Tag: syria
Time To Put The Tory Libdem Coalition Out!
WHEN the leaders of the Coalition are forced to pledge publicly that it will go the distance and will not split apart, the...
‘Israel directly supports the terrorist movements’ – says Syrian President Bashar...
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad has re-affirmed he will not step down, in an interview with Argentina’s Clarin newspaper and Telam news agency. President al-Assad...
Obama and Cameron’s heart eating allies
EVEN the Human Rights Watch group – veterans of the struggle to remove and liquidate the Gadaffi regime in Libya, and now immersed in...
‘We Will Help Liberate Syrian Golan’ – Hezbollah
HEZBOLLAH Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, said yesterday that Israel had raided the Syrian capital’s suburbs because it had a number of targets; one of...
Cyprus And Israel ‘The Start Of New Bilateral Relations’
PRESIDENT Nicos Anastasiades on Sunday described his three-day working visit to Israel as the ‘start of a new era in bilateral relations’ saying he...
Assad seeking ‘strategic response’ to Israeli attack
PRESIDENT Bashar al Assad has outlined to Lebanese visitors that he is seeking a ‘strategic response’ to the recent Israeli air strike on the...
Kerry Calls In Stalinist Bureaucracy To ‘Resolve’ Syrian Crisis
IN its hour of need – with Syria resisting massively the attempt at ‘regime change’ organised by the US-UK-Turkey axis, and carried out by...
Abolish the mountains of debt with revolution!
THE world capitalist crisis is turning the UK into a country composed of a relative handful of the very, very rich, a middle and...
Syria’s neighbours condemn Israel’s attacks – while ‘rebels’ use Sarin gas
SYRIA’S neighbours condemned Sunday’s Israeli air strikes on Damascus yesterday. The United Nations confirmed that, far from the Syrian government forces using Sarin and...
Israel Joins Al Qaeda In Attacking Syria
IN LINE with Obama’s policy of ‘leading from the rear’ (a tactic learnt after receiving some very, very harsh lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan),...
May Day – Trade Unionists Demand A General Strike!
UP TO 10,000 workers trade unionists, students and youth were on the London May Day march from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on Wednesday. There...
ISRAEL’S lead ‘peace negotiator,’ Tzipi Livni, has praised as ‘important’ a concession by the Arab League that Israel and the Palestinians could trade land...
PUT AN END TO CAPITALISM! – Only way to defend jobs,...
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings on this 2013 May Day to the workers and the oppressed nations fighting imperialism throughout...
Wmd Lies Being Used Against Syria
USING the Bush-Blair WMD tactic, manufactured for use as the cause of war with Iraq, the imperialist powers and Israel were yesterday insisting that...
Desperate US and UK warmongers play the lying WMD card
IN March 2003, the US-UK axis led by warmongers Bush and Blair – after claiming that there was irrefutable evidence that Iraq possessed weapons...
Defend Syria – bring down Cameron and Hague
GILLES DE KERCHOVE, the EU’s anti-terror chief yesterday told the BBC that hundreds of Europeans are now fighting with the counter-revolutionary forces in Syria...
‘West will pay a heavy price for supporting Al-Qaeda’ – says...
PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad warned on Wednesday that the West will pay a heavy price for its support of Al-Qaeda in Syria. Assad, whose regime has...
Assad Warns West
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad has warned that Western nations will pay a ‘heavy price’ for supporting al-Qaeda in Syria, warning that the terrorist group...
Hands Off Syria – To ‘End The Cruelty And Carnage’
THE heads of five major UN agencies have issued a joint appeal to the international community, a code phrase for the imperialist...
Israel Supports Al-Qaeda Against Syria
SYRIAN TV has carried a report on the Al-Nusrah Front and Israel’s position on it, conducted by anchors Wa’il al-Tawil and Alisar Mu’alla...
US must prove that Manning knowingly helped Al-Qaeda – rules US...
THE US government must prove that army private Bradley Manning knowingly helped Al-Qaeda and other ‘American foes’ by handing over secret documents to WikiLeaks,...
Withdraw All US Forces From Korea – Hands Off North Korea
THE hysterical propaganda that North Korea is run by a young madman, who is about to press a button to attack the US mainland...
Hurry And Make Peace With Taleban Urge Mps
THE start of an Afghan-led peace deal with the Taleban is needed to secure the future of Afghanistan after British troops leave, a group...
UN Cuts Aid To Palestinians!
HAMAS yesterday urged the United Nations to reconsider its suspension of food aid for Palestinian refugees, imposed after protesters stormed a UN depot in...
ISRAELI MEDICAL NEGLECT KILLED HAMDIYEH! – Palestinian prisoners begin three-day hunger...
THE death of a cancer-stricken detainee on Tuesday has raised tensions in Israeli jails as Palestinian prisoners announced a three-day hunger strike. Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh,...
Arm The Palestinian Masses Now!
ISRAEL has set Palestine ablaze yet again with the death in an Israeli prison of Maysarah Abu Hamdiyeh, a 64-year-old prisoner, who had been...
10 Killed When Terrorists Mortar Damascus University
TEN students were killed and others were injured by a mortar shell fired by terrorists which fell inside the cafeteria of the Faculty of...
France Determined To Arm The ‘Syrian National Coalition’
A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday that the composition of a UN group to be assembled to investigate the alleged use of...
Berezovskiy goes bust as capitalist crisis deepens!
POLICE were yesterday searching the home of Boris Berezovskiy. They were desperately looking for chemical, biological or nuclear material, so that they could...
Spies Who Fooled the World
ON the eve of the tenth anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq by British and US forces the BBC’s Panorama programme last night...
UK and France ready for Syria war!
FRANCE and Britain are preparing to arm anti-Syria rebels even without unanimous EU support, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Thursday. Paris and London...
Cameron wants to intervene in Syria!
AT the same time as Foreign Secretary Hague has been insisting publicly that the UK will not supply arms and ammunition to their Syrian...
‘President Assad is not going to leave’ – says Russian Foreign...
RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov gave an interview to the BBC on 7 March, ahead of his visit to London to take part in...
Israel is preparing new Lebanese war
ISRAEL’S armed forces commander, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz, speaking to Israeli High School pupils last week, asked and answered a question rooted in the current...
Condemn terrorists – Syria urges UN
SYRIA’S Foreign and Expatriates Ministry yesterday demanded that the UN unequivocally condemns the attacks by the armed terrorist groups on the United Nations Disengagement...
KERRY STEPS UP WAR ON SYRIA – as conflict spreads into...
US SECRETARY of State John Kerry expressed confidence on Tuesday that weapons being supplied by Gulf countries to the Syrian rebels were reaching...
Hague Beats The War Drums Against Syria
YESTERDAY saw the spectacle of Foreign Secretary Hague complaining that every Jihadist on the planet was heading for Syria, after both he and his...
UK a ‘bullying hypocrite!’ – says Bashar al-Assad
SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad has accused the UK government of bullying and hypocrisy in its bid to militarise the conflict in his country. In an...
Rising Food And Fuel Prices Intensify Poverty In Jordan
THE 4,000 people of Fifa village in northwestern Jordan rely on seasonal agricultural work in the Jordan Valley, sheep-breeding, and cash and material assistance...
Hezbollah Gives Strong Support To The Palestinian People
Hezbollah Secretary General Hasan Nasrallah gave an impassioned speech via a giant screen, during a celebration at the Sayyid al-Shuhada Complex in Beirut’s Southern...
Please help us – Hague appeals to Russia & China!
SPEAKING at the Royal United Services Institute on Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Hague reported that: ‘On January 16th, a terrorist group linked to Al...
Nato-Israeli-Backed Gang Assassinates An Iranian Commander
ASSAILANTS shot dead an Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander in Syria while he was travelling by road from Damascus towards the Lebanese capital Beirut, the...
‘Armed gangs are the tools of imperialism and Israel’ says Syrian...
THE Syrian defence minister, General Fahd Jasim al-Furayj, gave an interview in Damascus on February 4th explaining the Israeli air raid, the ‘armed gangs’...
The Secret Courts Bill places government ‘above the law’
MINISTERS are attempting to overturn concessions won by members of the House of Lords to the Tory-LibDem Coalition Government’s repressive Secret Courts Bill, warns...
Victory To Syria – Down With The US, UK And Israel
THE unprovoked air strike by Israeli forces on a scientific research centre on the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus is the opening shot...