Tag: unison
Call Day Of Action To Defend The NHS
A BLOC of twelve trade unions have joined together to campaign against the Labour government’s health service ‘reforms’, that is the Brown-Blair programme for...
THIRTY NURSES FACE THE SACK –UNISON threatens industrial action at North...
Sixty health workers including thirty nurses are to lose their jobs at North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple as the NHS Trust seeks to...
‘READY TO STRIKE’ –angry Wolverhampton NHS Trust workers reject over...
UNISON yesterday backed ‘extremely angry’ members at New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, who have voted in a consultative ballot for strike action in defence of...
Massive Cuts In Ambulance Trusts
THE latest NHS ‘reorganisation’ came into force last Saturday. This is the slashing of the number of Strategic Health Authorities in England from 28 to...
CALL A DAY OF ACTION – to defend the NHS says...
‘A National Day of Action by all trade unions would be a good starting point’, a PCS spokesman told News Line yesterday. He was responding...
TUC must take action to stop Labour’s NHS privatisation
UNISON accused the government yesterday of a ‘fundamental breach of trust’. This was after the Department of Health placed an advertisement in the official...
No Jobs For 80% Of Nurse Graduates!
‘Student nurses are frustrated, angry and disillusioned because of the difficulties they face finding jobs as deficits bite,’ said UNISON, the UK’s largest health...
Two British soldiers killed in Sangin Valley
Two British soldiers were killed in action in Afghanistan on Monday night, the Ministry of Defence confirmed yesterday. A third soldier is in a critical...
LABOUR ‘NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE’ – NUJ leader Jeremy Dear tells...
OPENING the ‘Public Services Not Private Profit’ rally yesterday, John McDonnell MP said: ‘Today is the largest and broadest lobby of parliament for decades....
Medical notes outsourced – threatening patients’ lives says Prentis
Thousands of patients’ lives may be put at risk because a growing number of hospitals are sending medical notes abroad for typing, UNISON is...
UNISON leaders came under fire from angry delegates at the union’s National Delegate Conference yesterday, over their decision to call off the local government...
NO NHS CUTS! – says UNISON Conference
THE UNISON National Delegate Conference voted unanimously yesterday to oppose cuts to the National Health Service and against privatisation by the Labour government. The main...
‘We want justice for myself and my family’ – Mohammed Abdul...
THE anger of the local community against the police raid in Forest Gate on June 2 burst onto the streets of Newham, east London,...
‘WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED!’ – declare 4,000 Newham marchers
MORE than 4,000 people joined an angry demonstration through Newham yesterday against the huge police raid in Forest Gate on June 7. As they made...
One day general strike to defend the NHS
IN the last two months the trade union movement and NHS professional organisations have been forced to take serious notice of the deepening crisis...
Health service union UNISON yesterday condemned the suggestion by the acting NHS chief executive that whole district general hospitals will face closure. Warning of...
Labour continues NHS privatisation offensive!
LABOUR Health Minister Burnham yesterday officially launched the extended choice network, a new extended list of hospitals and clinics, that include 15 private treatment...
Public sector union UNISON yesterday condemned the government’s extension of Patient Choice as a policy that will lead to the closure of good local...
Launch Of Work Till You Drop Pension Plan
Yesterday’s pensions announcement went down like a lead balloon with pensioners who were expecting immediate action to index link the state pension with average...
OXFORD NHS CRISIS! – 600 jobs to go at Radcliffe Hospital
Public sector union UNISON yesterday reacted in shock and anger to the announcement by Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust that it plans to cut 600...
NHS BEDS NOT SACRED! – says Managers NHS Confederation
Health unions yesterday condemned NHS bosses’ plans to slash thousands of hospital beds to concentrate on care in the community. The proposition...
DEFEND NHS BEDS! – Managers confederation urges axe thousands
The latest hospital trust to announce staff cuts, St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, has said it plans to axe up to 150 jobs. The trust,...
‘SLAP IN THE FACE’ – UNISON slams NHS Direct job cuts
THE sacking of nearly 800 staff was announced yesterday at NHS Direct – the NHS helpline created by the Blair government in 1997. The mass...
The UK’s midwifery service is facing crisis point, the General Secretary of the Royal College of Midwives warned the Blair government on Wednesday. ‘With midwifery...
Occupy Vauxhall and Peugeot to defend jobs
LAST May, MG Rover was closed without a struggle. Last month the closure of Peugeot was announced and this week we have been told...
Lessons of 1926 are vital for today!
THIS year there is great interest in the 80th anniversary of the general strike of 1926. It is not hard to work out why....
Gate Gourmet Workers Confront Tony Woodley
‘VICTORY to Gate Gourmet workers! TGWU sack Tony Woodley!’ shouted angry locked-out Gate Gourmet workers as they confronted TGWU leader Woodley before the...
OVER 25,000 refugees, workers and youth marched through the centre of Paris on Saturday, demanding, ‘Withdraw the CESEDA’! and ‘Immigrants are not disposable like...
MAY DAY 2006 is historic. It is taking place in a period of an enormous crisis of world capitalism and rapidly developing world revolution. This crisis...
‘WE’RE SUFFERING BUT WE WILL WIN’ say Gate Gourmet workers
THE Gate Gourmet locked-out workers May Day campaign team got great support from fellow Transport and General Workers Union members in west London bus...
Milford Hospital Is Set To Close
The Board of Guildford and Waverley Primary Care Trust (PCT) in Surrey held an ‘extraordinary meeting’ yesterday where it decided to close Milford Hospital...
OVER 100 bereaved relatives whose loved ones have been killed in the illegal war and occupation of Iraq were joined by MPs, peace campaigners...
‘MARCH WITH US ON MAY DAY!’ – Gate Gourmet locked-out workers
‘WE want people to march with us on May Day,’ Gate Gourmet locked-out worker Parmjit Baines said yesterday. She was on a campaign team that...
Harrier jets to stay in Afghanistan
Six RAF Harrier GR7 jets are to stay in Afghanistan until 31 March 2007 to support UK troops and their allies on the ground,...
‘RACE AND ORIGIN WILL TRUMP MERIT’ says Dr Peter Trewby, of...
MORE than 1,000 angry doctors rallied at Downing Street last Friday, vowing to fight to reverse a sudden change in the law that threatens...
Blair will ‘run criminals out of the country’
IT was Mussolini who said that he would drive the Mafia out of Italy and send it packing to the United States. Mussolini went...
RCN OPPOSES ‘RELENTLESS’ NHS ‘REFORM’ – UNISON Health Conference to demand...
A Royal College of Nursing (RCN) survey of senior nurses, released yesterday, says 13,000 NHS job losses have been announced in the last six...
SAVE OUR NHS! STOP PRIVATISATION! – UNISON members demand national...
JUST as every volcanic eruption is preceded by a slight swelling in the earth, so the UNISON annual delegate conference, whose preliminary agenda has...
Restore the NHS! Bring down Blair
PRIME Minister Tony Blair made clear yesterday that the government is determined to force through the cuts and closures, privatisation and destruction of...
The Easter Rising a powerful blow against ‘the power of the...
OUR theses were written before the outbreak of this rebellion, which must be the touchstone of our theoretical views. The views of the opponents...
Stop the pensions betrayal!
THE membership, branch leaderships and regional leaderships of the local government trade unions must stop the betrayal of their final salary pensions by union...
Hamas Deals With The Recognition Issue
ABD-AL-AZIZ ALl-DUWAYK, speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), said in Amman yesterday that Hamas’s recognition of Israel’s final borders is linked to Israel’s...
Unions Pensions Surrender
LOCAL government trade union leaders yesterday called off this month’s planned pensions strikes and accepted Deputy PM Prescott’s abolition of the Rule of 85...
AID TO PALESTINIANS CUT! – while ‘shadow government’ claim denied
WHILE keeping mum on the ongoing Israeli destruction of Palestinian infrastructure and killing of Palestinians, the US and EU on Friday joined Israel and...
Blair Threatens To ‘Close The Book’ On Ulster Power Sharing
The British and Irish governments yesterday set a November 24 deadline for north of Ireland politicians to agree to work together in a restored...