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Tag: unite union

Time to dump capitalism in the ‘dustbin of history’ along with...

LEN McCLUSKEY, general secretary of the Unite union, said that Labour Party leader Keir Starmer faces being ‘dumped into the dustbin of history’ in...

‘Rogue bus service’ commits ‘illegal safety breaches’ – Unite

THE ‘ROGUE bus service’ being operated by Go North West in the Greater Manchester area is under investigation for serial Covid-19 safety failures and...

Manchester indefinite bus strike!

MANCHESTER Go North West strikers were out yesterday mass picketing the depot as part of their indefinite strike. Go North West Unite branch secretary Pat...

New Police Bill attacks right to protest! – Labour votes against

‘THIS GOVERNMENT was elected a year ago on a manifesto to support the police and uphold law and order,’ Tory Home Secretary Priti Patel...

200 jobs to go at Aston Martin

THE UNITE union has expressed its ‘deep concern’ at management proposals to axe more than 200 jobs at the Aston Martin site in the...

‘All bus workers must strike together’ – Renationalise now! – demands...

THERE was a strong picket line at Harrow bus garage yesterday morning despite the pouring rain. London Sovereign drivers were on their third day of...

TUC unites with bosses to plead with Tories for aviation bail-out...

YESTERDAY the TUC joined with aviation bosses and Heathrow management in a joint statement calling for the Tories to ‘protect the UK’s vital aviation...

Sunak Budget to prepare for mass unemployment and austerity war on...

MANY of the measures announced in yesterday’s Budget by Tory chancellor Rishi Sunak had been widely publicised in the run up to his appearance...

Tories seek to smash NHS up into 42 pieces! Entire working...

TORY Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock outlined the new government White Paper in Parliament on Thursday pushing a complete reorganisation of the...

Tories move to replace NHS with regional healthcare!

TORY Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock outlined the new White Paper in Parliament yesterday pushing a complete reorganisation of the NHS, breaking...

Assange sent back to Belmarsh!

WIKILEAKS founder Julian Assange has been sent back to Belmarsh high security prison after a judge refused him bail yesterday, despite a decision to...

PCS Heathrow strike ballot launched! – while TUC and Unite stress...

THE PCS (Public and Commercial Services) union has served notice on the Home Office of its intention to ballot members at Heathrow Airport for...

HAL has made Heathrow a fire risk for passengers & staff!...

STRIKING Heathrow Airport workers are being treated with complete and utter contempt by Heathrow Airport Limited (HAL). Thousands of lives have been put at risk!...

Unite Leaders Refuse To Fight The Bosses And The Tories!

UNITE, the UK’s biggest trade union, is on the front line of the class struggle as ‘fire and rehire bosses’ at BA and other...

Call an all-out strike to defeat fire and rehire at Heathrow...

TODAY, members of the Unite union at Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL) are out on strike over the ‘fire and rehire’ of 4,000 workers on...

Labour right-wing removes whip from Corbyn

BY A UNANIMOUS vote on Tuesday the disciplinary panel of the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee overturned the suspension of former leader Jeremy Corbyn...

Police spies inquiry reveals the capitalist state conspiracy against the working...

IN HIS opening statements to the Undercover Policing Inquiry, the lawyer acting for the mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence condemned the inquiry for...

King’s unions & management disengage

KING’S College Hospital Foundation Trust (KCHFT) management has been accused by the Unite union of ‘racism, discrimination and bullying’ as staff-side joint partnership meetings...

Unite leaders betray airport workers – for an emergency conference ...

THE BETRAYAL by the leadership of the Unite union plunged to new depths last week in the negotiations between the union and the management...

Unite leader admits the union’s role is to prevent strikes –...

THE SUDDEN announcement on Monday that the boss of British Airways, Alex Cruz, was being sacked was greeted by the Unite union leaders as...

BA Boss Cruz Sacked

ALEX Cruz, the author of the notorious BA ‘fire and rehire’ policy, has been sacked as chief executive and chair of British Airways with...

£8,000 pay cuts imposed on Heathrow’s workforce!

HORRIFIC pay cuts of up to £8,000 a year being imposed on thousands of Heathrow airport workers are the cost of eye-watering levels of...

‘Heathrow Is Facing Complete Shutdown’ Says Unite

‘ONE of the world’s largest airports is facing complete shutdown,’ the Unite union has warned, ‘as members of Unite prepare to ballot for strike...

Unite Betrays BA Workers – Demand Emergency Conference Of Union To...

LAST Wednesday Howard Beckett, Unite union assistant general secretary, welcomed as a victory for the union British Airways ‘partial U-turn on fire and rehire’. Beckett...

Unite urges BA staff to accept pay cut

THE UNITE union has sent a ‘GSS UPDATE 17 SEPT’ to its below-wing ground staff members working at Heathrow to try and persuade them...

Unite union claims partial BA U-turn – draft agreement to be...

UNITE union said yesterday that it welcomes what it has called British Airway’s ‘partial U-turn on fire and rehire’ but warns issues are ‘not...

Tories ‘sidelining NHS’ is the cause of testing crisis – time...

WITH coronavirus cases continuing to rapidly increase day on day as a result of the Tories’ campaign to drive the reopening of workplaces, schools...

Unite Demands 15% NHS Pay Rise

NHS workers should receive an early pay rise of 15 per cent or £3,000, whichever is greater, the Unite union, said yesterday. Unite, which has...

Brutal pay and job cuts at Heathrow! – Unite leaders on...

HEATHROW has threatened unions that unless they accept brutal pay cuts, they will start enforcing job cuts! The ultimatum delivered by the bosses proposes cutting...

Unite must call BA strike now! All TUC trade unions must...

AT A THOUSAND-strong mass meeting of British Airways workers at Bedfont Football Ground on the outskirts of Heathrow Airport on Thursday, workers voted unanimously...

1,000 Unite ground staff vote unanimously for BA strike action against...

OVER 1,000 British Airways (BA) baggage handlers, loaders and other ‘below-wing’ ground staff workers voted unanimously in favour of strike action at a mass...

Capitalism’s ‘Ship Of Fools’ Heading For The Rocks!

WHEN the most right-wing Tory supporting newspaper in the country turns on the Tory government, accusing it of gross incompetence and heading for disaster,...

‘Forced out by company greed’ – Unite condemns BA mass sackings...

A BLEAK day for staff ‘forced out by company greed’ will scar spiteful BA indefinitely the Unite union said yesterday, It added: ‘On the day...

Johnson Gov Must Answer Over The 20,000 Care Home Deaths!

THE Johnson government must answer for its actions over the 20,000 Care Home deaths says the GMB. Ministers ignored science, evidence and the GMB Union...

School nurses and health visitors – County Durham swings axe!

THE THREAT to cut health visitor and community nurse jobs in County Durham, while Covid-19 is still widespread, was branded as ‘incomprehensible’ by the...

Hundreds of thousands denied a pay rise

CHANCELLOR Rishi Sunak was accused yesterday by the Unite union of having ‘a selective memory’ when it comes to public sector pay, rewarding some...

French Health Workers Win Major Victory Over Macron Government!

THE FRENCH government has been forced by the mass actions of the health workers’ trade unions to concede pay rises worth 8bn euros (£7.2bn)...

Tens Of Thousands Of Aerospace Jobs At Risk

THROUGHOUT Britain, the Unite union is reporting, the aerospace industry and job futures for many thousands of workers are ‘at five to midnight’ –...

Removing 2-metre rule risks second wave warn unions

DESPITE announcing yesterday a seven-day rolling average of 130 people a day dying from Covid-19, Tory PM Johnson announced measures to ‘safely ease the...

No bailout of capitalism – expropriate the main industries and banks!

YESTERDAY the UK’s three biggest airlines launched legal proceedings in a bid to overturn the government’s new quarantine rules that require air passengers from...

Heathrow boss threatens to sack third of workforce

THE BOSS of Heathrow airport has warned of making 25,000 job cuts as the Tories’ 14-day quarantine system came into force yesterday morning. Heathrow boss...

Kick out trade union leaders collaborating to impose job and...

THE ENGINEERING giant Rolls-Royce which manufactures jet engines this week confirmed that it will slash 3,000 jobs across the UK. Already Rolls-Royce has begun the...

Unite and the major trade unions must defend jobs with occupations...

THE UK government is considering intervening in large UK companies through ‘Project Birch’ to ‘save’ the firms that are going bust by more government...

Airport workers sacked, construction workers not paid! ‘Management callously sacking staff...

THE UNITE union, has accused Blue Handling at Stansted, which provides services to Ryanair, of cruelly sacking over a hundred workers instead of using...

‘ZERO CHANCE OF TRANSPORT DEAL’ – RMT warns Johnson government

RMT WARNS there is zero chance of agreement to government plans to increase transport services on 11th May in the current climate, as a...