Tag: universal credit
‘Sunak’s refusal to lift the pay cap on civil servants and...
RESPONDING to Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s budget speech last Wednesday, PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka commented: ‘Rishi Sunak has today failed to vaccinate the...
Sunak Budget to prepare for mass unemployment and austerity war on...
MANY of the measures announced in yesterday’s Budget by Tory chancellor Rishi Sunak had been widely publicised in the run up to his appearance...
CHANCELLOR Sunak began his Budget speech by drawing attention to the £280 billion already spent on Covid-19 rescue measures saying, ‘I said I would...
TUC leaders collaborate with bosses to try and keep the working...
YESTERDAY, the TUC joined forces with the leaders of top business groups to beg Tory chancellor Rishi Sunak to extend the furlough scheme for...
1.72 million jobless! End of furloughing on April 21 will...
1.72 MILLION are now jobless! The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said yesterday it is the highest level in five years. Workers aged between 25...
By 278 votes to 0 MPs vote for extending the Universal...
THE TORY government was delivered a massive blow on Monday evening when it was defeated by 278 votes to 0 when MPs voted for...
STOP UNIVERSAL CREDIT CUT! – Labour insists maintain £20 uplift
‘REDUCING Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit would be fundamentally the wrong decision. It would be a profound mistake and put millions of families...
Tories getting ready for class war! Time for the trade unions...
EVERYBODY knows that the Tory government was completely unprepared for the Covid-19 crisis that erupted in the UK in December 2020. The Operation Cygnus exercise...
Big Business Demands Billi0Ns More To Save Their Bankrupt Economy!
BIG BUSINESS warned yesterday that, with the return of the lockdown by PM Johnson, thousands of firms will go to the wall. They demanded...
Six million UK households face poverty as Tories end furlough and...
WHEN the coronavirus pandemic hit the UK in March, and the Tory government was forced to order the first national lockdown, Tory chancellor Rishi...
‘Don’t cut Universal Credit!’ – Unite appeals to Chancellor Sunak
MORE than half the country wants chancellor Rishi Sunak to continue permanently with the £20-a-week uplift in Universal Credit (UC) due to end in...
UK’s crisis has only just begun Sunak tells parliament!
CHANCELLOR SUNAK lifted a little of the lid off of the crisis of British capitalism yesterday when he told the House of Commons, in...
Johnson-Sunak Are Preparing A Winter War Against The British Working Class!
THE UK working class is heading into the greatest ever winter struggle in its history, much greater than any of the ‘winters of discontent’...
Public Sector pay freeze ‘A kick in the teeth for millions!’...
PUBLIC SECTOR employees, many of whom are essential Covid-19 workers, should not be subject to a continuing pay freeze from a government that has...
UK Workers Must Continue To Welcome Refugees And Organise To Smash...
SINCE September, homeless people, including homeless asylum seekers and refugees, have been unceremoniously dumped back onto the streets of the UK. A study published in...
‘Black, Asian & minority ethnic people have been over-exposed and under-protected...
Covid-19 has ‘thrived’ among black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) communities because of structural race discrimination, a new Labour Party report from Baroness Doreen...
Thousands denied benefits now driven to food banks!
THOUSANDS deemed ineligible to receive Universal Credit have been driven to food banks to survive. The new study published yesterday by the Economic and Social...
‘We will balance the books’ Tory Chancellor indicates tax hikes &...
YESTERDAY, Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak, speaking at the Tory Party conference, assured the party that his main objective is to get the debt under...
Unemployment is soaring! Defending the ‘right to work’ means getting rid...
UNEMPLOYMENT is set to soar to levels not seen since The Great Depression, the ‘Hungry 1930s’, when workers starved. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)...
‘Flawed algorithm’ throws unemployed to the wolves
UNIVERSAL CREDIT claimants have been thrown into destitution, poverty, homelessness and starvation as a direct result of a ‘flawed algorithm’ a damning new welfare...
Kick out TUC leaders who warn of a tsunami of job...
NEW ANALYSIS by the research group the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) has shown that unemployment in the UK will be a massive increase...
Child poverty & food bank use rises!
A SURVEY of UK social workers by the Child Poverty Action Group, Child Welfare Inequalities Project and the Association of Directors of Children’s Services,...
Only one answer to mass unemployment – Socialist Revolution
WHILE firms and businesses are closing down as furlough ends and millions of workers are being thrown out of work, the Tories launched their...
UK capitalists on their knees with the deepest recession since records...
OFFICIAL figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released yesterday show that gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 20.4% in the three months...
Post Office franchising ‘a deeply damaging strategy’ warns CWU
TERRIBLE recent news of retail closures and job cuts across Britain’s high streets prove the truth of the dire warnings that the CWU (Communications...
Youth unemployment at 20% – in some parts of the UK:...
FIGURES released yesterday by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that the number of workers on UK company payrolls fell by 649,000 between...
Axing free TV licences: the spark to unite pensioners, youth and...
THE Tory government has now launched war on the elderly, the youth and the working class simultaneously! There is a war on the youth, with...
Bosses to get £1,000 for keeping workers on for 3 months...
FEARFUL of workers’ fury at mass unemployment when furloughing ends, Chancellor Rishi Sunak has unveiled a plan to try to persuade bosses to keep...
ONLY a Socialist revolution can provide a future for workers and...
TORY chancellor Rishi Sunak yesterday unveiled his latest attempt to resuscitate British capitalism in the midst of a crisis that has destroyed the economic...
Debt will bring ‘nasty surprises!’ – Chancellor Sunak gets a warning
WITH MILLIONS of new Universal Credit claimants expected when the Tory ‘job retention’, or ‘furlough’, scheme ends over the next three months, the government...
11.7 million unemployed as British capitalism collapses – socialist revolution the...
AS MANY as 11.7 million people will be thrown out of work – either through being furloughed or simply being sacked – in the...
1 million forced onto Universal Credit while another 2 million get...
THE NUMBER of people forced to claim Universal Credit soared by nearly a million in the past two weeks. According to the Department for Work...
China shows the way to defeat the coronavirus plague – while...
THE creator of the Universal Credit onslaught against the working class and the poor, Iain Duncan Smith has launched an attack on China in...
‘The Covid-19 Outbreak Is The Biggest Public Health Challenge For A...
IN LIGHT of the coronavirus pandemic leaseholders who live in buildings clad in the same flammable material which rapidly spread the Grenfell Tower Fire...
Tory-Tuc Pay & Jobs Deal!
‘CAN I put on record my thanks to the Trades Union Congress (TUC), the CBI, and other business groups,’ Tory Chancellor Rishi Sunak said...
Casual workers and those in insecure jobs have been left cruelly exposed by Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, says the...
As the Tories get ready for more budget attacks on workers,...
THE SICKEST NHS patients ‘face hours on trolleys’ and in hospital corridors as the NHS desperately tries to find them beds, according to research...
Universal Credit can’t be fixed: Abolish it along with the Tories!
THE TORY government suffered a defeat in the courts this week when the court of appeal dismissed a challenge by the Department for Work...
‘When we win power, it will be to give it to...
SPEAKING at a press conference on the ‘first hundred days’ of a Labour government, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, John McDonnell, pledged: ‘So let...
‘We want to abolish poverty!’ – says Labour’s John McDonnell
SPEAKING in Birmingham yesterday morning, Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell said: ‘On Tuesday a new Shelter report found 135,000 children will be without a...
Workers support WRP candidates
‘I AM voting Jonty Leff WRP because I want Universal Credit scrapped,’ David Vervin said as the team fighting to get Leff elected launched...
THE DECEMBER 12th election is a crisis election, in a situation where the worldwide crisis of capitalism is deepening rapidly to explosion point. Eleven...
Labour MPs must vote to break from the EU today, and...
ON THURSDAY morning, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and Tory PM Johnson announced a Brexit deal. After three years, the EU...
Universal Credit: ‘Cruel and flawed’ – says Unite
A bombshell report and survey of nearly 1,200 claimants by the union Unite lays bare the misery caused by the roll-out of Universal Credit. The...
Social housing landlords deny homeless access to properties
HOMELESS people are being routinely ‘screened out’ and denied access to social housing by social landlords because they are deemed ‘too poor or vulnerable...