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TUC begs for partnership

TOMORROW the Tory chancellor, George Osborne, will be presenting before parliament his last budget before the general election on May 7 – a budget...

Tories intend to put an end to the NATIONAL Health Service

IT IS crystal clear with the Tories seeking to impose even bigger cuts if they are re-elected in May, that under their rule the...

25% of CCG members – with £65bn of NHS funds–linked...

A QUARTER of Clinical Commissioning Group board members, who are responsible for £65bn of NHS money are linked to private healthcare companies. Unite has called...

Scandalous Free School Expansion

TEACHERS unions yesterday opposed the ‘scandalous’ proposal to pour millions of pounds into hundreds of new privately run free schools. They were responding to PM...

£70bn more Tory cuts!

SHADOW Labour Chancellor Ed Balls said yesterday that the Tories are not even half way through their cuts, and that if elected they would...

Staff And Parents Say ‘No’ To Forced Academy!

STAFF and parents have said ‘No’ to a Brent, north west London, primary school being forced to become an academy school. At a well attended...

Demoralised Tory leaders are demanding a national government

THE prospects for the 2015 May 7 general election – taking place after more than five years of savage austerity measures that have...

Australian workers defeat Abbott government over GP tax

AUSTRALIA’S biggest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), is celebrating the defeat of the Tory Abbott government, which has had...

Benefit Sanctions Are Starving Children!

100,000 children were left to starve last year as a direct result of the Tory-led coalition’s drive to cut benefit payments to the unemployed...

‘END ALL FEES’ –demands YS National Secretary

‘IT is not enough for tuition fees to be reduced they must be abolished in their entirety!’ said Joshua Ogunleye, national secretary of the...

Over 100,000 could die because of fuel poverty in capitalist Britain

OVER 100,000 people in Britain could literally freeze to death over the next 25 years because they are too poor to afford to adequately...

Devolving Manchester is wrecking NHS

‘THESE plans for the devolution of the health budget to a Greater Manchester regional government truly lob a wrecking ball at the National Health...

Low Paid UK By Permission Of The Tuc!

THE coalition government has named 70 companies that won’t pay workers the minimum wage. Even the government says that the 100 cases in the care...

TUC must fight for £10 an hour minimum wage –demands Bakers’...

‘THE TUC and its affiliates must fight for the policy they voted for, to increase the minimum wage to £10 an hour,’ Bakers Union...

MP’s ‘Can’t live on £60,000 a year’!

MP’s ‘Can’t live on £60,000 a year’. This was the defence put forward by Tory MP and former foreign secretary, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, to the...


AS FAR as this reactionary coalition government is concerned, anybody who is sick for more than four weeks in a year is probably engaging...

‘Freedom’ for Local Government means only the rich will prosper!

THE Independent Commission on Local Government Finance has said England’s local authorities need ‘urgent devolution of powers, funding and taxes’, and that Public Services...

Cameron’s war on youth!

PRIME Minister Cameron stepped up his war against youth yesterday by launching the new Tory ‘Community Work Programme’. The programme forces youth to carry...

Tories to create a slave wage army of youth!

DAVID Cameron yesterday pledged that a future Tory government would ‘effectively abolish’ youth unemployment by simply forcing every young person to do ‘community work’...

Failing Universal Credit proceeds!

THE disastrous Universal Credit scheme, despite being lambasted by the National Audit Office for wasting tens of millions of pounds of taxpayers...

Mass murder in the Med!

THIS week the UN announced that 300 migrants had drowned after being forced into unseaworthy boats in a desperate attempt to escape the wars...

‘We are all tax avoiders’ says Tory Lord Fink

‘I STAND by what I said in the House of Commons, that Lord Fink was engaged in tax avoidance,’ Labour leader Miliband said during...

‘There’s something rotten at the heart of the Conservative Party’ –...

LABOUR PARTY leader Miliband clashed with Prime Minister Cameron over political donors who held Swiss bank accounts with HSBC, during questions in the House...

‘Ofsted driving unnecessary workload at unacceptable levels for teachers!’

TEACHERS have expressed their rising anger at their excessive workload by sending a letter to Tory Coalition Secretary of State and the Deputy Prime...

HSBC a repeat offender that will never change

IN September 2014 HSBC settled claims that it made false representations in selling mortgage bonds to the giant US mortgage companies Fannie Mae and...

Private Landlords enjoy subsidies while evicting the poor

IN the 1950s and 60s, the name Peter Rachman became synonymous with ‘slum landlord’ and the brutal methods used to drive out tenants whose...

Behind The Crisis Talks In Minsk On Wednesday!

THE ‘peace talk’ that suggests Merkel and Hollande are seeking to organise a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, acceptable to all, the imperialist...

‘Teachers Are Exhausted By Ofsted And Hours Of Pointless Paperwork!’

TEACHERS are suffering from ‘ludicrous levels of workload pressure’ teachers unions have warned. They were responding to a ‘bitterly disapointing’ new Tory government ‘Workload Challenge...

Tory Health & Social Care Act Damaged The NHS!

TORY changes to the NHS were ‘opposed by patients, the public and NHS staff, but politicians pushed through the changes regardless’ Dr Mark Porter,...

Teachers condemn ‘forced academisation’

TEACHERS unions on Monday condemned plans for a huge acceleration of the forced academisation of state education, with another 3,320 schools handed over to...

The only way to solve the housing crisis!

WRITING in the ‘Housing Question’ in 1872, Frederick Engels declared that the bourgeoisie was incapable of solving the housing question. He wrote: ‘As long as...

‘WAR ON SCHOOLS’ says teachers & lecturers union

TEACHERS unions said yesterday that the Tory government’s academy and free school programme has failed and its privatisation agenda amounted to a ‘war...

Confidential documents handed to Chilcot showed that Bush and Blair planned...

IN LAST Thursday’s House of Commons Iraq Inquiry debate, originally scheduled to follow the publication of the Chilcot inquiry, all the contentious issues surrounding...

NHS STRIKE IN IRELAND! –while fury in England over NHS sell-out

AMBULANCE workers and other NHS staff are ‘determined’ and ‘out solid’ throughout Northern Ireland, the GMB regional officer, Michael Mulholland, said yesterday, during...

The Great Betrayal – NHS Union Leaders Surrender To Tories

NHS trade unions suspended the industrial action planned for today following proposals put forward by the government. Unison head of health and the unions’ lead...

Poorest Families With Children Are Hit The Hardest By Tory Cuts!

POORER groups have been worst affected by changes to direct taxes, benefits and tax credits despite the Coalition’s promise that the rich would carry...

The great betrayal – NHS union leaders call off strike action!

NHS trade unions have called off (‘suspended’) today’s strike and betrayed their members by accepting the government’s decision not to pay the...

Syriza Victory!

SYRIZA swept to power yesterday in the Greek elections winning 149 seats, just two short of an absolute majority. After the final results came in...


THE UNIONS will call off next week’s NHS strike if a ‘tangible offer emerges as a result of current talks with Tory health secretary...

‘WE HAVE TO PROTECT SOCIAL HOUSING!’ say ‘Our West Hendon’ marchers

OVER 400 West Hendon tenants, leaseholders and supporters marched on Thursday evening from West Hendon to Hendon Town Hall for a lobby of a...

‘We’re fighting for our rights!’ say West Hendon tenants

OVER 250 tenants and supporters at the West Hendon estate in north London yesterday packed the community centre on the estate for a meeting...

Strikebreaker Hunt demands ‘call off NHS strike!’

‘BRITAIN needs a pay rise!’ These were the cynical words of PM Cameron last Friday in Washington, after five years of remorseless wage-cutting in...

Defend West Hendon Homes!

TENANTS and residents at the West Hendon Estate in Barnet, North West London, are holding a meeting, a march and a giant banner drop...

Academies hoard £2.5 billion

ACADEMY schools in England are sitting on a vast hoard of cash estimated to be nearly £2.5 billion, or more than £550,000 per school. Money...

‘A&E SERVICES ARE AT BREAKING POINT!’ – due to government changes

HEALTH Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has agreed to the relaxing of ambulance response times for some ‘Red 2’ category patients, which include those with...