Tag: unison
Come Out This Sunday To Stop NHS Logistics Privatisation
‘If the government doesn’t halt the transfer of NHS Logistics to DHL immediately, then action must be taken by the whole trade union movement...
THERE WERE up to 50 pickets and supporters on the picket line at the Maidstone NHS Logistics distribution depot on Tuesday evening at 10...
STOP THE SALE OF NHS LOGISTICS! – crushing defeat for Blair...
THE Labour government yesterday suffered a massive defeat of its plans for NHS privatisation at the Labour Party conference in Manchester, with delegates backing...
‘A PRIVATISATION TOO FAR’ – UNISON leader Prentis urges suspend NHS...
UNISON members at four NHS Logistics depots began a second 24 hour strike, last night at 10pm. Runcorn depot stopped at 11pm. The workers are...
‘There needs to be national action to stop privatisation’
THERE should be national action to stop NHS Logistics being handed over to parcel firm DHL in a 10-year contract worth more than £3...
Demand for national strike action growing over NHS Logistics
TONIGHT at 10pm the five NHS Logistics distribution centres will be picketed by striking staff fighting to stop the privatisation of the NHS supplier. They...
All trade unionists must take action to defend the NHS
UP TO 5,000 health workers, trade unionists and local residents determined to save their jobs, hospitals and NHS services from massive cuts marched through...
Bring Out All The Unions To Defend The NHS!
THE situation could not be clearer. The whole of the trade union movement and the majority of non-trade unionists support the 24-hour strike actions...
‘There must be national action to prevent nhs privatisation’ say NHS...
THE first national strike in the National Health Service in 18 years began on Thursday night at 10pm as dedicated health workers and supporters...
Hundreds picket Zimbabwe embassy
UP TO 200 trade unionists from Britain, including leading officials of the TUC and its affiliated unions, including UNISON, the TGWU, Amicus, Prospect and...
STOP NHS PRIVATISATION! – NHS Logistics strike today
UNISON members at five NHS Logistics sites – supplying 43,000 items from beds to surgical supplies to hospitals and GPs across England – will...
‘UNLIMITED NHS PRIVATISATION’ – health unions must act, says consultant
Unison head of health, Karen Jennings yesterday slammed Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt’s claim that the district general hospital is out of date and no...
‘YOU WON’T BREAK MERSEYSIDE FBU’ – say strikers and supporters
Over 7,000 striking Merseyside firefighters and their supporters marched through Liverpool last Saturday in a show of strength to demonstrate their determination to defeat...
Take mass action on September 21 to stop NHS privatisation
UNISON members working for NHS Logistics will take two 24-hour strikes over the next two weeks to fight the Labour plan to privatise the...
Strike At NHS Logistics
TWO 24-hour national strikes by staff at NHS Logistics were announced yesterday, after the workers voted 3-1 for action against the government’s plans to...
‘We are heading for a serious conflict,’ UNISON head of health Karen Jennings told News Line yesterday. She was referring to statements by the new...
Brown Won’t Retreat From Blair Agenda
PREMIER Blair got his well deserved come-uppance at the TUC Congress on Tuesday, while the co-author of his policies Gordon Brown was welcomed like...
Restore All Funding To Palestine – Says Tuc Congress
THE TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday voted unanimously for Composite Motion 16: Palestine, which calls ‘on the British government to maintain all funding to...
Tuc Delegates Reject Blair
THE RMT railworkers union delegation demonstrated and walked out in protest at the presence of Tony Blair at the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. They...
Gate Gourmet Locked-Out Workers Kept Out Of Tuc Congress
CRIES of ‘TUC, let us in!’ rang out from locked out Gate Gourmet workers and their supporters outside the TUC Conference in Brighton on...
NHS logistics votes overwhelmingly for strike action
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis yesterday announced that NHS Logistics staff have voted overwhelmingly to take strike action to defend their service from privatisation. Prentis...
PCS NATIONAL STRIKE THREAT – ‘You can’t tell Brown and Blair...
‘THE government could face a national strike by civil servants in a matter of weeks,’ PCS leader Mark Serwotka told a pre-TUC Congress press...
JOIN THE MARCH TO SAVE THE NHS – urge East Midlands...
EAST MIDLANDS UNISON and the Royal College of Nursing are holding a ‘The NHS is on its Knees, Get off your Feet to Save...
Whipps Cross – More Action Planned
ON THE final day of their three-day strike, the Whipps Cross hospital workers were confident of beating the employer and getting the money they...
STRIKE WAVE! – Firefighters, hospital workers and postal workers take action
Firefighters, hospital and postal workers were manning picket lines yesterday as the working class stepped up action to defend jobs, wages and conditions. Over 1,100...
‘PAY US WHAT WE ARE OWED’ – say Whipps Cross strikers
Nearly 300 porters, cleaners and switchboard staff employed by Rentokil Initial at Whipps Cross Hospital in East London began another three days of strike...
Whipps X Strike
Ancillary workers at Whipps Cross Hospital north London were yesterday organising for three days of strike action from today in a dispute over equal...
‘New Leader – Old Agenda’
IN a motion for next month’s Trades Union Congress, UNISON correctly says the use of private firms in public services is ‘harmful, wasteful, and...
VICTORY TO GATE GOURMET WORKERS! – First Anniversary march and rally
OVER 600 youth and trade unionists joined the locked-out Gate Gourmet workers in a demonstration through Southall on Sunday, marking the first anniversary of...
Whipps Cross 3-Day Strike!
Nearly 300 porters, cleaners and switchboard staff employed by Rentokil Initial, based at Whipps Cross Hospital in East London, will be on strike again...
Call NHS Day of Action! – urges consultant surgeon
HEALTH unions yesterday slammed the government’s announcement of six new Private Finance Initiative (PFI) hospital projects costing £1.5 billion. Not only will the schemes...
Nurses – Jobs At Risk!
A government ruling on nurse recruitment and work permits that came into force yesterday, puts over 38,000 overseas nurses and their families at risk,...
‘Bush, Blair terrorists!’ shouted workers and youth last Saturday as they passed the American embassy in central London on a 100,000-strong demonstration against the...
Hospital penalised for fast treatment
UNISON Eastern regional head of health Geoff Reason yesterday condemned Labour over £2.5m in penalties imposed on Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust for treating patients...
Call a one day general strike to defend the NHS
YESTERDAY the leaders of the NHS trade unions were in their own words ‘raising the heat over the future of the NHS’. What resolute and...
Hezbollah Uses Longer Range Missile!
Hezbollah fighters yesterday repulsed sporadic attempts by Israeli forces to control the town of Bint Jubayl two miles inside south Lebanon. A number of Israeli...
‘We need an end to the privatisation of the NHS,’ a UNISON spokeswoman told News Line yesterday. She was responding to government backing for the...
Tens of thousands of people across the UK took part last Saturday in demonstrations against the murderous Israeli bombardment of Lebanon. Eleven rallies...
‘CHARGES UNDERMINE THE NHS’ – urges consultant surgeon
Trade unions yesterday slammed Labour’s privatisation policy in response to MPs’ criticism of the system of NHS charges. MPs on the House of Commons...
Restore the free NHS! Halt privatisation & kick out the profiteers!
THE House of Commons Select Committee on Health published a report yesterday that set out to legitimise charging for healthcare within the National Health...
‘Charges Undermine The NHS’
Trade unions yesterday slammed Labour’s privatisation policy in response to MPs’ criticism of the system of NHS charges. MPs on the House of Commons...
Great support for GG workers at Tolpuddle march
GATE Gourmet locked out workers got great support from trade unionists at the Tolpuddle Martyrs anniversary march and festival in Dorset yesterday. Over eight thousand...
Southport NHS Mass Sackings
Southport and Ormskirk UNISON health branch has launched a campaign with other health unions, Amicus, GMB, TGWU, the RCN and RCM against 33 compulsory...
Unions unite to defend the NHS
‘I would support a Day of Action to defend the NHS. That’s what I’ll be recommending to my executive,’ GMB National Officer for Health,...
Call Day Of Action To Defend The NHS
A BLOC of twelve trade unions have joined together to campaign against the Labour government’s health service ‘reforms’, that is the Brown-Blair programme for...