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UK air strike on British citizen in Syria

YESTERDAY in Parliament, Tory PM Cameron admitted that the UK conducted a secret, illegal airstrike on Syria, targeting and killing a British national. The ‘suspect’...

‘Say it loud and clear–refugees are welcome here!’

OVER 83,000 people have signed up to support the march through London to Downing Street on Saturday called by Solidarity with Refugees. The march will...

‘Work with whoever is elected’ urges Harman

LABOUR MPs must ‘work with’ whoever is elected leader later this week, Harriet Harman has said pleading with Labour’s right wing not to split...

Tories Plan To Bomb Syria And Send Troops To Libya

NEWS LINE congratulates the German workers who have given a big welcome to the Syrian and other refugees who have shown such an indomitable...

13 million children prevented from going to school!

SURGING conflict and political upheaval across the Middle East and North Africa are preventing more than 13 million children from going to school, according...

‘People’s Convoy’ to rescue refugees! – 69,000 to march in London

REFUGEES stood their ground yesterday in Hungary, defied the police and refused to go to a ‘refugee camp’. They said that they had purchased rail...

Open The Doors To The Refugees, And Smash Capitalism And...

A VERY young toddler was washed up on a Turkish beach on Wednesday, while his mother was also among those drowned at sea trying...

‘Open the borders – allow the refugees in!’ says Frank Sweeney

A DESPERATE migrant threw himself, his wife and his child on to the train track in Hungary yesterday screaming that he would rather die...


IN AN an interview given to al-Manar TV, President Bashar Assad said the essence of the crisis in Syria is foreign interference by the...

Workers Of The World Unite – Is Still The Slogan...

NET migration to the UK is at an all-time high, reaching 330,000 in the year to March 2015, that is 94,000 more than in...

Nasrallah celebrates Israel’s defeat in 2006!

AUGUST 14th was the 9th anniversary of the defeat of the massive Israeli ground and air attack on southern Lebanon to try and smash...

After 100 days – Cameron pledges to step up class war!

PM Cameron has celebrated his government’s first 100 days by launching an attack on the enemy within, that is the working class and their...

Publish and be damned – not as far as the Chilcot...

FAMILIES of British soldiers killed in the Anglo-American March 2003 invasion, and then occupation, of Iraq, were yesterday threatening legal action against the chairman...

Tunisia Slams UK Over Its Role In Libya

TUNISIAN Prime Minister Habib Essid has stated that Libya’s current turmoil has largely come about as a result of the foreign military intervention in...

SALUTE ABDUL HAROUN – The man that the tunnel could not...

ABDUL Rahman Haroun is a hero. The Sudanese national walked the full length of the Channel Tunnel (31 miles), dicing with death all of...

Obama Authorises Use Of US Air Power Against Assad!

PRESIDENT Obama has given his authorisation for US air power to be used to support the forces that the US and Turkey are training,...

Toxic Tories lash out at immigrants and the poor

PEOPLE who do not speak fluent English will be barred from public sector jobs which involve working directly with the public, the government has...

Let Them In! Britain Must Welcome All Migrants!

BRITAIN will not become a ‘safe haven’ for migrants, David Cameron warned yesterday, referring to the groups of migrants in Calais as ‘swarms’. Correctly the...

Israel committed war crimes in Gaza, says Amnesty!

‘THERE is strong evidence that Israeli forces committed war crimes in their relentless and massive bombardment of residential areas of Rafah in order to...

NATO backs Turkish attack on Syria and the Kurds

NATO held an emergency meeting in Brussels yesterday to support Turkey’s military campaign, nominally against the IS, but in fact against the Kurds and...


DAMASCUS – President Bashar al-Assad said on Monday that any political idea for resolving the crisis in Syria that isn’t based on eliminating terrorism...

Martial Law plan for the UK as Cameron plans to strike...

THE capitalist press over the weekend was full of ‘revelations’ concerning ‘Operation Temperer’ a plan drawn up by police chiefs to put Britain...

Turkish air raids break peace deal with Kurds

‘THE truce has no meaning any more after these intense air strikes by the occupant Turkish army,’ the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) said on...

Labour right wing propping up the Tories!

ACTING Labour Party leader Harriet Harman yesterday betrayed working people when she led over 100 Labour MPs in abstaining over the Welfare Bill which...

Answer Cameron’s war on two fronts with a General Strike

DAVID Cameron’s speech outlining his ‘five-year plan to fight extremism’ was in reality an outline of the Tory government’s war plans for both the...

Stop Tories’ Syria War Drive!

‘PUBLIC opinion and anti-war mobilisation stopped Cameron’s last push to war on Syria and we need to stop the Tories again,’ a Stop the...

Parliament undermined – after British pilots bomb Syria

BRITISH personnel have already conducted air strikes in Syria, despite the government’s assurance that there would be a vote in Parliament before any such...

Tories and military show contempt for Parliament

THE ‘sovereign will’ of parliament was shown to be a complete fiction with the exposure of the participation of British pilots in bombing raids...

For A Nuclear Bomb Free Middle East

IRAN took a calculated risk yesterday when it reached an agreement with the US and its allies that it would allow extensive and exhaustive...

1,000 refugees arrive on Greek islands every day

ON average 1,000 refugees are now arriving on the Greek islands every day creating an unprecedented emergency for Greece and other countries, the UN...

137,000 Migrants Flee War

A RECORD 137,000 people made the perilous journey across the Mediterranean to Europe in the first half of 2015, most of them fleeing war,...

Tories Want To Bomb Syria!

TORY Defence Minister, Michael Fallon, with the full support of Cameron and leading members of the Labour Party, is calling for Britain to start...

Syrian Army makes gains in Hasakah province

SYRIAN troops have managed to recapture a major district in the northeastern city of Hasakah, purging ISIL Takfiri militants from the area. Syria’s official news...

State terror at home and abroad!

THE UK capitalist state has always used terrorist attacks, such as the latest attack in Tunisia, to strengthen its continuing preparation of special armed...

Stop gagging asylum seekers’ doctors – warns BMJ

IN THE British Medical Journal this week, two doctors criticise Australia for passing legislation that may be used to silence doctors working with asylum...

‘Turkey has no right to deny Syria and Iraq the right...

SYRIA’s Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi on Wednesday met Iraqi Water Resources Minister Mohsen al-Shummari, discussing with him means to expand cooperation and establish joint...

Imperialist wars create millions of refugees

David Cameron, was at his most nauseating, hypocritical best yesterday when he delivered a speech marking the 800-year anniversary of the signing of the...

50 MILLION REFUGEES! – warns Amnesty

‘IN 2013, for the first time since World War II, the number of those forcibly displaced from their homes exceeded 50 million,’ warns an...

UK workers must act to help end occupation of Palestine!

SIXTY-SEVEN years after the Palestinian Nakba of 1948, when Israel was founded by a massive Zionist terror against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian...

Salafist Provocateurs Playing Israel’s Game!

A SALAFIST group yesterday claimed responsibility for a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip towards the Israeli town of Ashkelon on Saturday night, as...

Al Nusra Front – Under Orders Not To Attack West

THE head of Al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate, the Al-Nusra Front, Abu Mohamed al-Jolani, has described the rival Islamic State group’s self-proclaimed caliphate as ‘illegitimate’...

Palestinians oppose UNWRA’s plan to reduce Gaza healthcare and recruitment!

PALESTINIAN factions in the Gaza Strip have rejected what they said was a decision issued by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for...

Israeli interrogators force ‘confessions’ – says Palestinian prisoners’ committee

ISRAELI interrogators are using ‘oppressive and brutal’ methods to frighten Palestinian detainees and force them into confessing to attacks against Israel, the Palestinian prisoners’...

Iran Assures Syria Of Continuing Support!

PRESIDENT Bashar al-Assad of Syria on Wednesday received the Chairman of the Iranian Shura Council’s Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security Alaeddin Boroujerdi...

Abbas Attends Moscow’s Victory Parade!

PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas was among up to 30 world leaders on Saturday to attend a huge military parade in Moscow commemorating Russia’s 70th anniversary...