Tag: strike
TAKE ACTION – to defend the Public Sector
OVER 1,000 trade unionists from all the public services joined a TUC rally at Westminster yesterday, where they demanded that their leaders call action...
Brown Favours Bush’s ‘New World Order’
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown has spoken of the need for a ‘new world order’. He is not embarrassed that this is what President Clinton and...
COUNCIL OF ACTION LAUNCHED – to stop hospital closures!
TRADE unionists, youth and local NHS campaigners voted unanimously at a meeting on Thursday night ‘to establish the North East London Council of Action’. The...
NHS privatisation can seriously damage your health!
NOBODY knows the number of botched or mismanaged operations being carried out by the private Independent Sector Treatment Centres (ISTCs) businesses, funded by the...
FIGHT ‘RE-CONFIGURATION’ – Labour’s plans for hospital closures • PART TWO
Commenting on the government’s NHS ‘reforms’, Professor Ham, a former Director of Strategy at the Department of Health said: ‘The foundations have been laid...
96% VOTE FOR STRIKE ACTION – By British Airways cabin crews
A 96 per cent vote by British Airways cabin crew to strike over management by imposition and the breakdown of respect and industrial relations...
THEY DEMAND THAT WE JOIN RUSSIA – Lukashenka condemned Putin leadership
BELARUSIAN president Alyaksandr Lukashenka has blamed the Russian government for the oil transit crisis earlier this month. Speaking to reporters while casting his vote in...
BUILD COUNCILS OF ACTION! – Save Chase Farm Hospital meeting urged
A packed 400-strong Save Chase Farm meeting in Enfield last Saturday heard calls for Councils of Action to organise occupations to stop the closure...
Blair’s generation of imperialist war
After President Bush has informed the world that 20,000 more US troops are to be sent to Iraq, and his Secretary of State, Rice...
Rate Rise Shock – Condemned As Panic By Tuc
BIG BUSINESS, the stockmarkets and the TUC were shaken yesterday midday when the Bank of England raised its interest rates by a quarter of...
‘WE HAVE one year to save the National Health Service (NHS). An awful lot of Trusts are in a dire financial state.’ This was a...
War from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa
THE whole of the area from Afghanistan to the Horn of Africa is now one great killing zone where US-UK imperialism either kills at...
BA Pensions Ballot!
Details emerged yesterday of a deal, yet to be agreed by workers, which means the end of final salary pensions at British Airways. The TGWU...
Fort Worth Teamsters Strike
TEAMSTERS Local Union 767 Members at Allied Waste Services, Fort Worth, Texas have been on strike since December 18th 2006. They have taken action...
Cabinet Office Leads Fight To Smash Royal Mail
FOLLOWING instructions from the government’s Cabinet Office to government departments to put their mail out to tender to get the best cutthroat deal, ...
Brown and Blair – two sides of the same coin
WITH Blair’s political reputation destroyed by the Iraq war, and the massive resistance to his attack on the Welfare State, and with the media...
BROWN’S ‘NEW POLITICS’ – as Blair goes missing
WITH Prime Minister Blair organising his post premiership job, Chancellor Brown stepped forward yesterday to promote the latest New Labour ‘vision’ of a ‘patriotic...
Anger over Saddam’s death silences Blair
AT last President Bush has stammered out a few words about the lynching of President Saddam Hussein, saying that he would have preferred to...
Take action to defeat Labour’s plan to smash the NHS
THE leaking of Department of Health (DoH) documents, including ‘Pay and Workforce Strategy for 2008-11’, reveals the Labour government’s plan to slash NHS...
2007 – The Year For Revolution!
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2007 to the working class and youth of the world,...
Labour Cabinet Minister Fears For Her Seat
THE Labour government’s policy to cut, close, reconfigure, and privatise the NHS has caught up with a number of senior government ministers, including leading...
US Unions Taking Action Over Health, Safety And Retiree Pensions
PROPOSED rules by the Bush regime’s Transportation Security Administration for the US railway system ignore necessary employee training and protections against employer retaliation. The...
Council Unions Want 5% Rise
More than 1.5 million local government workers are to ask for a five per cent pay rise in the new year. Three trade...
Browne echoes Bush on need for bigger army
PRESIDENT Bush, on Wednesday, called for a major expansion of the US army, and yesterday, the British Defence Minister, Browne, slavishly echoed his master’s...
Greek Students March Against Privatisation
TENS of thousands of students have been participating in a series of rallies and demonstrations all last week throughout Greece, protesting against the right-wing...
THE International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) posted a statement on its website following the December...
Blair’s call for an ‘alliance’ to attack Iran
PRIME Minister Tony Blair told businessmen from Britain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Dubai yesterday: ‘We must mobilise our alliance of moderation...
Amnesty Slams Rejection Of de Menezes Challenge
Amnesty International has condemned last Thursday’s High Court ruling to dismiss the legal challenge brought by the family of Jean Charles de Menezes against...
Palestinian government rejects Blair’s plotting
THE leaders of the Palestine National Authority (PNA) government yesterday rejected the interference of British Prime Minister Tony Blair in Palestinian internal affairs. Dr Mousa...
Blair Opposes Right To Strike!
The Blair government has intervened in a European Court of Justice (EJC) test case to insist that the right to strike is not a...
Bring down Blair; bring in a workers’ government
THE crisis of the Blair government has intensified to the point where the government is now more deeply split and divided than ever, while...
‘whipps X Will Not Close!’
OVER 70 hospital staff, patients, supporters and trade unionists held a rally outside the threatened Whipps Cross District General Hospital in Walthamstow, north London...
Law cannot be allowed to get in the way of profiteering
THE Attorney General – the same official who ruled after much equivocation that the war with Iraq was legal – on Thursday told the...
‘OUR MEMBERS ARE STRONG’ – say T&G at Enfied Iceland depot
‘Our members are solid’, Iceland distribution depot, Enfield, TGWU convenor Dave Brace told News Line on the morning picket line yesterday. The strikers are fighting...
Over three hundred angry Camden trade unionists and residents lobbied the Town Hall last Wednesday night over suddenly announced plans to cut services. The Tory-Liberal...
CWU must take action to stop post office closures
2,500 POST OFFICES are to be closed by 2009 and all that the CWU post office workers union is doing about this massacre is...
Bovingdon Battle!
HERTFORDSHIRE fire crews are appalled at the way two community action groups in Bovingdon and Radlett are being treated by local politicians over the...
Police illegally held Fairford demonstrators
Civil rights organisation Liberty welcomed yesterday’s Law Lords ruling in favour of anti-war protesters who police stopped from travelling to a protest at RAF...
Shell bites the dust – forward to the political revolution
THE massive Royal Shell energy giant, which purchased the Sakhalin-2 concession for a song from Boris Yeltsin, was yesterday brought down to earth with...
Hewitt Demands An NHS £250 Million Surplus!
HEALTH Secretary Hewitt, who not so long ago said that there would be no limits to privatisation in the NHS, yesterday revealed that she...
Military disaster stares Bush and Blair in the face in Iraq, where the toppling of the puppet regime in the Green Zone will result...
Strikebreakers Repelled!
Striking drivers and warehouse workers at the Iceland distribution depot in Enfield told of brutal attempts yesterday to break their strike by contractor DHL...
1,000 British-Danish Troops Attack Basra
Five Iraqis were arrested yesterday after a massive pre-dawn assault on the city of Basra by a force of more than 1,000 UK and...
Give Employment Tribunals power to make employers take back sacked...
FOLLOWING an increase in the number of employment tribunals – after an attempt was made two years ago to make it deliberately harder for...
workers and middle class people are on the march throughout Britain to defend the National Health Service. The Blair/Brown government’s ‘reconfiguring’ of over one hundred...