Greek Cleaning Ladies Stand Firm For Nearly A Year

595 women cleaners of the Greek Ministry of Finance in Athens were sacked on 17 September 2013 and their jobs given to private contractors....

Marching For A Living Wage!

RITZY Cinema workers, on their ninth day of strike action, marched with 200 supporters and trade unionists from the British Film Institute (BFI) yesterday. What...

Tories Profiteering Out Of The NHS!

NHS patients from outside the EU are to be charged 150% of the cost of treatment in the NHS. This is part of a ‘crackdown’...

Workers Are Furious Over Attacks On Pay Pensions And Services

TWO million teachers, education support workers, lecturers, local government workers, firefighters, civil servants and other public sector workers went on a 24-hour strike on...

‘To strike is not a crime: we will will not be...

THOUSANDS of Spanish workers took part in a rally in Madrid on 5 July, to protest at the arrest and possible imprisonment of several...

Unions Rebut New Tory Strike Ban Threat

UNITE and Unison rebutted threats issued by Cabinet Secretary Francis Maude yesterday morning, in which he poured Tory vitriol on this Thursday’s mass one-day...

Defend the NHS – make the TUC call a general strike

WITH 23,000 beds being cut from hospital wards over the last four years alone, the entire trade union movement must immediately move into action...

Cost of living rising five times faster than wages!

THE Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s (JRF’s) Minimum Income Standard 2014 study has found that the amount a family need to enjoy even a ‘basic standard...

Unite gives its full backing to Labour

LEN McCluskey, addressing the Unite policy conference in Liverpool yesterday, stated that the unions and the NHS face ‘the fight of our lives’ to see...

NUMSA begins indefinite strike action!

OVER 220,00 members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) will begin an indefinite strike tomorrow to win pay increases and...

Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova heading for huge upheavals!

THE Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, travelled to Brussels yesterday morning to sign, along with Georgia and Moldova, the ‘partnership’ agreement with the European Union. It...

Wages still being slashed by price rises!

THE CPI rate of inflation fell to 1.5% in the year to May 2014, down from 1.8% in April, according to the Office of...

Safety must be mandatory! – Australian maritime workers step up action...

ON Wednesday, 18 June, Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) members will take action in Sydney to draw attention to the safety crisis in stevedoring. The...

Greek Riot Police Continue Vicious Attacks On Cleaners!

GREEK armed riot police squads once again viciously attacked the women cleaners outside the Finance Ministry in central Athens last Thursday afternoon. Four women cleaners...

‘T-Mobile – Do not violate our human rights!’ – demand US...

AT LAST Friday’s annual meeting of T-Mobile US Inc. in Bellevue, Washington, east of Seattle, shareholders voted on a proposal urging the T-Mobile board...

‘Free, Free Palestine’ Demand Hundreds Of Workers And Youth

‘FREE, Free Palestine!’ shouted a crowd of over 400 workers and youth demonstrating opposite the Israeli embassy on Saturday. The protest was part of the...

Unions demanding the reinstatement of 78 sacked workers in the Philippines

THE ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) and IUF (International Union of Food, Agricultural and Hospitality Workers) are demanding the reinstatement of 78 unfairly...

Quash convictions of 25 Cambodian factory workers! – demands Human Rights...

THE Cambodian government should quash the convictions of 25 human rights activists, factory workers, and others for lack of evidence, Human Rights Watch has...


PART ONE THE National Union of Metalworkers South Africa, Numsa, has released a full statement responding to Jeremy Cronin, of the South African Communist Party...

Teamsters Union Calls For Push For Union Organised Jobs!

FOLLOWING her arrest last Wednesday at the McDonald’s shareholders’ meeting outside of Chicago, Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU),...

Swiss Clothing Giant Signs Bangladesh Accord–But Migros And Coop Still Refuse

TALLY Weijl, the Swiss clothing giant, has signed the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety, piling further pressure on supermarkets Migros and Coop...

British capitalism remains on the floor with wages falling and part-time...

THE number of people estimated to be out of work in the UK fell by 133,000 to a ‘five-year low’ of 2.2 million in...


TWO-HUNDRED workers, trade unionists, students and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance (ATUA) Conference at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, in Holborn,...

US workers take May Day action

While reflecting on a long year of labour struggles at UCSC (University of California Santa Cruz), students looking to the future continued to call...