Tag: strike
Brown champions more police powers and public sector pay cuts
CHANCELLOR Gordon Brown told police chiefs yesterday that he will do ‘everything to give you the resources’ and ‘we will not shirk from giving...
Sarkozy flops – gets less votes than Chirac
THE landslide vote for Sarkozy that was to get him off on a flying start as the ‘Saviour of France’ for his war against...
‘LICENCE TO PRINT MONEY’ – £1.8bn for consultants as thousands sacked
The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) this morning accused the government of giving management consultants a licence to print money at the taxpayer’s...
PRESIDENT ABBAS, now ruling by decree is set to establish a national salvation front government, without any Hamas members, and without any reference to...
Call a national postal strike and bring out all the...
ROYAL Mail chairman Allan Leighton reiterated yesterday that the organisation cannot afford to improve its 2.5 per cent pay offer, despite staff voting 77...
GATE GOURMET – 37 claims dismissed
THE Reading Employment Tribunal yesterday reported that as a result of its May 18th hearing it had struck out and dismissed 37 claims for...
Debt crisis threatening students, home-buyers & public services
COMMENTING on a report from the Student Loan Company (SLC) on Monday, National Union of Students (NUS) President Gemma Tumelty said: ‘Fee loans, along...
Nationalise Land Rover and Jaguar to defend wages and jobs
THE Alchemy Partners gang of asset-strippers have got Land Rover and Jaguar in their sights, now that cash-strapped Ford is ready to sell off...
DEFEND LECTURERS JOBS – mass picket of Hackney Community College
students are being invited to join striking workers in a mass picket at Hackney Community College in east London today, to stop 25 lecturers...
Australian Unions Fight For Workers’ Rights
The UNI Communicators Forum, attended by union communicators from across the globe, has received a report on Australia’s unions’ battle for the rights of...
‘WE ARE READY FOR A FIGHT’ – CWU postal worker delegates...
Postal workers at the CWU Conference in Bournemouth said yesterday they are ready for a fight to defend their jobs, wages and the postal...
CWU MEMBERS working in Royal Mail have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action against Royal Mail’s attempts to cut pay, jobs and conditions. The...
Call Strike Action Across Public Sector Against Brown’s Wage Cutting Policy
ON Tuesday the GMB annual conference decided that a sub-inflation cap on pay negotiations is completely unacceptable to GMB public service members. The...
To defend the NHS, bring down the Brown government and bring...
TODAY’S Senior Consultants BMA conference is due to hear a warning from Doctor Jonathan Fielden to Premier-elect Gordon Brown that he...
The TUC and the public sector must support the postal workers’...
WITH the result of the CWU Royal Mail industrial action ballot due on Thursday, the bosses are getting ready for action, while the position...
Royal Mail ‘Scare Tactic’ Condemned
The Communic-ation Workers Union yesterday said its members would not be impressed by remarks from Royal Mail directors that bosses are ready for a...
Sinn Fein Takes Its Seat On Six Counties Policing Board
DAITHI McKay, Martina Anderson and Alex Maskey of Sinn Fein have just taken their seats on the Policing Board of the PSNI, the...
Hamas Rejects Arab Forces In Gaza
The Palestinian government and the Hamas movement have rejected the admittance of any Arab or international military forces to the Gaza Strip, or to...
Repeal all racist immigration laws
SHOCK, HORROR, the BBC has just found out that between 26 and 35 per cent of all of the migrants that are encouraged to...
industrial action is inevitable if the government insists on paying the NHS pay award in stages, UNISON warned yesterday. ‘If there is no change of...
PAY NURSES IN FULL! – demand 186 MPs
Nearly 200 MPs, including former Labour ministers, have joined calls for the government to give nurses this year’s pay award in full, instead of...
Ukraine On The Brink Of Civil War
THE sacking of the Ukrainian prosecutor-general, Svyatoslav Piskun by President Yushchenko has brought the Ukraine to the brink of a civil war...
US Attention Focuses On China
AT THIS moment all eyes are turned to China. The US government, and worried US trade union leaders are currently talking to the Chinese...
Unison Leaders Seek To Gag Conference Over How To ‘Save Our...
THE AGENDA for UNISON’s 14th National Delegate Conference in Brighton from 19-22 June only palely reflects the exploding anger and determination of public sector...
Parkside Tenants Picket The High Court
TENANTS from the Parkside council estate in east London went to the High Court yesterday, demanding the cancellation of the estate’s transfer to a...
Barnsley Nurses Strike!
Forty-five striking Operating Department Practitioners and theatre nurses were joined by other staff at lunchtime yesterday outside Barnsley Hospital. The Barnsley nurses, members of the...
KEEP REMPLOY OPEN! – unions slam charities
Trade unions are furious that six leading charities have backed plans to close dozens of factories which provide jobs for disabled people, on the...
ISRAEL ‘COMMITTING CRIMES AND TERROR’ – against Palestinians in Gaza
Israeli jets fired missiles at a car in Gaza City on Saturday night, killing three people, said the Israeli army. It claimed at least...
MPs on the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts in their report of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) refinancing have called for tougher regulation...
Not Brown But A Workers Government And Socialism
The News Line-All Trades Unions Alliance Conference held in east London on Sunday May 13th unanimously voted to carry into action the following Main...
‘After Blair, Not Brown But A Workers’ Government And Socialism’
TWO HUNDRED trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference in Bethnal Green, east London, last Sunday. Opening the conference, chairman...
BUILD REVOLUTIONARY LEADERSHIP – forward to a workers’ government
TWO HUNDRED trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-All Trades Union Alliance conference in Bethnal Green, east London, yesterday. Moving the main resolution, ‘After...
US Nurses Demand Their Rights
More than 50 nurses from several AFL-CIO unions packed a House of Representatives hearing room on Tuesday to demand their rights be protected. They were...
Now send Brown packing – forward to a workers government!
Blair stood down yesterday, driven out of power by the Iraqi insurgency and the British workers’ determination to defend their welfare state. The disorientated...
Imperialist ‘surge’ in Iraq and Afghanistan = mass slaughter
SIX Iraqi primary schoolchildren have been slaughtered by a US helicopter spraying al-Nedawat village with machine gun fire and hitting a primary school, in...
Reid goes into opposition to a Brown government
IT MUST be a grave crisis indeed when Reid the Home Secretary – who only a week ago was posing as carrying the entire...
LABOUR SAVAGED! – Party pays the price for Blair-Brown policies
LABOUR was savaged by voters in England, Scotland and Wales, in the regional and council elections as the party paid the price for the...
UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...
Trade union bureaucrats put two fingers up to May Day
TRUE to form, the voice of the trade union bureaucracy, the Stalinist Morning Star counted tens of thousands of marchers on the TUC’s May...
Marchers Support Gate Gourmet Workers
UP to 5,000 people marched through central London yesterday on the TUC May Day demonstration. The PCS trade union was on 24-hour strike against mass...
REVOLUTIONARY MAY DAY! – News Line Editorial Board Statement
THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings on this May Day to the insurgent workers of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. The Iraqi insurgency...
Barnsley Nurses To Strike
GMB trade union members at Barnsley Hospital have voted to take strike action in a dispute following the introduction of Agenda for Change. The members...
A billionaires’ paradise – the UK under Blair and Brown
IN the last 12 months the working class and the vast majority of the middle class have desperately struggled under a huge and...
ESOL CLASSES ARE A BASIC RIGHT! – call for mass registration...
TWO thousand people took part in three marches that converged on Hackney Town Hall on Saturday, demanding free English language courses for everyone. The marches...
All Out On May 1!
PRIME Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown have declared war on the public services and their staff, with closures, cuts, redundancies and pay...